Chapter Sixty-Five

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Carson's POV

"He and Spencer were friends, when we were in college. They were close. He and Spence had a different dynamic than we did. He could 'dude' out with Charlie. Charlie was fun to be around and we all stayed friends even after we finished college." He says and I nod, waiting for him to continue.

"Charlie and I were never really friends. We only hung out because of Spencer. A few months after we graduated, Charlie got a job in London." Cory continues.

"Charlie has a drinking problem. It's never enough and he gets violent, quickly. He lost his job in London and came back home. Spencer was happy to help him. Spencer helped him get a job at a colleagues company and he was good for a while. One night Spencer and I were out. We were in a restaurant and don't ask me what Charlie saw but he was outside the restaurant we were in and he came in and punched me. He got a couple of hits in before Spencer managed to pull him off me and the restaurant manager called the police." Cory says shakily and I really want to set this guy on fire.

"He broke my nose and gave me a black eye. We found out the next morning that Charlie was drunk out of his mind. Could barely string two words together the night before when the cops arrested him. He came over the next day and apologised for what happened. He explained that in his alcohol addled brain he didn't know what was going on and saw his friend being attacked. I forgave him and didn't press any charges but he had to agree to go to rehab. Which he did. He was doing so well for 3 years." Cory says sadly and I can just feel that what's to come is going to be so much worse.

"In that 3 years that he was here, he became family. He was literally apart of the Drew family. So when a better job opportunity came up at the company he was fired from, they asked him to come back and he agreed. He was there a year before everything went to shit." Cory looks down at me and lets out a heavy breath.

"What happens next I can't tell you. It's not my place and if Lizzy hasn't told you, I can't." He says worriedly and I smile at him.

"That's fine sweetheart. But are you okay?" I ask because I don't like how pale he looks.

"I'm fine. I just never thought I'd see him again. He's not a good person. He hurt us all." He says and I pull him into a hug.

"How are we going to tell Lizzy?" He whispers when he pulls away from our hug. Before I can answer, the sound of glass shattering echos through the hall. Cory and I rush to Spencer's office and I fling the door open.

"You come here and fucking act like the victim!" Spencer screams. Charlie is standing against the wall, a shattered vase lay at his feet.

"I'm not playing the victim Spencer, I'm trying to say I know what I did. I accept what I did was atrocious. I'm trying to make amends for what I did. It's part of the program-." He says but Spencer cuts him off. Cory and I walk in and lock the door behind us.

"Spencer?" I call cautiously and he looks towards us.

"Do you want me to call security, hun?" Cory asks as we both walk up the him.

"The fucking program!" Spencer shouts ignoring Cory's question.

"You've been in the fucking program 3 times. It didn't work then and it's not going to work now. You're a worthless, pathetic piece of shit, who doesn't deserve forgiveness. You don't deserve to be walking free. You should be rotting in jail for what you did." Spencer seethes.

"I'm sorry Spencer. When it happened I wasn't myself. I was drunk out of my mind. I wasn't thinking straight." Charlie says.

"You were bloody thinking straight enough to rape my sister!" Spencer yells and my blood runs cold.

No, no. Not Lizzy. Not my sweet Lizzy. This monster hurt her.

"I didn't rape her." Charlie whispers as he looks down.

"You have the fucking audacity to deny it! You assaulted her, you fucking beat her, stripped her naked and if I didn't walk in you would have raped her. What you did was rape and nothing's going to change my mind." Spencer spits and I just stand there. Just thinking about Lizzy. Beaten and broken, how could someone do that to her.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm going to talk to Liz-." He starts but Spencer grabs him by the collar and slams him against the wall. Spencer raises his fist and before we can do anything, Spencer punches Charlie in the face. The sickening crunch of a nose being broken sounds.

"Shit!" Charlie hisses as Spencer shoves him to the ground.

"You won't ever speak to Lizzy? Do you fucking understand me!? You won't go anywhere near her or I will have you arrested." Spencer spits as he walks back to his desk.

"Call security." He says as he sits down and Cory nods picking up the telephone on Spencer's desk.

I walk up to Spencer as Charlie still sits on the floor clutching his nose. I pick up his hand and see it's already starting to bruise.

"We need to ice this." I say as I let go of his hand to walk to the mini fridge in the corner but Spencer pulls me back to him and onto his lap. I squeak but don't get up.

I hug him and he's shaking. There's a knock on the office door and Cory opens the door and walks towards us as the guards enter.

"Take him away and make sure he doesn't enter the premises again." Cory says and the guards nod as they pick Charlie up and pull him through the door.

"Hun, do you want to go home. All your meetings are cancelled." Cory says as he rubs Spencer's back soothingly, kissing the top of his head. Spencer nods against my shoulder as he wraps his bruising hand around Cory's waist pulling him into our hug.

"Just now. Give me a minute." He whispers.

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