Chapter Sixteen

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Carson's POV

We get to the airport 15 minutes before Lizzy can land. I'm bundled up and so is Cory. We look like fat penguins. Mr Drew refused to let us out of the house without us being properly insulated. I was fine with just my hoodie and the long sleeve tee I had on but that wasn't good enough for him.

I now have a jersey and a coat as well as a scarf and gloves. I have on a warm beanie and these thick socks that make me feel like I'm walking on a soft carpet. Cory has on even more clothes than I do. Most of what I have on is mr Drew's. I don't blame him. It's freezing outside. My nose is frozen and numb. If not for the scarf my lips would be too.

"Which gate is she at?" I ask as we head towards the arrival gates.

"8." Mr Drew says as he looks down at his cellphone.

"They have Candy Floss." Cory squeals and runs over to the sweet shop. Mr Drew and I follow after him. Cory picks up a packet of Candy Floss, a bag of sour gummies and a lollipop.

"I'm gonna get these." He says happily

"Okay let me get some stuff for Lizzy as well and then we can go pay." Mr Drew says and Cory nods almost drooling over the sweets in his arms. I walk around the store and look at all the sweets.

"You want anything?" I jump and turn around. Mr Drew is standing behind me with a few things in his hand.

"No I'm good." I smile.

"You sure?" He asks and I nod.

"Carson! Look they have nerd ropes." Cory shouts excitedly as he walks up to me. I love nerds ropes. Cory knows this since I'm always eating them.

"I know how much you like them." He says as he hands them to.

"Thanks Cory but I'm good." I say as I hand it back.

"What why?" He asked confused.

"No reason." I shrug. Mr Drew just takes the ropes from Cory and heads to the till. He must like them too.

"Just these." Mr Drew says as he places all the sweets ,him and Cory have, on the counter.

He pays and the girl at the till packs everything away. Mr Drew thanks her and we exit the shop. Cory immediately opens the candy floss packet and stuffs the pink sugary fluff into his mouth. I cringe and he just smiles at me. I can't deal with that much sugar.

We get to gate number 8 and wait. Mr Drew pulls out a pack of gummy bears as well as the nerds ropes. He hands me the ropes and I take it from him. Thinking he wants me to hold them for him. He opens his gummy bears packet and starts eating them.

Did he forget about the ropes.

"Sir." I tug on his sleeve and he looks at me. I hand him the nerds and he frowns.

"Those are for you." He says and turns away from me. I look down at the sweets in my hands and a blush covers my face.

"Thank you." I say as I tug on Mr Drew's pinky finger. He smiles down at me and squeezes my finger with his.

"Spencer!" The loud voice of my best friend rings through the airport and we all turn our attention to the gates. Lizzy comes running out in her stilettos and a black dress. This girl never wears flats.

She rushes straight into mr Drew arms and he hugs her tightly. He kisses the top of her head as he lets go and she moves on to Cory. They both squeal and hug each other jumping up and down in each others arms. When the let go of each other I barely have time to open my arms before shes in them.

"Oh Carson. I missed you so much." She sighs and I squeeze her.

"I missed you to Lizzy." I say. She pulls back and gives me a big smile before turning to mr Drew and glaring at him. He raises an eyebrow at her as she walks up to him and smacks him in the chest.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Mr Drew grumbles as he rubs his chest.

"I told you not to tell Carson I was coming." She huffs and mr Drew rolls his eyes.

"Well if you didn't purposely piss me off I wouldn't have." He retorts and I shake my head at them.

"I'm so glad your here Lizzy. I've missed you. Now we can catch up face to face." I say trying to distract her since she would drag this out. My little distraction works and we both start chatting and making plans. Mr Drew brings her bag she forgot and Cory walks with us making suggestions on places we can all go.

"Where's the ticket?" Mr Drew asks and Cory excuse himself to go help mr Drew.

"So?" Lizzy asks as soon as Cory leaves and I look at her confused.

"So what?" I question.

"How's it going with my brother and Cory?" She asks.

"It's going well. They're both very happy together an-." I start but she wacks my arm.

"I didn't mean it that way. I mean how's it going with you and them. Have you made any moves yet?" She asks and I my eyes widen and I shake my head.

"Of course not. Why would I do that!" I hiss as we walk further away from Cory and mr Drew.

"Because you're hopelessly in love with them." She says in a duh tone.

"I'm not in love with them. I just like them. A lot." I mumble, but before she can say anything else mr Drew walks up to us.

"Let's get going." He says, we nod and follow behind him. Once we get to the car, out of habit, I head to the drivers side. I'm about to open the door when a hand lands on my shoulder. I turn around and mr Drew smiles at my confused face. He doesn't say anything as he gently guides me to the back door. He opens it and I smile sheepishly when I realise what I did and get in.

Cory smiles at me. That big warm smile that makes my insides melt and I can't help the way my face beams back at him. Lizzy's sitting shotgun since she called it before. I think it was the first time I met her and she said if she's not driving she will be sitting shotgun for all future car rides.

We indulge her since it's not that big of of deal and we don't see her that often because of her job. I seriously couldn't tell you what she does. She's explained it to me about a hundred times but I still don't understand. I even asked mr Drew once and he didn't even know. All we know is that she works in fashion and travels a lot.

The drive to mr Drews place is filled with stories of Lizzy's travels and all the places she's been. I love her story's. The way she tells them makes you feel like you where there with her.

We arrive at mr Drew's place earlier then we though since there was oddly not a lot of traffic.

"Can I take the upstairs guest room?" Lizzy asks.

"No!" Both Cory and mr Drew shout and we both look at them wide eyed. Mr Drew clears his throat quickly and looks at us.

"Sorry but you can't use that room, it's Carson's." He says.

"It's fine. I'll be leaving tonight anyway, she can use the room if she wants to." I shrug and Cory shakes his head.

"No sweets that's your room. No one else is going to sleep there until you move to o-." He cuts himself off and his pale cheeks heat.

"Until I move where?"

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