S: "Cannn..."

She couldn't think she was only feeling fire inside her and desire for him, too. This time she took his cheeks and kissed him without prior notice so he was caught off guard but loved her reaction to his first kiss assault.

Some people near the swim pool also jumped into the water and the party continued and others had taken videos and photos from the couple kissing and people cheering them.

Can and Sanem came out and Yilmaz had a bathrobe prepared to them, Alain was laughing happy to see the couple jealousy.

Yil: I'm so sorry Sanem for Arzu provoking this awkward situation and jealousy between you Thomas was very kind to take her to inside the mansion to another place.

Ser: "Are you both fine although you're wet?"

S: "We're okay."

Alain came with Sanem's wine and brought another one glass to Can, who looked weird to him not understanding the meaning of it.

Ala: "Can Divit, my name is Alain. I'm rrreally glad meet you and the jealousy between you both was verrry beautifulll, the best thing that happened in this parrrty were you too in the pool kissing. I'm sorrrry I'm verrry rrrromantic, that's what Jean-Pierre says from me. Let's toast for you both: long life and love for you too. The guests loved your love scene."

Yil: "It was the like a movie and this dinner party will be known as the most funny and romantic ever. Health to you both and lot love more!! Everyone has taken videos and photos." Hahaha

Tchin tchin

C: "Who are you Alain? Sorry to bother you asking."

Ala: "I'm Jean-Pierre's boyfriend and I work as art director in a food magazine that belongs to Vogue House and Mehmet Turan is one of my bosses."

S:" I met Mehmet Bay tonight, too.

Yil: "Oh, Sanem that's wonderful you met him he's a nice man. By the way, there's a room at the end of the hall, I'll take you there so you can change your wet clothes."

Ala: "Ohh, you shouldn't. The best part and main attrrraaaction from dinner is coming soon with a big chocolate cake that Jean-Pierre and his cook preparrred and not forrrgetting Champagne. Sanem tonight you are shining like the Stars and with Can by your side, the two of you together are a constellation in the sky, this night is to remain forrrever in our memorrrries."

Yil: "Oh, Alain you're koç koç romantic! Come with me Sanem and Can."

The two of them were guided to a dress room in the first floor. Sanem was ashamed with the whole situation but followed Yilmaz, hand in hand with Can, their moods were relaxed now. Can was conscious that his jealousy had been something very foolish from him, after he talked with Alain and discovering he's gay. He wasn't happy about Thomas trying to flirt to Sanem, but obviously he didn't know who she was and tonight it's very true that despite all the models and beauties in the dinner party, Sanem was a gorgeous and an attractive woman and in the mansion that wouldn't go unnoticed in the eyes of other men there.

The 3 went inside the room, it was like the agency wardrobe, full of dresses, men shirts, tuxedos, trousers, skirts, women blouses and besides accessories, bijoux, mini party bags, shoes, sandals, etc.

Yil:"I leave you both here, in case you need a make-up Sanem or even a touch up in the hair, let me know the girls are downstairs okay, send me a message. You can lock the door from inside while you're dressing up. The wet clothes, there're a cleaning-bags on the counter there on the left and the maids will be in charge of cleaning and ironing them afterwards, okay."

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