Chp 36

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*Orion's POV*

Aries and I stepped out of the car and I took a deep breath, trying to catch Peyton's scent. The neighborhood we were currently in was horrible, things were run down, the smell of mold was everywhere, most of the people walking down the sidewalks looked like gang members, although there was an occasional normal person walking by. I huffed and watched a woman with white hair and bright blue eyes walk down the street and towards and surprisingly nice car for this area, I watched her closely until Aries began to approach her, a bored look on her face as she noticed him.

"Look, it's my second favorite alpha." She smiles innocently before her gaze fell on me as I followed my mates brother. Her smile fell and I took a deep breath, getting a hint of Peyton's scent.
"Where is she Taytum." Aries asked firmly, giving the woman a blank look.
"I'm not sure I know who you mean. Mind being more specific?" A growl left my lips and I had to wring my fingers to refrain from wringing her neck.

"You know who I'm talking about, tell me where my sister is."
"I actually don't know. I saw her for I don't know half an hour before I decided I should go back to Jace before he has a panic attack." Taytum sighed and tan a hand through her hair.
"Show us where you split up then."
"Fine fine."

She shut her car door and began walking in the direction she came from, the two of us following closely, both eager to see Peyton.
"How do you know this woman?" I quietly asked Aries as we walked.
"Her mate has been friends with Peyton and I for a while, but once he found her we all kinda got close, her and Peyton are practically the same person, it's terrifying." Aries replied with a simple shrug, making me think our definitions of 'terrifying' are very different.

We walked for a good half hour before Taytum randomly stopped on the sidewalk and faced us.
"We came from an abandoned apartment complex back that way, but this is where we split up. Have called so I really should be going, bye~" without waiting for a response she trotted away, going back to her car and leaving Aries and I to find Peyton.

We sniffed around the area for a bit before following her trail that led into the woods.
"This is the closest we've been in four months and even then she has us running around on a wild wolf chase." I huffed and kicked the stall one of a cave practically drowning in her scent.
"Her scent is still mostly fresh Orion, chances are she's still close, let's keep going."

With a lot more grumbling from me we made our way back to town and into a run down drug store. Aries made his way to the front to speak to the cashier while I followed her trail around the building, anger burning through my veins as I went down a medical aisle. I practically stormed to the cashier just as Aries turned to leave and I quirked an eyebrow.

"She came in like thirty minutes ago, got some rubbing alcohol, bandages and gauze and turned left when she exited the building." Aries informed me, not even bothering to glance back at the man and say thank you before he just walked out, me quietly following behind.
"What would she have access to going this way?" I asked as we followed the dudes directions.
"That weakling said the airport as well as a couple of motels and a used car dealership are all in this direction, so if I had to guess Peyton's been in this town for a while. Though I can't think for a reason why, this place is so run down and gross this is probably where the zombie apocalypse will start."

"Where should we check first?"
"Car dealership. Peyton isn't stupid, if someone thinks a wanted person is on a flight they'll have the pilot come up with a lie -probably a practiced one- and turn the plane around. She'll want to have full control over if she turns around and when she stops."
"Alright then, next stop, the car dealership."


Turns out the owner of the dealership had sold a car to a woman with Peyton's description so we were currently driving in the direction the guy had seen her go in. He said she'd gotten a black Subaru Impreza, paid in cash and left in a hurry.
Aries and I have been driving down the road for about half an hour before we saw the car, and I foolishly thought we were so close to having her back.

Aries sped up, but so did she. Eventually we were doing nearly eighty in a sixty-five, flying by the few cars that were also on the road. I huffed and suffered in silence while Aries drove expertly after her, not willing to lose his sister again. I couldn't wait to have her in my arms again, to have her close enough to see her smile, watch her laugh. I don't know how much longer I can take her avoiding me before I snap. I rubbed my eyes, exhausted, and watched as Aries gained on her cars bumper before she finally decided to pull over. We followed in suit and I practically sprinted to the car, my excitement overwhelming.
"Peyton I'm so sorry I wanted to help you I just didn't want to go without a plan, please can we just-" I paused, hurt and disappointment filling my veins as I stared at the woman before me.

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