Chapter Fifty-Three

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Spencer's POV

It's been a full week since the accident, Cory is now fully awake and recovering. I told him about Carson and he cried his heart out. But we've been visiting Carson everyday. We're still not allowed into his room but we get to see him through the glass. He hasn't woken yet. The doctor says he's doing very well and that he's completely out of the woods so, now we're just waiting for him to wake up.

They did a few scans to see if there's anything that could be stopping him from waking up but the most concerning thing they found is that he has slight swelling in his brain but the doctor said that shouldn't effect his ability to wake up but they will monitor it.

They're moving him from where is now to the CU so we will be able to visit him in his room instead of from behind a glass screen.

"Hi, mr Drew." I look up when Mandy, one of Carson's nurses calls me.

"Carson's moved into his new room. You can visit him later, around 8:30pm during the units visiting hours." She informs me. I thank her and she leaves. I've been at the hospital as much as I can. I've been working as well but I can't really get things done. So I've been working from home or the hospital, which is where I am most of the time.

I head to Cory's room, he should be back from his daily walk.

As I enter the room I see Daniel, Jade and surprisingly Daniel's boss, Vikram.

"Hi." I greet as I walk in. They all look at me and offer greetings in return. I walk up to Cory and kiss his forehead and he smiles up at me.

"They moved Carson to his new room so we'll be able to visit him tonight." I let them know and Cory beams up at me.

"Oh thank god. It's awful not being able to hold his hand and comfort him." He pouts and I smile down at him and hold one of his hands.

"That's great news." Daniel says and I nod.

"It's nice to see you again Vikram." I say and the man gives me an awkward smile.

"You too." He says. No one questions why he's here we just continue talking. A nurse comes in halfway through our visit, huffing, as she look at us.

"Sorry to disturb you sir, but I thought you'd like to know that Carson's awake." She says and I freeze. He's awake. He's awake!

"Help me!" Cory shouts as he tries to get out of bed. Daniel quickly helps him into the wheelchair next to his bed and we rush out of the room. We have to use the elevator since Cory can't use the stairs.

"Love, it's not going to move faster if you keep pushing the button." I say as the elevator continues to move up. He just pouts and presses the button once more. I huff out a laugh as the doors open. I push Cory's wheelchair as we head to Carson's room.

The doctor is already there talking to him and Jess. She's holding his hand and crying but with a big smile on her face so I know it's good news.

"Oh mr Drew, mr Daily. We were waiting on you." The doctor says with a small smile. Carson turns towards us and looks slightly confused.

"Mr Drew ,Cory?" He asks and my heart stops. He called me mr Drew. Is he just pretending because Jesse is here?

"Baby, Jesse knows about us." I say as we slowly enter the room.

"Knows what?" He asks totally confused. The doctor looks at him and then at us.

"Carson, do you know who these people are?" He asks , pointing at me, Cory and Jesse. Carson nods.

"Jess, my sister. Mr Drew, my boss and Cory my friend." He says sure of himself and I want to cry.

"Please tell me you're joking?" Cory cries and I rub his back.

"I'm sorry I don't know what's going on." Carson's says and the doctor sighs.

"It's okay Carson, don't stress yourself out. Why don't you talk to Jesse while I talk to mr Drew and mr daily." The doctor says and Carson nods.

"What's wrong?! Why can't he remember our relationship?" Cory asks through his sobs and I rub his back trying hard not to fall apart as well.

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