105-the grand tour x reader

Start from the beginning


"yes, this car is so powerful i wont need to get any botox when im old and wrinkly like the guys" you comment as you go around in high speed, smiling in between every few moments.

"im honestly... im shocked! the power!" you laugh as you go around a corner, so close to the boys, but not even seeing them.

the woosh of wind from your car almost blows them away, and they laugh and stare like kids at a new toy.

"this is brilliant!" jeremy laughs.

but soon the brillience ends, when instead of going around a corner,

"okay, i think my brakes gave way-" you shut up as soon as you broke through the fence and your car carried you away at an ungodly speed down the hill, and then finally, it flipped.

the car flipped over itself a few times, with you still holding steering, not saying anything, just eyes wide with shock and surprised, scared.

"oh shit" all four of you said, as soon as paramedic cars went your way, and the three men start walking over to the crash sight, speedwalking and yelling into the walkie talkie,

"{Y/N}, come in, say something" jeremy kept trying.

but you didnt hear anything.

you were flipped on top, head smashing, and none of your limbs moving.

soon you were interruped however, in lightning speed, when people open all the doors in the car, and a man in the door goes ahead and asks,

"do you hear me? speak" he says.

"i hear you. i c-c-cant move... at all. i dont k-k-know if im stuck or just my b-b-body" you stutter out, slowly trying to release your grip on the wheel.

"alright, we are getting you out now"

"wait, can you g-g-get my friends? jeremy, richard and james? tall, short, and medium. they probably have cameras a-a-around them?" you ask.

"your friends?" the paramedic asks as he starts cutting your seatbelt.

"yes, please, get my friends" you say again.

the paramedic has seen many things like this in the past, many confused people, but not someone in this much shock that they cant even untense their mouscles, asking for their friends.

"well, i think they are coming already" he says as he looks behind him, and over the noise of the helicopter, he sees three men and some film crew coming over.

the three men get down on their knees by the car and look at you. you are unmoving.

"what happened {Y/N}?" richard asks, a bit scared.

"brakes didnt do sh-sh-shit" you stutter out.

you take all power to move your head a bit and look over to the smashed door.

upside down, you see jeremy, james and richard.

"are you al-al-alright?" you suddenly ask them.

confused, jeremy chuckles, "well, we are not the ones who ruined a mclaren" he says.

oh shit.

"but are you alright?" he asks in seconds.

"y-y-y-yes" you let out riggidly, just as the workers start jacking the car up so they can get you out.

they lay you down carefully on the stretcher.

"its alright {Y/N}, we will get to the hospital just as you do. we will be there with you" james says.

"oh no..." you suddenly whine, without moving at all, "dont cut my pants, i love these pair, please dont" you start crying as the paramedic laughs, cutting your pants to look at your legs.

"jeremy will you come with me?" you suddenly let out through your tears.

"can i?" he asks, turning around.

"i-i -i can g-g-get some support in an ambulance, no?" you whisper out as you close your eyes.

"yes, you can"

its not long before you are in the helicopter, jeremy close by, talking to you and keeping you awake.

"you are going on the leaderboard {Y/N}" he laughs as he pets your hair.

you laugh too, but then stop and give a sad smile.

"im just glad you are alright" he sighs.


dont know what this is.

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yours, the red demon♧

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