
Our luggages are packed, I came down and checked in Bonbon's room but no one was here.

"Ms Chakimha is waiting for you on ground floor, please hurry Ms Becky" a helper said smilingly.

"Thank you".

While going down, I saw a female in her early 40s or late 30s staring at me. I just greeted her with smile and went on my way.


The lady greeted me, so I turned back to greet her back.

"Hello ma'am!" I greeted her back.

"Have we ever met before?" She asked.

"No ma'am, this is my first time meeting you" I replied politely.

She stared at me without replying.

"Oh god, what am I thinking" she laughed.

"Sorry dear for stopping you, you just look very similar to someone I know. By any chance do you know any Becca?"

"No ma'am, I don't".

"Okay, no worries. Sorry you asking you silly things. Are you by any chance going on ground floor to see off Chakimha family?"

"Yes ma'am, I will also be leaving with them. I am close friends with P Freen".

"I am also going down, let's go together." She said smilingly.

"Sure" I said politely.

A stranger talking to me out of nowhere is a little weird, but I let it pass.

We were going down the stairs together.

"I know it sounds weird but you look very similar to my friend Becca, she would have loved to meet you".

"Ohh really, can I see any picture of her?" I asked.

"I don't have my phone with me now dear. I meet Becca when I used to work here, she was also an helper here" she explained.

"She worked here for almost a year and then she met with an tragedy when Ms Chakimha died".

"Ms Chakimha? I don't know?"

"Ms Freen Sarocha Chakimha!"

I am confused, this lady is weird and I am losing my temper. How can she say Freen is dead, how dare her?

"Do you even realise what you are saying, P Freen is right here waiting for me to come with her to Bangkok, please think before you say anything" I started walking faster to go to my Freen, I cannot take in the thought of Freen dying. I must complain about this lady to Freen.

"Wait! Please wait! I wasn't saying about our Ms Chakimha" she said and I turned around to hear her explanation.

"Ms Chakimha is named on her aunt. Her aunt and uncle died before she was born" she explained.

I felt bad for misunderstanding her "I am sorry" I said in guilt.

"Don't be dear, I just realised how strange it sounds" she smiled at me.

We reached down and I ran towards Freen when I saw her. I hugged her "I missed you" I whispered to her.

"Me and Bonbon have been waiting for you silly, what too you so long" she asked.

"Nothing babe" I smiled.

"Ms Chakimha, nice to meet you" the lady greeted Freen.

Freen was a little shocked, maybe because she have never met this lady before?

"It feels so good to finally meet you P Nam" Freen said holding the lady's hand.

So Freen already know her, she knows her name but why she is addressing the lady so informally, it's unlike her.

Nam is also take aback by Freen's behaviour.

Freen hugged Nam, this is unlike Freen. Freen is never this informal with any of helpers.

"Freen!?" Nam said in shock.

"I heard about you alot from everyone, finally I am meeting you now. It's nice to meet you." Freen said.


"Ms Chakimha, your car is ready let's go otherwise we will be late from our schedule" John interrupted.

"Yes John, let's go!" Freen took my hand and we went to her car.

We settled in the car, Freen is driving, I am sitting beside her and Bonbon is sitting at the back.

"Are you close with P Nam? I mean it was first time I saw you being so informal with any helper" I asked Freen.

"I was just surprised" she said.

"BECKY!!!!" she shouted.

"WHAT??" I replied.

"Where's my ring? I want it back right now!" She demanded cutely.

I gave her the ring back and she drived while holding my hands all the way.

What a perfect day, first I woke up with my girlfriend, second I did breakfast with her and now I am sitting beside her holding her hands. I love my girlfriend, she is cute and charming at the same time.

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