Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Cory's POV

Two weeks later and I'm finally discharged. I can now walk with the help of crutches but I'm still going to physical therapy and my leg is still in a cast. My arm is now in a soft cast and I can have it move freely most of the time but when it starts to hurt back in the sling it goes.

"Love, are you sure you'll be okay? I can stay home another few days, it's no trouble." Spencer says as he nervously buttons his suit coat and I smile up at him.

"I'll be perfectly fine. Daniel and Jade are  coming over for lunch and they'll stay till you get back." I reassure him and he lets out a shaky breath but nods.

"Are you guys going to visit Carson today?" He asks and I nod, happily.

"Yeah. After lunch, we'll head to the hospital. I'm just so glad his memory is almost completely back. We didn't have to wait months on end like we thought. Barely two weeks and he remembers us, I'm just so happy." Last week while we were talking Carson remembered our first date. He got all blushy as he told us he remembered our first kiss. The immense joy that I felt at that is unexplainable. His memory hit him out of nowhere and now he remembers almost everything. The only thing he can't really remember is the day of the accident. That entire day is lost.

He remembered so much so quickly, that the doctor was actually shocked. The swelling in his brain is going down faster than expected and Carson should be out the hospital by the end of next week if he continues to progress so well.

"I know. I'm fucking ecstatic. He's getting better and he remembers, things are finally looking up." He smiles down and me and u beam right back.

"I have to go but I really don't want to. Call me when you to the hospital and when you leave the hospital and then when you get back home." He tells me and I nod just to appease him.

"I will, I promise. Now go, you're going to be late for work." I shoo him away and he gives me a quick kiss before he leaves.

I sigh out a breath of relief as the elevator doors close. I love Spencer and I know he's worried but it's to much. I need a little break from him. Even if it's a few hours.

My phone pings and I smile when I see a message from Carson. We've been texting since I've been discharged.

Sweets💕: Are you visiting during the day, today?

Me: Yes, Daniel, Jade and I will be keeping you company today.

Sweets💕: Thanks, it's really lonely here and also very boring. They only let me go on one walk outside otherwise I'm confined to this room and there's only so much tv a person can watch 😣.

Me: Hang in there Sweets, just a few more days, hopefully by the end of the week you'll be free to come home.

Sweets💕: Hopefully. I've played so much Candy crush I'm dreaming of giant sweets chasing me in candy land 😖.

Me: 😂, oh sweets, I miss you 🥰.

Sweets💕: I miss you guys too. I wish I was home already. I don't like hospitals and I miss sleeping next you and Spencer 😢.

Me: You have no idea how much I want to hold you and fall asleep. 😭

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