Chp 28

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I feel like this is Orion's theme song rn lol feel free to listen to it and read this chapter, maybe it'll make u feel better about the last one ^w^ lmk if y'all can't see the video

Someone splashing water on my face shocked me awake, where I found myself bound in loose ropes in my dorm room where Peyton's scent still lingered. Her name caused my breathing to quicken and my eyes to flicker to those of my wolf's. We wanted blood.

"Orion! Focus on my voice." Aries called, lightly smacking my cheek to get my attention. I growled threatening to which he responded with a deeper growl, the growl of an alpha. Zayvian huffed and faded to the back of my mind, allowing me to calm down.
"I'm fine. I'm calm."
"Your eyes were telling me otherwise."
"Were, Aries. I'm fine just- we need to catch him."
"You think I don't know that? It's been two months, if anything significant happened Angel would've told me. You can't keep letting Zayvian take over at night, he might hurt someone. I know it hurts, but that's life. You just have to pick yourself up and move on, Peyton would want you to. We both know she'd be yelling at you if she were here right now."

I shook my head lightly, that's not wrong. That's what I missed most, our useless bickering.
"Do we know where he is? Or where he might be?" I inquired as Aries released my hands from their prison.
"No, I've had his house under surveillance and we don't know of any other hideouts so we're still trying to figure it out." He replied, tossing the rope to my bed, his eyes lingering on Peyton's bed before they returned to me.

I sighed heavily and ran my hands through my hair. We've all been stressed since the ball, frantically searching for any sign of Drake or his goons. I stood and dusted off my sweatpants just as Aries phone began ringing.
"Hello?" He answered, watching me with a blank look.
"I'll be there in five." I gave him a weird look as he began rummaging through Peyton's drawers, pulling out guns and small blades.
"What's going on Aries?"
"Drake showed up at the house."


We ran through the woods in our wolf forms, racing towards the building my mate had called a home. We sprinted around trees and jumped over logs, coming up on the house faster than the previous trip over.
After a few more antagonizing minutes we slid to a stop in front of the house and shifted back, Aries not wasting a second before he marched inside and let out an earth shaking growl, clearly pissed about his father attacking his sister.

"Where are you, you arrogant psychopath!?" He yelled, knocking a chair over seconds before Drake ran down the stairs, gun in hand.
"Remember, you're part dragon. I have no doubt that this gun will kill you as well." I growled at the blatant disrespect for my alpha but it didn't seem to faze him.
"I'm glad I never grew up around you, if what you were saying is true. Peyton is so much stronger than you give her credit for." Aries hissed, his jaw clenching and unclenching in his anger.

"That pathetic mutt? Ha, she would never have been able to last much longer the way she was going about."
"Don't talk about her like that!" I snapped, Zayvian getting angrier.
"Shut up pup." Drake muttered, not even sparing me a glance.

"Now, instead of wasting my time, I suggest you two leave before you end up with Peyton."

Aries growled angrily at the threat and sprinted towards his father, shifting mid way in order to bowl him over more effectively. Drake dropped his gun on impact and punched Aries in the muzzle, a crack filling the mostly empty room. Drake shook his hand off as if breaking his bone was nothing and managed to kick Aries in the underbelly, succeeding in standing as Aries backed away.
I looked around in mild panic for anything that could help Aries but all this man had was a silver gun, which would burn the both of us if we tried touching it. I huffed and glanced back to the fight to see Aries getting pinned in human form with a knife to his throat.

Without a second thought I grabbed the gun and chucked it at Drakes head, hissing at the burns forming on my hands. Drake dropped to the floor unconscious and Aries got up, setting to work to find restraints.
"I had it covered." He muttered.
"Sure looked like it."
"Shut up and help me find some rope or something."
"Isn't he a dragon shifter?"
"Wouldn't he burn through the rope."
"Not if it's laced with bronze."

I nodded softly and left the rope finding to Aries while I searched the house for something bronze. I walked up the stairs and opened the first door I came to on the right and found myself in what looked to be a little kids bedroom. I frowned and wondered around for a moment and studied everything from the pink bed to the pictures on the walls. Most of which were drawn by a child but there was a photo of Drake, a pregnant woman and a little boy. Drake wore a scowl on his face while the boy had a big grin as he stared at the woman's very pregnant belly and the woman was smiling softly at the camera with her hands on the bump.

After staring at the picture for a solid minute I realized this was a family picture before Peyton was born. Drake, the woman who had to be the mom and Aries. I smiled softly at the obvious excitement in his eyes at the idea of being a big brother before I decided to sift around a bit.

I found a number of silver weapons that Drake probably added after Peyton left before I finally found a bronze electrical wire coiled in a decent sized ball hidden beneath the bed, though why it was there I wouldn't know. I ran downstairs and gave it to Aries who wrapped the wire around a rope he found before tying up Drakes hands.

As he finished his phone rang and he frowned softly at the caller ID before answering.
"Angel, is everything ok?" He inquired, glancing at me with a soft frown. I couldn't hear what Angel said but whatever it was made Aries drop his phone and drag me out the door.
"What's going on!?" I asked, my mind and heart racing as we sprinted through the woods. He glanced at me with an indescribable look in his eyes before he revealed whatever had been said on the phone.
"Peyton's awake."

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