Chapter Six

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Carson's POV

After I change I head downstairs and straight to the lounge. Cory and mr Drew are seated on the sofa facing the tv and are wrapped up in a blanket, cuddling. I just want to slot myself in between the two of them and let them hold me. I shake my head quickly, trying to get rid of those silly thoughts.

As I approach the sofa I see that the tv is on pause and a movie is ready to watch. There's pizza boxes on the coffee table and three plates as well as three cans of coke. I walk around the sofa and sit down next to Cory.

"Great you're here." Cory says excitedly, before he throws a blanket at me. I catch it before it can hit me in the face and cover myself with it. Cory grabs a pizza box of the table as well as the plates and hands one to me and one to mr Drew. We all take a few slices of pizza before Cory returns the box to the coffee table.

"So, what are we watching?" I ask , while looking at the tv screen.

"The ring." Cory squeals and I gulp. I hate scary movies. I've despised them since I was little and Jesse would force me to watch them with her. I would have nightmares for days. Cory looks so excited and mr Drew has his normal calm expression as he bites into a slice of pizza. So, I hide my distress and just hum while taking a bite of pizza as Cory presses play and the movie starts.

We're an hour into the movie and I'm on the brink of just screaming and running away. The first few minutes of the movie were fine but now, I'm so scared, I'm literally hiding under my blanket so I won't see the tv.

"Carson are you okay?" I hear mr Drew ask and I peak out from under the blanket to look at him. My face must have a horrifying expression because mr Drew's faces drops into a look of worry. He pauses the movie and Cory shouts in anger.

"I was watching that!"

"Carson are you okay?" Mr Drew asks once again, ignoring Cory. Cory looks at me and his expression turns to one of worry.

"Oh sweets are you scared? Why didn't you say so , I would have picked something else to watch." Cory say's guilty and I shake my head.

"No it's fine. I'm fine, don't worry." I say, barely convincing myself that I'm okay.

"Carson you're not okay. You look terrified." Mr Drew says and I sigh.

"I'm sorry , I just don't like scary movies." I frown and look down.

"I'm sorry." Cory shouts before he flings himself at me and wraps his tiny, warm body around mine. We fall back onto the sofa and I quickly wrap my arms around Cory's waist so he won't fall onto the floor. He tucks his head into the crook of my neck and mumbles an apology again.

"It's okay Cory. You didn't know." I tell him and rub his back soothingly. It feels so nice to hold him. To have him pressed up against me , clinging to me. It just feels good to have him in my arms. I smile as I hug him a little tighter , getting slightly carried away and not realising that mr Drew is sitting right next to us watching me hug his boyfriend in a very intimate way.

I quickly sit up when I feel the blanket being tugged slightly from under me. Cory still doesn't let go of me so I end up with him sitting in my lap. I quickly look at mr Drew getting ready to apologise but when I look at him he's smiling all dopey at us. My cheeks heat up and I try to pry Cory off me but he holds on tighter.

"Cory. You can let go now. I'm okay." I say, trying to convince the small man, in my arms, to let go.

"But you're so comfy, I don't wanna let go." He grumbles and I sigh and lean back. I can't tell him to let go now. He looks so adorable with his head on my shoulder and his eyes closed.

I look at mr Drew and he looks like he wants to laugh. He chuckles and shakes his head.

All of a sudden a bright light flashes outside before we hear thunder. Cory jumps and clings tighter onto me and mr Drew looks at him worriedly. I look at the clock above the tv and see it's already 9pm. Shoot! I should leave now. Mum must be worried.

"I should probably leave, it's getting late and I should go before the weather gets worse." I say and mr Drew nods just as another bang of thunder is heard and Cory shakes his head.

"No." He whispers as he clings to me. Mr Drew looks really worried and starts rubbing Cory's back gently.

"Love , Carson has to leave, okay. You need to let go. He's going to be fine." Mr Drew tries to coax's Cory off of me but he won't let go and continues to whisper 'no' while clinging to me and squeezing me.

"No, no, no..." He starts mumbling over and over again. Mr Drew continues to rubs his back soothingly and I wrap my arms around Cory again, holding him tight.

"It's okay, Cory, I'm not leaving. I'm right here." I whisper out and Cory seems to calm down. I look up at mr Drew and he gives me a thankful smile and I just nod.

It takes quite a while but we finally manage to get Cory to calm down and he falls asleep despite the thunder. The poor thing was terrified of it.

"I'll take him up to my room." Mr Drew says and I nod as he stands up. I let go of Cory and mr Drew manages to pick him up off me. He carries Cory bridal style and thankfully Cory doesn't wake up.

"Can you switch the tv off please?" Mr Drew asks and I nod and quickly grab the remote before switching the tv off.

"Thanks." Mr Drew says as he starts walking towards the stairs. I pick up the blanket from the floor and start to fold it but mr Drew stops me.

"Don't worry about that Carson. I'll sort it out tomorrow. It's late, let me show you to one of the guest rooms." He says and so, I nod and place the blanket down on the sofa and follow him upstairs. He first heads to his room and I wait outside as he tucks Cory in. While I wait I quickly send a text to my mum letting her know I won't be home tonight and that I'm staying at a friends. When mr Drew is done he comes out and leads me down the hallway to one of the guest bedrooms.

"You can sleep here." He says as he opens the door and leads me in. I'm too tired to look around and just follow him to the cupboard. He opens it and pulls out an extra duvet.

"Here use this. It gets very cold during the night so you'll need this. If you want another one, I'll just leave it here at the foot of the bed." He says as he places a second blanket down on the bed.

"Thank you sir." I say as I pull back the covers and a yawn escapes me.

"It's no problem Carson. If you need anything else you can come get me. I'll be in the same room I left Cory in." He says and I nod.

"Okay then good night." He says as he walks to the door and I get further under the covers.

"Good night, sir."

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