Chp 3

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A/N no promises I'll update super often like I did, twice in one day lol

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A/N no promises I'll update super often like I did, twice in one day lol. But enjoy
(^Orion up top^)

About an hour later -this class was the longest I'd have, it goes on about two hours- we were on the last lap and I was in the back. The boys were beginning to tire at the front, their stamina giving out after they decided to try an show off to who I'd assume to be their soulmates or current 'expeditions' and as I began my last lap I allowed myself to speed up into a full on sprint, my enhanced werewolf-like speed allowing me to whizz past everyone like a breeze in the wind.
As I passed the guy in the very front he basically tripped over his own two feet, causing a ten man pile up as I crossed the finish line.

"Woo!" I yelled, panting softly to catch my breath. Groans sounded behind me and I instantly knew it was all the boys who'd tripped.
I glanced back with a triumphant smirk, having barely broke a sweat, and marched up to the coach.
"I wanna try the obstacle course. Against the best."
Coach quirked an eyebrow before gesturing to the boy who caused the pile up in the first place.
"Atlas, you're going up against newbie."
"Name's Aries actually." I huffed, striding over to the bigger course.

I heard everyone shuffle after the three of us, curious to see the 'newbie' go against the best in the class. That thought made me smirk, he wouldn't be the best for very long.
We stepped up to the start and I studied the course, my eyes flicking from the slick monkey-bars we'd have to cross to the tranq guns place on the sides of a thin beam we'd have to balance across while dodging the darts.

This is child's play compared to what Aries puts us through

Coach blew his whistle and Atlas immediately took off, hopping from floating platform to platform, occasionally needing a longer pause to keep his balance. With a scoff, I sprinted across, barely touching each platform as I made my way to the next obstacle, the slick monkey-bars. I'd assume it was oil or something.
I jumped up, hands on one of the bars, swung to get my legs up on top and ran across the wooden sides, a grin on my face as adrenaline from the rush pumping through my veins. Atlas struggled slightly as he tried getting across, his hands slipping a bit but never even to get him to fall.
Next up was probably a ten to fifteen foot long pool we'd have to swim across to move on.

Swimming was not my forte, it's what caused me to fall back a bit, that is until we got to the archery station, where we had to shoot a target with -obviously- a bow and arrows.
Within seconds I'd grabbed the bow, an arrow and shot it right into the center of the target, allowing me to move onto the final obstacle, the beam.
"The tranq darts will only knock you out for a few minutes!" Coach informed me as I studied the patterns of the guns. Atlas charged right onto the beam, barely avoiding getting shot with a dart as he fumbled for balance.

I backed up a few seconds and gained a running head start before I did a cartwheel and managed to flip over my opponent and dodge all the darts before sprinting to the edge of the course and smacking down on the button, signifying my win. I looked back just in time to see Atlas get shot with a dart and fall face forward into the mud pit below.
"Yeah Aries!" Olive shouted from the sidelines, grinning ear to ear at my victory, even Coach was smiling.

"Well done Aries, that's enough everyone! Go shower and head off to your next class!"
Everyone was happy to cut the class short and hurried off seconds before Atlas groaned awake and slumped over, offering me a glare as he approached.
"Go change Atlas. You'll be  training more later, just like everyone else."

Atlas sighed and trudged away, leaving me alone with the Coach.
"You did good today, have you had prior training?" He asked, leading me back towards the school.
"Yeah, you could say that. Would you be open to one on one training later after I finish my last class?" He studied me curiously, a small smile playing at his lips.
"Why not? Be ready to be pushed." I laughed softly, nodded and made my way into the locker room to shower and change.

As I made my way to my next class I sent a quick text to Aries

Man the boys here really irritate me

♈️😈 Aries 😈♈️:
What happened?

Just finished training. Some jerkwads thought it'd be cool to laugh and whatnot 'cause I decided to save my energy

♈️😈 Aries 😈♈️:
I gotchu.

Don't do anything stupid

I slid my phone into my back pocket as I slipped into the classroom, glancing at each student as we waited for the professor to come in, and picked a seat in the back.
A few minutes later he walked in -a man probably in his early thirties with slowly graying hair and piercing dark blue eyes- and immediately sought to pick on me, calling me up front to introduce myself to the class.

And that's how the whole day went, I'd get to class, introduce myself after the professor demanded it of me and we'd move on to the lesson.
I barely managed to stay awake in a few of them, the teachers overly boring, before we finally got released for free time before dinner.
Oddly enough, I found myself searching for Olive and Orion, who I found chilling in Olive and I's dorm.

"Hey." I muttered, throwing my books down on my desk. Olive flinched, gave me a nod with a smile that made me think she was up to something and then excused herself from her conversation with Orion -said she had to run some errands- and fled the room.

".... How was your first day?" Orion broke the silence tentatively, his eyes shifting from the door to me.
"After training it was pretty boring if I'm being honest." He simply nodded, probably not sure what to say.
"Let's go for a walk." Without waiting for a reply I snatch his wrist and pull him through the halls with no particular destination in mind.
We made our way down towards where the office was when I heard a familiar voice that I've missed.
Aware of my friend beside me, I called out in bewilderment.


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