Chapter Thirty-Six

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Carson's POV

I decide to step outside into the garden and go for a little walk. As I walk out into the dimly lit garden a gust of cool wind hits me. I shiver slightly as I continue walking further into the garden.

There's a bench and small pond in the middle of the garden. I head towards it and stand behind the bench.

"Hey." I jump as someone whispers against my ear. I look up and sigh in relief when I see Spencer. I smile as he rounds the bench and stands in front of me. I admire him in his all black suit. His black hair is slicked back and wavy. His gorgeous green eyes sparkle in the moonlight.

"Not having a good time?" He asks as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to his body.

"No it's not that. Just needed to get the blood flowing in my legs again." I explain and he hums.

"Thank you." He hums as he kisses my head.

"For?" I ask as I look up at him.

"For everything. For helping with this event and taking care of Cory and I. We really appreciate it." He says and heat floods my cheeks.

"It's my job." I shrug and look down.

Before Spencer can say anything I hear noise come from behind us. I pull away from Spencer as a group of people enter the garden.

"We should head inside." I say as I begin walking back to the hall. Spencer follows behind me. As we pass the group of people they stop Spencer and start talking him. I leave him be and head inside. Dinner has been served and everyone is eating or mingling. Jesse waves me over to our table, where she and Cory are seated.

"Hey sweets." Cory greets as I sit down. I smile at him as Jesse slides a plate over to me.

"Thanks." I say to her as I start to eat. I moan as the pasta enters my mouth.

"This is so goood." I start shovelling more of the pasta into my mouth. I didn't know I was this hungry until I started eating.

"Hey." I look up, my mouth still full, and see Spencer. He walks over and sits down next to Cory.

"When can I leave?" Spencer pouts as he lays his head on Cory's shoulder.

"You just have to stay an hour longer and then we can leave." Cory says as he smiles down at Spencer. I smile warmly at them.

"Ouch!" I hiss when I feel a kick to my shin. I glare at my sister as I rub my sore leg.

"What was that for?" I tsk as she shakes her head at me. Spencer and Cory look between us, amused.

"Sorry my heel slipped." She lies as she looks down at her plate.

"Do you want to come over tonight Carson?" Cory asks me as both he and Spencer stand up. I'm about to agree when another kick hits my shin.

"Jesse what the hell?!" I shout as I move my seat further away from her. I rub my leg as I pull up my pants legs to look at my sore shin. It's an ugly red colour since Jesse's heels as so freaking solid.

"Sorry, the non slip on this shoe is not as good as it used to be." She lies, again. I look at her confused and she nods in Cory and Spencer's direction.

"Let's us know if you're going to come over later, Spencer needs to go mingle." Cory says as he drags Spencer away from our table. Spencer grumbles as he reluctantly lets Cory pull him away to socialise.

"Okay what's with all the kicking?" I asks Jesse as soon as Spencer and Cory are out of hearing reach.

"I'm trying to help you." She says in a duh tone.

"Help me? Help me with what?" I ask.

"Helping you not get sucked into the black hole that is your crush on Cory." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Jesse really?" I sigh as she moves her chair closer to me.

"I want you happy Carson and you pinning after a taken man isn't going to make you happy. As your sister it's my duty to make sure you're happy." She says, seriously, and I smile at her.

"Thank you Jesse but I'm fine. I promise." I try to reassure her.

"I'm still gonna help you get over this crush no matter how small." She says, determined. I sigh but let her continue. She'll eventually get tired so I'd rather let her try now and get it out of her system.

"I'm going to the toilet, I'll be back." I tell and she nods as she takes out her phone with a determined look.

I walk away from the table and towards Cory and Spencer, making sure Jesse doesn't see me. When they see me they smile.

"Hey." I greet. 

"Hey sweets. So, you coming over tonight?" He asks impatiently and I chuckle and nod.

"Yes Cory, I'm coming over tonight." I reply as I gently bump his shoulder with mine.

"But I'll have to wait till Jesse leaves, I want to make sure she gets home safe." I says and they both nod.

"Of course b-Carson. We'll wait." Spencer says.

"I'm sorry." I apologise to him and he scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.

"What? Why?" He asks.

"You can't call me baby or act like we're together in public." I say and he gives me a gentle smile.

"Hey, it's okay. We all agreed that our relationship is to new to have everyone up in our business. We should be able to go out and be together without other's opinions." Spencer reassures me and I nod.


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