He wasn't patient, that was for sure. Though, I didn't argue. I was pretty hungry. Rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen, I was greeted with a strange sight. 

Draco stood at the counter, carefully moving the pancake onto the plate on the counter. Theo was at the table, a cup of tea in his hands and his pancakes about half way finished. Scorpius sat in the chair next to Theo, his legs swinging back and forth under the table. Fork in his hand as he currently chews in a piece of the pancake. 

Theo went to go take his seat across from Scorpius, practically skipping over to his chair. Draco came over, a kitchen towel hung over his shoulder with a plate in hand. On the plate, two pancakes, looking perfectly made. 

''And I'm suspecting magic did that?'' I asked, gesturing to the pancakes as I took the plate. I was only teasing with him. 

Draco tilted his head, a grin against his features. ''Don't doubt my skills, love. I make magnificent pancakes.'' 

''It's true.'' Theo raised his cup from the table, slowly bringing it back down again. ''Watched him fail the first three times. After that, they got pretty good.'' Theo shrugged, turning back down to his food.

I looked at Draco with a raised brow, who was currently deadpanned at Theo. He turned back to me and I gave him a tired smile and a breathy laugh. Draco took the towel from off his shoulder, putting it on the counter and coming to sit with the rest of us. A smile never left his face. 

After breakfast, I went back up to my room and did whatever of my morning routine that I didn't get to do earlier. The clothes I wore were comfy, so I didn't feel like changing. It's not like I'd be doing anything anyway. 

Today was a Friday. 

About a month or so ago, I was fired from my job. The boss looked sympathetic, but I didn't know how he truly felt. Apparently, word got out that I was a Werewolf. And a Werewolf is a huge hazard in a Hospital, especially when those patients could be because of my Lycanthropy. He gave me my last paycheck, and I left. Nothing else was said. 

I haven't heard anything from them, either. I always wondered how Andrew was doing. Especially with his condition and the way the other Nurses must've been treating him. He always said he hated them, now he can hate them even more. 

Breathing out those thoughts, I went back downstairs. Theo was sitting on the couch, head on the armrest and legs crossed against the cushions of the couch. The kids played on the coffee table, with a small replica of Hogwarts and a few creatures that Scorpius collected. And Draco, well, I don't know where he was. 

Then the doorbell rung. Everyone looked up, trying to see who was at the door. 

''Coming!'' Draco shouted from the entrance. I hummed, trying to peek around the wall. I looked over to Theo for an answer, who seemed just as confused and shrugged his shoulder as a response. 

The door had opened and closed, a faintly familiar feminine voice echoing through the room. Scorpius gasped - quickly recognizing the voice -, jumping up from beside the table and running to the entrance. 

Teddy didn't seem to know either, standing up from the replica Hogwarts that sat on the table. 

I heard the voice talking to Draco, saying something about him not being dressed. He gave a teasing comeback in return, the feminine voice only laughing kindly. 

Scorpius ran back into the room, quickly whispering to Teddy, who seemed to be trying to comprehend all the words coming from his friends mouth. 

''Who's here?'' Theo asked Scorpius, wanting the same answer that I wanted. 

[✓] 𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 ,𝘋.𝘔𝘹𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳,Where stories live. Discover now