Chp 14

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About an hour later we all sat at the table to eat, me mostly picking at it, until Angel looked over at the couch and smiled softly.
"Hey you're awake!" She exclaimed, standing up and going over, keeping up her smile. She squatted down in front of him and gave him a quick once over.
"How does it feel? Does it still hurt?" She asked softly, watching as he slowly rotated his ankle and nodded.
"My names Angel, you're Elijah right?" He nodded, barely.

She put the back of her hand to his forehead, causing him to flinch, then asked if she could check his leg.
He seemed hesitant, and I understood why, I'd do the same.
She unwrapped the bandages and examined his leg before going deeper into the conversation about where he'd broken his leg.
I tuned out to give them some privacy and took a slow bite of soup Angel had made.

"You alright?" Orion whispered softly, looking at me worriedly.
"I'm fine." I muttered, ignoring the look Aries was giving me.
"I'm here if you wanna talk."
He frowned softly but left it at that, going back to eating while Angel checked on Elijah to see if he wanted something to eat or drink every few minutes, to which he always declined.

After a couple of times he slowly picked his way over to me, his face giving away how nervous he was.
"... where am I?" He inquired softly, staring a me.
He blinked at him for a second before patting his head gently.
"We're in Ms. Angels apartment. She and her roommate were kind enough to let us stay here for a while." I replied.
"Will we leave....?"
"Not yet, did you want to?"

He shrugged and looked around, as if he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. After I finished eating what my stomach could handle I gently pulled him away from everyone.
"I have to go to school, which means you can't stay with me, and I take it you don't want to stay with my brother either?"
He stared at me blankly, confused.
"The alpha."
He visibly cringed and shook his head.

"Didn't think so. So your best bet would be to ask Ms. Angel if you can stay with her. I bet she'd say yes if you ask nicely." I gave him a smile small despite the look he was giving me, it was clear he didn't really want to ask, but he knew I wasn't really giving him an option in this.
He nodded softly and we walked back to join everyone, getting caught up on recent news around the school. I'd glance over at Elijah every once in a while, I felt bad for dragging him here, but then again he reminds me of myself a lot and I figured he'd be safer.
He looked uncomfortable at best and terrified any time Aries would look in his direction.

After ten minutes of talking with Aries about the Atlas situation I looked over where Elijah was standing before, only to find him gone. My heart skipped a beat worriedly and I made my way down the hall, into what I assumed to be Angels room, where I found Elijah half out of the window.
I walked over, snatched the back of his shirt and pulled him back into the room, my extra strength making it easy as I held him in the air.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked teasingly, amused at his panicked expression.
He was silent as I set him on his feet and sat down on the bed behind me.
"Let me guess, you're worried that you being here's gonna put us in more danger right?"
He nodded hesitantly.
"Elijah, Mocha -my inner beast- and I have already bonded to you, your like our own child almost, you understand? Whether you being here puts us in danger or not I will always stand beside you to keep you safe. Plus, we're clearly already in danger, I mean I was in that cell." I chuckled softly, trying to make him feel better.

"I promise ok? I promise to do everything in my power to keep you safe, fuori pericolo. Safe and sound. Alright?"
He stared at me for a moment, dozens of emotions warring in his eyes as they began to water and a tear slipped down his cheek. I pulled him into a hug, letting him cry onto my shoulder.
"Fuori pericolo." His pronunciation was a bit off, and it was muffled by my hair, but I smiled nonetheless. I declared it in my head. I wasn't letting this kid go without a fight, no one hurts my family, and he just became an honorary member of it.


A year later and everything was going great, Olive and I were friends again, I hadn't seen Atlas yet but Mocha was back and she was pissed. Next time we see him he's getting his face pummeled.
Anywho, as I was saying Olive and I were friends again, I apologized for not listening to her and she instantly forgave me -luckily. Orion didn't seem as distant, but he still seemed to be hiding something, although I'm not exactly the best person to be saying that seeing as how I'm keeping a secret from everyone as well.

Aries and Angel, well, I don't know too much on that topic, although I'm hoping to see some Aries jr's or Angel jr's sometime soon. They already have practice. Elijah's been staying with them and I visit whenever I can, even when I can't I call everyday.
I love that boy like he's my own flesh and blood. Nothing could stop me from protecting him. I had a feeling Orion felt the same, one day Aries, Angel and I walked into the house to find Orion and Elijah leaning on each other, asleep, with the TV on.

I definitely got a picture of that.
I smiled at the memory as I finished up my training with Coach Nik and trotted into the locker room to shower and change.
After five minutes of washing up I hopped out, put on sweats and a tank top and made my way to Angel's place alone, my friends too busy to visit.

I ended up jogging to get there faster, my head full of useless information from school, and nearly ran into the door thanks to my distracted state. I walked in without knocking -my favorite thing to do whenever Aries is here- and marched to Elijah's room.
"Hey Eli, I have something to..." I trailed off, frowning, as my eyes searched the room, finding no sign of the boy I considered a son.
"Elijah... this isn't funny." I muttered, pulling open the closet doors and searching through desk drawers.
After finding nothing I dumped out his nearly empty trash can and pulled out a suspicious piece of paper, the edges seemed to have been doused in something.
I pulled it out of its ball, my eyes scanning the page, and felt like crawling into a hole. My body shuddered as I fought back the tears as I read and reread the note.

"Keep biding your time and we'll come for your 'family' too."

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