
Next 3 days I spent most of the time with my parents by going with them to visit our business sites and meeting our employees. Remaining time I spent on learning horse riding with my father.

Bonbon is jealous of Tokyo, but I know one day they will be best of friend. I still can't talk to Becky since I don't have my phone, I cannot ask for anyone's phone, all of my moves inside the mansion are being noted by Mrs Chen and her minions. I miss Becky that's why I prioritised getting my phone back over digging more into my past life.


Today I am going with my parents to visit some old employees who have started their own small businesses.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Chakimha! We were eagerly waiting for you" the business owner greeted my parents.

"Welcome Ms Chakimha, we are very excited to show you around our business".

I smile and greeted back "I am also very excited to be here, thank you for inviting me" I replied to P Nam.

Yes! P'Nam have her own business now and she is a business partner to Chakimha industries, I am so happy to see her progress so much. In 2000s she was just a house help in my house, but now she is a businesswoman. I was close to her when I was alive before, she must know what happened in the past.

"Thank you mom and dad for bringing me here" I said in my mind. P'Nam is the only person whom I can trust not to snitch on me to Mrs Chen or my parents. I must tolk to her today about what happened 20 years back.


We went inside, P Nam showed us the small factory and we met all the workers. We also distributed gifts to everyone as a token of appreciation for their hardwork.

We sat with the workers to have lunch. I overheard a few people gossiping.

Person 1: "She looks exactly like her dead aunt".

Person 2: "Yes, I hope she doesn't have same fate as hers. She died soo young".

From my childhood people have told me that I resemble very much to my aunt, now I understand that I am my aunt.. I started laughing on this thought.

"Freen why are laughing?" my dad asked.

"Nothing dad, I just remembered something."


"Ms Chakimha, do you need anything?" P'Nam asked me while I was sitting alone in her office.

"Nothing P'Nam" I said with a smile.

She started staring at me for some reason.

"Can I help you with something P'Nam?"

"No.. Ms Chakimha, it's just that I was amazed that how similar you look to your aunt".

"I know, everyone says that. Will you be able to tell me more about my aunt and uncle Preed? I have never met them" I explained.

"Sure Ms Chakimha! What do you want to know?"


We spent 30 minutes talking about the past, all the happy memories. When I got a chance I tried to get out some information about me and my brother's death.

"So... P'Nam, what was my aunt wanted to do in her life if she was alive?".

"She was intelligent and everyone's favourite in her family, if she was alive the she would have been leading Chakimha industries with your father, or she would have even started her own business. You see it was her who pushed me to plan for my own business. She was a good and caring person, just like you" P'Nam said while smiling at me.

"One month before her death, she was planning to go to USA for an internship".

This is strange, I have never thought about leaving Thailand ever, how can I plan to do internship in USA??

P'Nam got a call and she got busy. I went out of her office to process this new information.

I was looking out of the window when I saw 3 gangsters bullying one man, I just stood there watching what's happening, I cannot listen what they are talking about.

Suddenly they started beating that man with a wooden stick, I cannot see this anymore, so I opened the window and jumped outside to stop them. But instead of stopping, one of the gangsters started coming towards me to beat me.

I took one stone from groud and aimed for that man's head and bang... That man felt down with pain, the other two men started running towards me.

The man who was on ground held onto their legs pleading "Please beat me and leave her".

But they kicked him on chest and were about to hit me.

John pulled me back and took out his gun, he shooted one of them on legs. All three of them got scared and surrendered in front of us.

I was shocked to see what has happened.


"And here goes away my last chance of redemption this week" I said frustratingly in my mind.

In investigation, John found out the man's name who was harrassed by gangsters. His name is Saint.

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