Chapter Forty-Five

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Carson's POV

It's been three weeks since Daniel had fallen ill and now he's fully recovered. We have visited him every weekend since then because Cory is still very worried. I would be too after seeing the state Daniel was in when we first saw him.

Cory told us that Daniel knows about our relationship and I'm glad. Daniel is so sweet and the total opposite of his brother. Daniel's soft spoken where as Cory is loud. Although, I do adore my sweet Cory's boisterousness. Daniel's also very shy and reserved but once you get to him and he comes out of his shell, he's very talkative.

Daniel and I get along really well. I've found a new friend in him. We even talk on the phone sometimes. Which Cory is so excited about.

Cory is completely moved in with Spencer now and it's great. Moving day was not great though. There were so many boxes and it was freezing outside. For a just one person, Cory has a lot of stuff. Half of it had to be sold or put into storage. There where also a few mishaps and small injuries that occurred.

"You're so warm." Spencer mumbles into my shoulder and I snort out a laugh as I run my finger through his hair. We're currently laying on the sofa in the lounge of Spencer and Cory's place. Spencer is laying on top of me, with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and his head tucked into my neck.

Cory's in the kitchen making hot chocolate. I offered to help, knowing Cory's abilities in the kitchen aren't perfect but he said no and that he has been practicing making the perfect cup of hot chocolate so we left him to it.

"Okay, get ready for the best cup of hot chocolate you've ever had!" Cory says giddily as he brings out a tray with three mugs. He places it down on the coffee table and we both sit up.

Cory hands us each a mug and patiently waits for us to taste it. Spencer looks at Cory amused and blows on his hot chocolate before taking a cautious sip. I wait for Spencer's reaction before I take a sip.

"It's good." Spencer says and I smile and take a sip. It really is good. Delicious actually.

"It's amazing sweetheart." I say and Cory beams.

"Really?" He's asks nervously with subtle hope and we both nod.

"It's delicious, love." Spencer says enthusiastically and Cory sighs with relief before he picks up the third cup from the tray.

"You're now our resident hot chocolate maker." I tease as he sits down in between Spencer and I. I wrap my free arm around him, pulling him into a side hug before I kiss his temple. He giggles and sips his hot chocolate.

"When's Lizzy coming back?" Cory asks after we're all done with our hot chocolate.

"I think tomorrow?" Spencer shrugs.

"She's bringing my Aunt Meira." He groans as he throws his head back.

"Who's that?" I ask, I've never heard of her.

"She's my mums older sister. She's awful. We only tolerate her because of my mother. She comes down every once in a while. The last time I saw her was before I even started my business." Spencer explains to us.

"Well she's family, and we all have family we don't like but put up with." Cory's says and Spencer huffs.

"Yeah well I'm only putting up with her for one day. That's mums birthday on Thursday." Spencer scowls.

"Oh no!" Cory shout and we both look at him.

"What!? What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"We haven't gotten your mum anything for her birthday. I completely forgot." Cory stresses.

"We can go now, if you want?" I suggest and Cory immediately agrees.

"Yes, let's go." He stands up tugging me and Spencer follows behind us, amused.

"You know you don't have to get mum anything. She always cries when we get her gifts." Spencer says as he grabs his wallet and take the keys from my hand dropping it in the key bowl and then picks up his own.

"I'll drive." He says.

"That doesn't matter everyone should get a gift on their birthday." I say and Spencer chuckles.

"You're coming with us on Thursday." Spencer states more than asks.

"I can't do that. You're parents don't know we're dating yet. It would be weird." I say as we head to the elevator.

"I was thinking... maybe we could tell them. Mum and dad wouldn't care. I know they won't. I want them to know about us. I don't like hiding you Carson. It's unfair to you and to us." Spencer says and I bite my lip. His right. It's just I'm scared. What if they think I'm weird and not good enough for their son. What if they think I'm after Spencer's money or that I'm trying to ruin Cory and Spencer's relationship. But as I stare at Cory and Spencer's hopeful faces that doubt settles slightly and I make my mind up.

"Okay." I agree and Cory squeals and jumps on me and I have to catch him quickly so that he doesn't fall.

"Does this mean we can go public with our relationship? Like with everyone?" Cory asks me excitedly. Even though I'm scared as hell about telling people about us I know it's the right thing to do. I care so much about them and hiding our relationship isn't fair to them. Their not something I should hide. Their the people I care immensely about and I want everyone to know that. So I nod in answer to Cory's question and he squeals again hugging me tighter, if possible.

"Thank you baby." Spencer says as he pulls us into a hug. Cory's still attached to me like a baby monkey and I just smile and snuggle into them.

"Yay. Okay. Now let's go get Spencer's mum a gift." Cory says seriously and we both smile at him as we step into the elevator.

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