Chp 19

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Everyone paused and stared at me, Aries and Olive looked confused while the men looked terrified. They began stepping back but something made them stop in their tracks, causing their eyes to widen further.
"Who shot him?" I growled out, looking at each of them in turn.
They all pointed to a man further away, chasing his eyes to narrow at his buddies as I made my way closer.

His eyes met mine and fear became prominent.
"You made a grave mistake." Mocha snarled through my nails extending into claws as I grew closer to the man.
"I-" I snarled and put my claws to his throat, reading to tear it out without a second thought.
"I don't want excuses mutt, you should never mess with my family"
His eyes widened before I cut his neck open like package. I glared at his body as it fell to the ground before glaring at his friends.

I allowed my hold to fall and they ran with their tails between their legs -figuratively of course- before I walked over to Orion and studied his condition.
"He should make it to Angels so she can fix him up." I looked to Olive and Aries.
"What was that!?" Kitty shrieked, excitement and shock prominent on her face.
"I don't really know, that was basically all Mocha." I replied, stepping back so Aries could pick up my friend.

I sighed at her confused look.
"My inner dragon."
"Oh! Oh... I knew that!"
"No you didn't."
"... ok fine maybe not, but remember it hasn't been that long since I found out you were a dragon shifter. I'm still getting used to it." She defended, following Aries.
"Sure you are." I chuckled and shook my head amusedly. She huffed and grumbled something about me being impossible as we continued our walk, all of us worried for our friends safety.


Aries placed Orion on the couch as soon as we entered the house and Angel began working on him. I decided to give her some space and turned on the oven for some pizza, no better way to wait than to eat right?
After a few minutes I slid the pizza in and started a timer just as Angel came over.
"The bullet barely missed his heart so I'm not sure how he'll do. I'll keep him here for a few days to keep an eye on him and everything." She informed me gently, studying my face for a reaction.
"Thanks so much Angel I really appreciate it."
"Of course, I'm here for you Peyton."
I nodded softly and stayed at her place for the rest of the day, wanting to be close to Orion should he wake up. Sadly, he didn't and Angel made me go home to rest shortly before midnight.

That's how the next few days went. I'd get up, go through my classes and then go to Angels house until she told me to go back to the school. On the fourth day I was able to stay all day, thanks to it being Saturday, and sat beside Orion, telling him stories about what I did with Aries when we were younger. I sighed softly when I still got no reaction.
"He just needs time to heal. He'll be ok." Angel reassured me for the umpteenth time, changing the bandages.
"Why don't you go ahead and take a quick shower? I'll keep an eye on him."
"Alright." I mumbled, grabbing the bag I'd brought and heading to the bathroom.

After stripping down I stepped into the shower and let the scalding hot water run down my back, relaxing my muscles. I washed up and then stood there, thinking, until well after the water ran cold.
I got out and dried off, looking at my reflection in the mirror and taking in the bags under my eyes before shaking my head and getting dressed into sweats and a hoodie.

I'm going to end my father.
You and me both, but for now we should focus on making sure Orion doesn't freak

I laughed softly and shook my head. Leave it to Mocha to lift my spirits. I walked out and headed for the living room where Angel was chilling in a chair and Orion was sitting up.
"Orion!" I practically sprinted over and tackled him in a hug, my eyes growing watery with emotions. He yelped in surprise before slowly wrapping his arms around me. I pulled away and punched his shoulder, causing him to flinch.
"Don't ever scare me like that again! Do you know how worried I was!?"

He whimpered at the punch.
"S-sorry...?" He murmured, his pained gaze studying my face.
"You should be!" I growled, getting up off the couch and glaring at him.
"Maybe don't scold him until he's a bit better and more awake hm?" Angel suggested, giving me a 'I know something that you don't' look.
"Fine." I grumbled, plopping down in another chair.

I sighed softly as I made myself comfortable and looked to Angel.
"Now what?"
"Now, you go back to the school and make sure your work is done and I'll keep an eye on him for one more day. As long as everything goes ok he can go back tomorrow."
"Peyton, you need sleep. And don't try telling me you are because the bags under your eyes say otherwise. Even if you don't sleep try to relax, read a book or something."
"Fine. Text me if anything changes." I got up and left, my mind going to the book I'd completely forgotten about with everything that's happened.

A/N decided to update although it's a pretty sucky filler chapter lol it's also a bit shorter but I felt the need to publish something for y'all. The next chapter will be better and reveal something I'm pretty sure y'all have already guessed lol
Happy Thanksgiving guys! 🦃🍽🍁

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