Chapter Eleven

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Carson's POV

As we walk into the penthouse I yawn and mr Drew smiles down at me.

"Why don't you go wash up and get ready for bed. Cory will give you clothes to wear. You can use the same room as last time." Mr Drew says and I nod.

"Let's go sweets, I'll give you a towel and some of Spencer's warm clothes ." Cory says tiredly and I stop walking.

"What's wrong?" Cory asks when he notices I'm not walking beside him.

"Can I borrow your clothes?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"Very funny sweets. I don't think you'd fit into any of my clothes." He laughs and I bit my lip.

"That's fine. I don't mind if it's small." I say as we continue to walk upstairs.

"Carson why don't you want to wear Spencer's clothes? They would be so much more comfortable for you to wear." He asks as we stop outside mr Drew's bedroom.

"It's just.." I trail of nervously.

"Never mind." I shake my head as he opens the bedroom door and walks in. I wait outside the room nervously.

"Here." Cory says as he hands me a pair of pyjama pants, a long sleeved t-shirt, and a towel. I thank him before heading to the guest room. I place everything , but the towel, on the bed and walk to the connecting bathroom. I stop before I can get to the bathroom so that I can place my cellphone on the small side table and then head into the bathroom. I place the towel on the rack and then turn on the shower. I take off my clothes while I wait for the water to heat up. I step into the shower and sigh as the hot water hits my back.

After my shower I change and leave my towel to dry in the bathroom. As I step out of the bathroom there's a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I call and the door opens slowly. Mr Drew stands in the door way with only a pair of sweat pants on. Does this man not feel cold?

"I just came to see if you needed anything before I went to bed. Cory's passed out so, I came to check." Mr Drew smiles as he leans against the door frame.

"I'm good but thank you." I smile back and he nods.

"I'll see you in the morning then. Good night Carson."

"Good night." I whisper as he closes the bedroom door. I climb into bed and make myself comfortable. Once I'm comfortable, I pick up my phone from the side table where I left it and I send mum a message telling her I won't be home tonight and then place my phone back down on the table.


The next morning I'm up before my alarm. Surprisingly. After brushing my teeth I head down to the kitchen.

"Morning sweets." Cory greets sleepily and I smile at him. He walks up to me and gives me a hug. It shocks me at first but I hug him back and smile happily as a warm feeling blossoms in my chest.

"He's very affectionate when he wakes up." I hear mr Drew say and my head shoots up. Mr Drew is leaning against the kitchen island, smiling that dopey smile, as he looks at Cory hugging me. He must really love Cory. I smile sadly when I realise that they could never love me like that and suddenly Cory's hug feels suffocating. I pull back from Cory who pouts but walks over to mr Drew and hugs him. That's how it should be. Them, together. I have no place here.

"I should get going." I say and start walking back towards the stairs.

"Why? It's still early." Mr Drew asks, confused.

" I need to head home and change and then head over to Jesse's place. I don't want to be late." I say and mr Drew nods.

"Okay." He says and I quickly head upstairs. Once I enter the guest room I grab my phone and my clothes then quickly head downstairs. I grab the car keys on my way towards the elevator.

As I pass the kitchen I stop to say goodbye. I don't want to be rude.

"I'm leaving now. Thank you for lending me your clothes I'll wash them and give them to you tomorrow." I say and mr Drew smiles and nods.

"No problem Carson."

"Where's Cory? I want to say goodbye before I leave." I ask.

"He's in the shower. I'll let him know you said goodbye."

"Okay. Thank you." I say and with a small parting wave I leave. I head down to the undercover parking and get into the car. I head straight home and rush and get ready. Jesse calls while I'm getting ready so I rush out of the house completely forgetting my jacket.

It's not until I'm parked outside Jesse's apartment building that I realise how cold it is. I just groan and get out of the car and head to the boot so I can take out the stuff mum sent for Jesse. I open the boot and grab the two bags and shiver as the wind hits my back. As I'm about to close the boot I see mr Drew's sweater.

I look at it, debating whether or not to use it but the second gust of wind that hits me makes that decision for me. I grab the sweater and close the boot before locking the car and running into the building. I walk straight to the elevator and press the 4th floor button. As the elevator doors close I place the two bags down and pull on mr Drew's sweater.

It's so soft and snuggly and even though I washed it, it still faintly smells like him. I blush slightly as I lift it up by the collar to smell it but quickly stop when I realise how weird that is. The elevator dings open and I pick up the bags and head down the hall to Jesse's door. I knock on the door and a few seconds later a smiley Jesse opens the door.

"Sonny!" She greets happily as she hugs me. I smile as she pulls away and grabs one of the bags out of my hand as we head into her apartment. I close the door behind me as Jesse walks straight into the kitchen.

"Did mum send the extra dishing spoons?" She asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. She packed the bags. Check this one." I say as I hand her the second bag. She opens it quickly and digs through it.

"Oh thank god." She sighs in relief as she pulls out four wooden spoons.

"So, what do you need my help with?" I ask as I flop down onto her sofa.

"Oh well, I bought a whole lot of streamers but I forgot them at the office." She says.

"So I need to go get them?" I ask and she smiles sheepishly and nods.


"Fine." I sigh as I stand up and she beams at me.

"Thank you sonny! You're the best brother ever." She says as she gives me a quick hug.

"Yeah, yeah." I say as I pick up the car keys and head out.

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