Chapter Forty- Two

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Cory's  POV


After last night I'm so happy. Things are great, Carson's with us and we're all together on this wonderful first date of sorts.

After we woke up we had breakfast and packed up to head home. Home. Spencer's been trying to convince me to move in for a while since I basically stay him. I wasn't ready before but I'm ready now. I wanted to tell him earlier but well shit happened.

Carson's fast asleep in the back seat. My poor sweets, he's not a morning person. He loves his sleep.

"Spence?" I call and he hums in answer.

"You know how you've wanted me to move in?" I ask and he hums again.

"Well I want to, if the offer still stands." I say and Spencer beams at me.

"Love, it's still stands. I can't believe it. You don't understand how happy this makes me." He's almost bouncing in his seat and I giggle.

"When do you want move in?" He asks and I shrug.

"Next weekend good?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes. Perfect." He smiles and places his hand on my thigh. I smile and place my hand over his.

It's about another two hours before we arrive back to the city and another 25 minutes before we reach Spencer place.

"I'll grab the stuff from the boot. You wake Carson up please." Spence says as he gets out of the car. I smile as I look at my sleepy sweets in the back seat. He could sleep through the apocalypse. I undo my seatbelt and turn around in my seat so that I'm facing the back.

I brush my fingers through Carson's hair and he stirs slightly.

"Sweets, it's time to get up." I say as I gently tug on his hair. He moans as his pretty eyes flutter open. A yawn escapes him as he stretches out in the back seat before sitting up.

"Hi." He mumbles sleepily and I smile.

"Hey sweets. Let go inside." I say and he nods as we both exit the car.

"Hey baby, had a good nap?" Spencer asks when he sees us and Carson nods as he hugs Spencer before picking up a bag and heading into the building.

Once we've gotten all our stuff upstairs and neatly thrown in the passage way. We all sit down in the lounge.

"I'm moving in this weekend." I tell Carson who smiles at me. 

"Finally." He groans as he sits up a little more.

"You're not upset are you baby?" Spencer asks and I freeze. I didn't think how Carson with feel about this. Our relationship with him is so new and it just slipped my mind. Crap!

"No why would I be?" He asks confusedly looking at us both.

I shrug looking at him nervously. He smiles at me and kisses the top of my head.

"You two have been together longer than the three of us have. I know we're not at the point of moving in yet. But you two are. You've been there a long time. I'm not upset or jealous because I know you guys care about me so much. I know we'll get to this point soon but not yet. I'm happy you two are moving in together. I promise." Carson squeezes my hand with a warm smile and I sigh in relief.

"Thank you sweets." I say as I lean against him.

"You don't need to thank me sweetheart." He says.

We spent the rest of the day lazing around before Carson had to go back home. His mum is  back and he wanted to see her.

"You staying the night love?" Spencer asks as he wraps his arms around me from behind and lays his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, but I'm going to call Daniel first. I haven't been over since the last time because his been so busy with work and hasn't had time to catch up. I tried calling him last week but he said he was at work and would call back later, but he didn't." I tell Spencer and he hums.

"Well call now and if he's not answering maybe you can head over tomorrow during lunch. Take Carson with you." He suggests and I nod while dialling Daniel's number.

The phone rings twice before someone, who isn't my brother, answers.

"Daniel's  phone." Comes a deep, rough voice.

"Hmmm, Hi, who's is this?" I ask.

"Vikram and who's this?" The man asks.

"I'm Cory, Daniel's brother. I was calling to see how is ." I say and the man sighs.

"I'm Daniel's boss, he collapsed at work this afternoon, I brought him home and picked up Jade from school. He hasn't woken up yet and the doctor said he needs rest. I was going to stay with him since I didn't know if he had anyone." Vikram says and I panic.

"Oh gosh! I didn't even know. I should have gone over and checked on him..." I trail and Spencer hugs me tighter.

"I'm coming over right now, can you please stay with him until I get there." I beg the man and he hums in agreement.

"I'll come with you." Spencer says as he grabs both our coats while calling for a car.

"Make sure Carson's not driving. His mum just got back I don't want to pull him away from her." I say and Spencer nods.

"Carson isn't on duty today so he won't be called in. Don't worry love." He kisses my head and we walk into the elevator. As we reach the ground floor, Spencer's phone dings.

"The car will be here in 5 minutes." He says and I nod as I impatiently tap my foot against the concrete pavement.

A few seconds later a familiar  black car pulls to a stop in front of us and Carson steps out.

"What happened?! What's wrong?!  I got a call saying there was an emergency and you needed a car. Are you guys alright?" He asks, panicked, as he checks us over.

"No, we're fine, it's my brother." I reassure before turning to Spencer.

"I told you to make sure it wasn't Carson driving." I huff at Spencer as I pull the back door opened. Spencer sighs as we all get into the car.

"The address?" Carson asks quietly and I quickly give it to him without looking up. I'm busy texting Vikram making sure, Daniel is alright.

Hi my lovely readers.

So I'm sorry I missed last weeks updates been swamped. So now I'll post every second Wednesday until November.

I didn't edit this. I will do it soon but I wanted to get this out to you guys by today.

So enjoy!

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