Chapter Seventy

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Carson's POV

Being half naked in your boyfriend's bathroom with your pants hanging open with them both grinding against you is a lovely place to be.

"Let's get rid of these." Spencer says as he pushes my pants down. I whimper as he brushes against my dick.

"Spencer?" Knocking on the bedroom door stops us all and Spencer growls as he pulls away.

"S-Spencer?" Lizzy's shaky voice pulls us all out of our haze. Spencer rushes out of the bathroom, being the only one of us still fully dressed. I pull up my pants, zipping it as I rush behind him. Cory is buttoning his pants as we enter the bedroom.

When we finally get to the door, Lizzy is in Spencer's arms, crying her eyes out.

"What happened?" I ask, panicked.

"He c-called." Lizzy sobs out. I don't have to ask who by her reaction.

"Jackson's coming over now. I don't care what you want Lizzy. Charlie's not getting any where near you." Spencer growls. He passes Lizzy to me and I hug her shaking body as Spencer grabs his phone to call Jackson.

"Let's sit down." Cory says softly as he leads us over to the bed. He sits down next to her, rubbing her back, while I'm still holding her in my arms.

"Jackson's on his way." Spencer says as he walks back into the room.

"Can mum and dad come over? Please." Lizzy asks, hiccuping. Spencer immediately nods and opens his phone, calling his parents.

"Did you want to go to the lounge and wait for your mum and dad?" I ask her and she nods against my shoulder. We stand up and head downstairs to the lounge. I wrap my arm around her waist as we head to the lounge.

When we enter the lounge I sit Lizzy down just as Cory comes down the stairs

"Here, thought you might need this." He says handing me a t-shirt. It's then that I realise, I have no shirt on. I blush as I take the t-shirt from him. Cory's changed into a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt.

"Thanks." I say and he smiles at me, pecking my lips, before heading to the sofa and sitting next to Lizzy.

"You want a cup of tea or anything?" I ask her, after putting my t-shirt on and she shakes her head no.

"Mum and dad are on their way over and Jackson is heading up." Spencer says as he walks into the lounge.

Just as Spencer sits down next to me the elevator doors open and in walks Jackson.

"Lizzy?" He calls when he sees the trembling girl in Cory's arms.

Lizzy's eyes fill with tears at the sight of the man before she's running up to him. He catches her as she throws herself into his arms. She cries and he picks her up. He carries her into the lounge and sits down, with Lizzy in his lap.

My eyes widen at the action but I don't say anything. Spencer seems totally unfazed by the action and pulls me closer to his side as Cory leans further against me. I wrap my arm around Cory and pull him into my lap. He squeaks but makes himself comfortable.

"I'll be staying here from now on. Well until this is taken care off." Jackson says and Spencer nods in agreement.

"Of course."

"Y-You don't h-have too. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Lizzy sniffs as she pulls her head away from Jackson's shoulder.

"I'm perfectly comfortable here. Where I can protect you." He says and Lizzy nods, laying her head against his chest again.

"Lizzy!?" Spencer's mother's voice sounds as she and her husband rush in.

Lizzy looks up but doesn't make a move to get up off Jackson's lap. Both her parents rush to where she is, hugging her.

"Oh honey." Her mum cries, kissing Lizzy's forehead.

"Hey Jackson, thank you for being here." She say hugging said man.


"Morris." They greet each other.

"You guys will stay tonight right?" Lizzy asks and her parents immediately agree.

"Of course honey."

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