Chapter Three

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Carson's POV

Mr Drew drives us to his apartment and parks outside. Once we all exit the car I take the keys from mr Drew and he smiles at me.

"I'm sorry for what happened tonight Carson." Mr Drew apologises and I shake my head.

"It's okay sir don't worry about it." I say and give him a small smile.

"Drive home safe." Cory says with a big smile and waves as they both head in. I just wave back and wait till they are both inside the building before getting back into the car and driving home. I live on the 'bad side' of town. It may not be an ideal living area but it's home. I grew up here.

As I pull into my driveway I sigh and get out. Mum must be fast asleep by now. Yes, I still live with my mother. Jesse has her own place and I agreed to say home with mum. It's so I can take care of her. It's not like Jesse doesn't help out. She does. She just didn't want to stay home any longer. Mum is diabetic but it's under control so she's okay. I just make sure she has her medication and takes it on time.

I open the front door slowly and see the kitchen light is still on. Mum leaves it on for me before she goes to bed. I walk into the kitchen to switch the light off before I head to my bedroom. I'm to tired to eat even though my stomach growls angrily at me.

Once I'm in my room I strip down to my boxers and fall face first onto my bed. I groan as I make myself comfortable before falling asleep.


The next morning is a rush. I slept through my alarm, again. I rush and get ready before sprinting out of the house with my hair still wet from my shower and an apple in my hand. I quickly get into the car and head to mr Drew's  place. 

When I get there I see him waiting outside with Cory. It's a Saturday so mr Drew isn't working but he still likes to start his day early. I quickly hop out and start apologising but he just brushes my apology off.

"Morning sweets." Cory greets happily and I can't help but smile at him.

"Morning Cory."

"Coffee shop first sir?" I ask and mr Drew nods. It's a 20 minute drive to the coffee shop and I park up close to the entrance. Mr Drew and Cory get out and I switch the car off.

"Let's go Carson." Mr Drew says and I sigh. He does this all the time. He never lets me stay in the car like I'm supposed to. He always makes me join them. It's literally become a routine. Although I enjoy spending time with them , it also hurts being with them but not actually being with them. Also, not to mention that's it's very unprofessional.

I grumble as I step out and lock the car before following them into the cafe. Mr Drew tells Cory and I to find a good place to sit while he orders. Cory picks a cosy looking booth in the back and I follow him. I sit right at the edge as Cory sits in the middle, leaving the other side empty for mr Drew.

"I want my chocolate muffin." Cory grumbles and pouts adorably. I just want to kiss those pouty lips of his.

"I'm sure mr Drew is getting you one." I say and he just rolls his pretty eyes and stares at the counter where mr Drew stands.

"Carson are you gay?" Cory asks all of sudden and I choke on my own saliva.

"W-What?!" I cough and he just shrugs.

"I'm just asking. You never talk about girls and I've never seen you check out a girl before and we've know each other for three years now and I've never seen you date anyone so, I was just curious." He explains softly and I smile at him and blush slightly.

"Yeah, I am." I whisper and he looks up at me with those big brown eyes and an excited smile.

"I knew it." He squeals before jumping on me and hugging me. My face heats as he buries his face in my neck. I gently wrap my arms around his waist and sigh in contentment. It feels so good to hold him. Even if it's just a friendly hug.

"This is so exciting." He shouts as he pulls his head back so he can look at me and I chuckle.

"What's so exciting?" We both look up and see a smiling mr Drew standing there looking down at us. Cory smiles and pulls away from me and I can't help but miss holding him.

"Carson's gay." He whispers like it's some super top secret thing and I chuckle. Mr Drew knows I'm gay.

"Oh, I know that." He says as he sits down before sending me a warm smile and I can feel my blush deepen as I smile back.

"You knew!" Cory shouts and everyone looks at us and his pale cheeks blush as he mumbles a soft apology and everyone looks away.

"Yes I knew. I think almost two years now?" Mr Drew looks at me in question and I nod.

"That's not fair. I thought you liked me more then Spencer. Don't you ?" Cory asks while pouting and giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Of course I do Cory." I chuckle, I can't help but indulge him just so he'll smile, and he beams at me.

"Hey!" Mr Drew exclaims looking at me with a small pout and oh my god I nearly fainted. Cory just sticks his tongue out at mr Drew and wraps his hands around my arm while he leans his head on my shoulder. My heart is beating so fast I'm scared it might just beat right out of my chest.

"Carson likes me better." Cory teases and mr Drew rolls his eyes.

"Well I knew he was gay before you did so ha!" Mr Drew argues and I can't help but laugh at them. Mr Drew can be so childish sometimes.

"You two are ridiculous." I chuckle and they both smile at me.

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