Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.

Start from the beginning

"What do you have against Celts?" Sean asked more defensively. 

"Well..." Black coughed. "Aside from your... stench which reeks of Pagan... Celts are nothing but barbarians and have rejected the true teachings of Magic that our Ancestors have proudly presented to us." 

"You mean, the Teachings that you forced upon the natives of Britannia what with Pagan teachings and forced everybody to comply lest they get executed." Sean corrected. 

Black and Sean stared each other down. "Merlin help whatever House you're sorted into..." He was looking for a name.

"Cormag." Sean answered. "Sean Patrick Cormag." 

"Mr. Cormag... very well." Black said. "And what has kept you so long?"

"There were... complications." Fig answered.

"Complications?" Black asked as if he was just asked to eat a rabbid squirrel. 

"It seems the Goblin problem has-" Fig started to say.

"Enough." Black interrupted. "Goblins." He scoffed. "I've no time for rumors, Fig. And I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I have left." He then looked at Sean. "If you're lucky, Celt. We might still be able to get you sorted this evening." 

It made Sean scoff at Black. Just when he thought that all English couldn't be awful, and then Headmaster Black had come and ruin that image in one fell swoop. 

Sean walked in, following Black. Fig stayed outside. "I'll be in touch." He said.

Sean walked through the Great Hall. He also saw 4 Long Tables inside the Great Hall. Each filled with students. Wearing the same robes that Sean did. But with different colors. Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green. Sean also looked at the ceiling above him. Above him was not a typical ceiling. One that was filled with stars above him. And Candles. And Sean had hoped that they didn't drip wax above him and his fellow students. 

Sean walked with Black. 

"Sean?" Sean heard the voice of Sarah Parker calling from the Yellow Table. She was wearing the same robes as Sean was. Except hers were with the color Yellow, and a badger on her Robes, indicating that she was in Hufflepuff House. "Excuse me, Poppy." She said to another student sitting next to her. 

"Sarah!" Sean greeted as Sarah had run up and hug Sean. 

"You made it." Sarah said her eyes beaming. "I thought something bad had happened." 

"Eh... things got complicated." Sean admitted. "You see-" 

"Miss. Parker. Return to your seat with the rest of the Hufflepuff House." Black demanded. 

"Sorry, Headmaster." Sarah apologized before sitting back down at her table. 

"Well... someone's demanding." Sean thought about Black. He also thought about the other students who were all looking at Sean as he walked up to the stool in the main hall. 

"Professor Weasley. We have one more student to be sorted." Black announced. 

Sean could see the woman from before. With the Hat in her hands. And not just any Hat. That was the Sorting Hat. 

"Welcome." Professor Weasley greeted to Sean. "You're just in time, Mr. Cormag. Please have a seat." 

"You know who I am?" Sean asked.

"Yes. I have read the letter from the Ministry of your arrival." Professor Weasley answered. "Now, have a seat if you please." 

Sean sat on the stool. "What now?" He asked looking at the Hat.

Sean Cormag and the Legacy of Hogwarts.Where stories live. Discover now