Epilogue/Wedding Scene

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A/N it's probably lame..... but I really wanted to have one last happy moment for the couple, plus it's about 3,000 words sooooooo here it is, the wedding scene!

(A couple months later)

*Third Person's POV*

The wedding -as everyone knew- was to take place at sunset on the gorgeous beach. Roughly one hundred chairs were set up for family, friends, family of friends and plus ones. Despite the want for a small thing both Peyton and Orion decided to allow people in on this small part of theirs lives.
A dog bed sat on the groomsmen's side just for Oreo while a thick white fabric led from the path Peyton would be arriving from to where Orion would stand and the two would become one -in human standards anyway.

Though the wedding didn't start for several more hours there were people milling about and chatting, making sure everything was perfect. White roses and carnations were set beautifully in vases or tied to ribbons on the chairs closest to the aisle where the bride would be making her entrance. Peyton's Maid of honor -Olive- was still in jeans and a t shirt, wanting to get ready with the rest of the girls, as she ordered people about to make sure he best friends wedding was perfect.

Other than her, Angel, Kate, and Jessica were part of Peyton's 'girl posse' as Orion had playfully dubbed the girls while Aries, Elijah and Oreo were on Orion's 'Team of Trouble', as Peyton named his group.
The girls decided to match everything rather than go with the tradition 'only the bride wears white' and had decided on a two piece dress, the top being white and the skirt -which was flowy and smooth- was a deep purple. Peyton decided on doing something special for Orion, which included changing her look a lot more than she planned to.

While everyone was getting ready and making sure everything was perfect, Peyton was at a salon, doing a few final touch-ups on everything from her nails to her hair. She'd gotten it dyed a dark purple that nearly matched her bridesmaids skirts, as well has having her nails done beautifully with a maroon red -her favorite color.
When the ladies at the salon were finished they gushed over how lucky Peyton was to have found happiness before, they too, we're added to the guest list.

*Peyton's POV*
(After she gets to the venue to officially start getting ready, two and a half hours before the wedding starts)

I tapped my nails impatiently against the beautiful vanity Olive had made me sit at while she went to gather everything we needed. We had our dresses custom made to match our wants and the season, so it took longer than expected to have them made, but it was definitely worth it.
After Olive left me with Angel, Kate, Oreo and Kaiden I began to worry -something I rarely did. My heart beat painfully in my chest and my wide eyes found my son, quietly playing with the dog on the floor with a rope.

What if he was only doing it for Kaiden? What if he was secretly still upset about me not telling him until I had no choice? What if he decided to leave me the moment he could....?

The last thought was so painful the mark on my skin burned painfully and I forced myself to push the thoughts eating at me away.

If Orion were just in it for Kaiden I'll kick his rear end into last week and make sure he can never make another baby again. Ever.

Mocha threatened, pissed at the thoughts. I knew she was being honest and protective, but I still rolled my eyes and went back to staring at my reflection in the mirror.
Not too long later we heard the shouting, it wasn't very loud at first and we couldn't make out the words, but gradually it became louder and like the most women we are we all put our ears to the door to eavesdrop.

"I can't believe this! We were told it would take two weeks, and here we are four weeks later and your lazy tail lost them!? How do you lose four of the best, most expensive dresses in the thirty minutes it takes to drive here when they should've been in boxes in the seat right beside you!!!?" Olive was practically screaming at the guy and even Kaiden flinched.
"S-sorry m-ma'am I tried.... I tried to-" Olive cut the poor -probably trembling- delivery boy off.

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