Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Carson's POV

Spencer, Cory and I head out as soon as we're done with breakfast. Spencer doesn't tell us where we're going. Just that we had to dress comfy. Cory has no clue either and so we both just changed while Spencer packed a few things.

"Can you pleaseeees tell us where you're taking us!" Cory pleads and Spencer chuckles.

"Nope." He says, popping the p.

Cory groans and huffs as he flops back against his seat. It's about an hour later that we stop outside a beautiful farm house. There's miles and miles of open land, with beautiful trees.

"Where are we?" Cory asks as we all step out of the car.

"Its my family's farmhouse, I thought that maybe we could go horse back riding and then have a little Bon fire in the afternoon. Just spend a relaxing day together, the three of us. Away from everything and everyone." Spencer says and I smile at him.

"That sounds really wonderful Spencer." I say as I walk up to him. I hug him and he freezes. He doesn't hug me back so I start pulling away. As my arms begin to drop he pulls me closer.

"Sorry. It's just you hardly ever initiate any physical contact with me that you kind of shocked me." He whispers as he lays his head on top of me.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"Awww." Cory squeals as he throws himself into our hug. I smile as we make space for him in our arms.

"Todays going to be awesome." Cory wiggles in excitement as we walk towards the farmhouse. Spencer unlocks the front door and leads us in.

The inside of the house is beautiful and cozy. It's warm tones and comfy looking furniture. The lounge is a nice size with a nice size tv.

"This place is beautiful." I say as we wonder further in.

"How come I never knew about this place?" Cory asks as he walks into the dining room.

"To be honest I actually forgot about this place. I only remembered it because Lizzy mentioned it me last week. She said she wanted to visit this place while she was still here." Spencer explains.

"Well it's lovely. Thank you for being us." Cory says and I agree.

"You're welcome." Spencer says as he pulls us both into him.

"You want to go out and see the horses?" Spencer asks and I nod immediately.

"Yes please!" I squeak and my cheeks heat up instantly.

"Sorry." I apologise for my overexcitement.

"Nothing to be sorry about baby. I'm glad you're excited. Todays about us having fun together." I smile and Spencer kisses my forehead as we head to the back door.

"There should be spare boots on the rack that you can use." Spencer says as he points to the shoe rack at the end.

I find a pair that fits and I slip them on. I make sure they're secure and lace them up. Spencer checks both mine and Cory's shoes, to make sure they're secure before leading us out back.

"Who takes care of the horses?" I ask as we walk across the back yard towards the stables.

"We have grounds keepers who stay here. They take care of the place while we're gone. You'll meet one of them just now. I messaged them this morning to make sure everything was ready for us when we arrived." Spencer tells us as the stables come into view. There's a man standing at the entrance, he smiles when he sees us.

"Mr Drew, how are you?" The man asks as he and Spencer shake hands.

"I'm good Manny and yourself?"  Spencer asks and they both chat a little while before turning to me and Cory.

"Manny this is my boyfriend, Cory." Spencer introduces. Cory and Manny shake hands and exchange pleasantries.

"And this is my friend Carson." He introduces. My stomach tightens at the word friend and I force a smile on to my face as Manny reaches his hand out to me. I shake it and nod politely.

I know we agreed to not disclose our relationship to people, and I know that it was my idea not to tell anyone at all. But it still hurts that  I was introduced as a friend instead of his boyfriend.

Manny leads us towards where his already taken out three pretty horses.

"This is London, she's miss Elizabeth's horse. She's a calm beauty. Great for beginners." Manny explains as he pets the white horse with black spots.

"Carson ba-, Carson you want to take her?" Spencer clears his throat after the small slip up and I nod. I walk up to London who looks at me. I gently raise my hand and pet the side of her neck. She huffs and nuzzles into my hand. I smile as I continue petting her.

"Can I ride the brown one?" Cory asks as he bounces over to a shiny brown horse.

"Ahh that's sloth. Mr Drew seniors horse. He's a lazy one. Doesn't like running. Slow and steady is his MO." Manny explains as Cory hugs the huge horse, who lets out a yawn.

"And I brought Paisley out for you sir. You loved ridding her when you were little." Manny says as he smile fondly at the golden white horse.

All three horses are already saddled up so, Manny just helps Cory and I onto the horses. London takes a step back once I'm seated and I grip her reigns tightly.

"Which trail are you taking sir?" Manny asks once we're all secure a top the horses.

"The North Star." Spencer say and Manny smiles.

"Good choice sir, it's got quiet the view up there." Manny says as he pats London's side.

"You guys ready?" Spencer asks and we nod.

"Just follow me the horses know the trails very well." He explains as he clicks his tongue and all three horses start moving.

The horses trot slowly and I can't believe how beautiful it is here.

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