Chapter Fifteen

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Carson's POV

Mr Drew holds us close as we walk up the stairs. It doesn't take long before we're standing outside mr Drew's bedroom. Mr Drew opens his mouth but before he can speak the shrill sound of the intercom rings.

"I'll go see who it is, you two go to bed." Mr Drew says as he hands me a bag ,I didn't notice he had, and then heads downstairs.

"Goodnight Cory." I say sleepily as I head towards the guest room at the end of the passage way. Cory mumbles a good night as I walk away. Once I'm in the guest bedroom, I kick of my shoes and pull of my hoodie. I walk towards the bed and place the bag down on top of it. I unzip the bag and see my clothes neatly folded inside. I don't remember doing this.

I just shrug and pull out the first pair of pajama pants I see. I take off my jeans and slip into my pj pants. I don't bother changing my t- shirt and just drop the bag at the foot of the bed. I get into bed and I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow.


The next morning I wake up to Cory jumping up and down on my bed. I look up at his bubbly self and smile.

"Good morning." I greet and Cory falls onto the bed and lays beside me.

"Morning sweets." He turns onto his side and smiles at me.

"What time is it?" I ask when I see the bright sunlight peeking through the closed curtains.

"Around 8am." Cory answers and I groan.

"Why'd you wake me up so early?" I pout and he smiles sheepishly at me.

"Sorry I just wanted to see if you would help me make breakfast for Spencer." He whispers.

"Sure. Let me wash up and I will meet you in the kitchen. What were you planning on making?" I ask and Cory beams as he sits up.

"I was thinking we could make bacon, eggs, toast and you can make those fancy potato pancakes, Spencer really loves those and no matter what we try we can't make it the way you do." He huffs and I chuckle.

"Okay I'll make potato pancakes." Cory jumps out of bed and pulls me out with him.

"Right, you wash up I'm going to start on breakfast." With that Cory leaves the room. I brush my teeth and wash my face before I head to the kitchen. When I get to the kitchen its an absolute mess.

"Cory?" I call and he turns around and bites his lip as he looks around the kitchen at the mess he made.

"I know. It's a disaster." He groans and I bite back my laugh.

"It's only been 6 minutes, how'd you manage to do this?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"I don't know." He cries out and I laugh.

"Carson don't laugh. Spencer's gonna be up soon and I don't know how to fix this." He says as he points to everything.

"You amaze me." I chuckle.

"Carson help!" He whines and I nod, still laughing.

I start cleaning up the broken egg shells and egg residue from the counter top. I mange to wipe down the spilt liquids on the counter and throw away all the unusable food.

"Hmm do these look done?" Cory asks from behind me. I turn around and my eyes widen when I see the burnt eggs in the pan.

"Okay, why don't I cook and you can clean." I suggest while taking the pan out of his hand and he nods.

"Clean, yeah I can do that."  He starts washing all the dishes in the sink. I head to the stove and turn the heat down. I throw away the burnt eggs and place the pan back onto the stove. I add a little bit of oil to the pan and then head to the fridge. I grab a few eggs and milk.

"I'm going to take the bin out." Cory says and I nod as he leaves.

I prepare scrambled eggs, bacon, pork sausages, mushrooms and the potato pancakes Cory woke me up for. I'm placing bread in the toaster when I hear footsteps. I turn around and mr Drew stands there.

"Morning." I greet and mr Drew smiles.

"Morning Carson. It smells wonderful in here." He hums as he walks into the kitchen and towards the coffee maker.

"You made potato pancakes!" He shouts excitedly and I laugh.

"Yeah, Cory said you guys liked them so." I shrug and mr Drew smiles.

"We tried to makes these so many time and we failed every time." Mr Drew scowls and I smile. He picks a pancake up off the plate and breaks a piece of and eats it.

"Carson these are so fucking good. Marry me." Mr Drew says and I blush and chuckle awkwardly.

"I had to fight a bloody cat..." Cory says but stops when he sees mr Drew. He smiles and walks up to him. They kiss and I look away. Mr Drew hugs Cory to his side and kisses his head. I feel like I'm intruding so, I start taking the food to the dinning room.

When I go back for the last plate I watch Cory and mr Drew, they're still holding onto each other. Although, I know I can never be part of that I still wish I could.  Mr Drew looks up and I quickly look away and grab the last plate of the counter.

"Sweets why didn't you ask for help."
Cory asks as they both follow behind me and I just shake my head.

"It's okay."

"Well everything looks great. Thanks for saving us from eating burnt food." Cory says and starts piling food onto his plate.

"Thanks for breakfast b-, Carson." Mr Drew stumbles over his word's slightly but I brush it off.

"What time does Elizabeth's flight land?" I ask once we're done with breakfast. Cory and mr Drew did the dishes since I cooked.

"Umm, one I think." Mr Drew says.

"Well we've got some time to kill before we have to get ready. What do you want to do?" Cory asks and I shrug.

"Want to just watch Netflix?" Mr Drew asks and we both agree.  We all head to lounge. We sit down on the sofa facing the tv. Mr Drew and Cory sit on either side of me and I sink into the sofa.

"Any suggestions?" Mr Drew asks as he starts scrolling through all the movies.

"Oh can we watch purple hearts? I heard it's a great movie!" I say excitedly and they both look at me. I blush and duck my head.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"Why are you apologising?" Mr Drew asks confused.

"Uh." I say because why did I apologise.

"I guess it's a reflex." I shrug.

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