Chapter Twenty- Six

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Carson's POV

After finding the fault a few days ago, mr Drew has been doing damage control, so I don't really get see him much. Only in the mornings when  I pick him up and sometimes not even then. He started driving himself to work since he finishes so late and I just take Cory home now a days. We're both so worried about him. He has been working non stop and he's going to crash soon if he doesn't take a break.

Cory and Jesse have been trying to help him as much as they can but he's not really letting them help. I feel useless since I can't help out at all. All I can do is bring him meals and snacks as well as making sure he drinks enough water. With the amount of coffee he's been consuming he needs a lot of water. Making sure he's eating healthy and staying hydrated is all I can do for him.

"Hey sweets." Cory greets as I step out of the elevator with mr Drew's food.

"Hey jelly bean." I say and he giggles.

"Is he in his office?" I ask as I walk over to Cory and shyly place a kiss on his forehead.

"Yeah, he didn't leave last night. He was passed out on his desk when I came in this morning." Cory tells me and I sigh.

"I'm worried about him, I haven't seen him like this ever." I say and Cory smiles sadly.

"When the company first opened, it was like this. I could barely drag him away to eat before he was back at it again." He says.

"Back then it kind of worked itself out. But now I'm not sure it will." Cory's says worriedly.

"I'm going to go give him this. At least he'll have something to eat." I tell him. Cory nods and I walk over to mr Drew's office. The door is opened and mr Drew is standing by the window looking outside. I knock on the open door and he turns around.

"Morning." I greet as I walk in and mr Drew gives me a tired smile.

"Hi baby." He walks over to me and wraps me in his arms. I hug him back with my free arm.

"I brought you breakfast." I tell him as we pull apart. He thanks me as we head towards his desk. He sits down as I begin to take the food out of the bag. I brought him a breakfast sandwich, a bottle of water, orange juice, and a blueberry muffin. I place everything neatly on his desk so he can eat comfortably.

"Enjoy." I say just as Cory walks in. Mr Drew is already devouring the sandwich.

"Hey." Cory says as he walks up next to me.

"Hi, love." Mr Drew greets before he takes a sip of his orange juice.

"Are you done?" Cory asks and mr Drew looks at him in question.

"Done with what?" He asks.

"Sorting out this whole mess? You need a break Spence, we're worried about you." Cory tells him and I nod along. Mr Drew sighs and puts down the bottle in his hand.

"We're almost done, I promise. Just a couple more weeks and then we're done." He says and I frown.

"How long is a 'couple more weeks'?" I ask him.

"Three at most, I promise." He says.

"Okay, but please, take breaks and go home to sleep. You scared the shit out me this morning when I found you passed out on your desk." Cory's says and mr Drew smiles.

"I promise. How about tonight you both come over. Tomorrow's Saturday and even though I have to work, we can still spend the day together and tonight we can have a movie night." Mr Drew suggests and I immediately agree.

"That's sounds nice. I'm in." I say and Cory agrees as well.

"And you'll be done at 8, like normal?" I ask and mr Drew nods. We say goodbye to him and we all go our separate ways.

The day goes on, boring and normal, which I'm thankful for. By 8, I'm packed and heading to the staff room to fetch my coat. I get my coat and leave the staff room, heading towards the parking lot.

"Carson!" I turn around at the sound of my name. Cory and mr Drew are walking towards me and I smile at them.

"Hey sweets." Cory greets when they catch up to me.

"All set to go?" I ask and they both nod. We walk out of the building and straight to the car park. I unlock the car and we all get in. The drive to mr Drew's place is quick. I park and we head up.

"I'm going to shower, can you order supper please?" Mr Drew asks and Cory nods.

"Yeah, I'll order." He says and kisses mr Drew's cheek.

"Sweets, do you want to shower as well?" Cory asks me and I nod.

"Yeah. I think I left some clothes in the car." I say.

"Just borrow Spencer's clothes. Like normal." Cory's shrugs.

"I can't keep borrowing mr Drew's clothes Cory." I say as we both head up stairs. I stop half way and look around.

"Where's Lizzy?" I ask as we continue walking upstairs.

"She's staying at her parents places for a while." Cory explains and I nod.

"Do you want me to get clothes for you or do you want to pick something out yourself?" Cory asks as we walk into mr Drew's bedroom.

"I um..." I trail just as the bathroom door opens. Mr Drew walks out all wet and handsome. A towel is wrapped loosely around his hips. I try very hard not to look anywhere below his chest.

"I'm going to order supper and then I'm going to shower." Cory says as he leaves the room. Before I can stop him, he's gone. Mr Drew opens his closet door and walks in. I continue to stand there awkwardly.

"Carson?" Mr Drew calls and I walk into the closet.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Why aren't you picking out anything?" He asks as he drops his towel. My eyes widen and I look at the tight boxers that hugs his hips. Mr Drew pulls on a pair of sleep pants and a vest. He grabs a black hoodies and pulls it on as well before walking up to me.

"Uh?" I ask dumbly and he smirks.

"Clothes, baby. You need to pick out something." He says as he stops in front of me.

"Oh right. Um,." I say while looking around nervously.

"Here." Mr Drew says as he hands me a large grey hoodie and a pair of sleep pants.

"Thanks." I say as I take them from him. He smiles down at me and kisses my head.

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