Chp 38

90 5 1

The ring master congratulated me on my win and had someone drag the previous champ out of the ring and I slid out unnoticed, heading straight for his table. I weaved between the people and stopped just behind him, the girls eyes making their way to me as she stopped talking.

"Long time no see Elijah." I greeted softly, relief flooding every inch of me.
"Elijah?" The girl asked confusedly.
Elijah spin on his heel and stared at me wide eyed.
"Right." I laughed softly as I took my mask off, the shock on his face multiplying. I pulled him in for a hug , burying my nose in the crook of his neck, hoping it wasn't all a dream.

"What are you doing here? Where's uncle?" He inquired after I let him go, a frown on his face.
"Funny story actually, but a super long one I don't really have time for right now, I'm so glad I found you." I barely whispered the last part, though I'm pretty sure he could tell from my body language.
I snatched his wrist and led the way out of the club, hoping to get my son and get somewhere more private.

I paid no attention to the girl following us because just as we made it outside my phone began to ring.
"Oh my gosh, I swear I'm gonna strangle her." I huffed, answering the call from Taytum.
"What do you want nowwwww???" I whined, speed walking down the street and still pulling a stumbling Elijah behind me.
"I just remembered I had some information on a certain someone you've been looking for for four plus years." She muttered quietly, probably due to the fact that she had an alpha werewolf sleeping in the same room.

"No need, but thanks."
"What do you mean no need!? Peyton I-"
"Peyton? Are you talking to Peyton Peyton?" I heard Jace's gruff, tired words through the phone.
"Um, would you believe me if I said no?" She muttered sheepishly.
"No, I wouldn't. Find out where she is, I'll call Aries."

I sighed heavily and rubbed my forehead.
"I gotta go, I'll share my location with you. Bye."
"Off we go." I grinned at Elijah and the girl as I pulled them along, heading for the daycare.
We walked in and Kara came to greet me with her usual smile, carrying a little girl.

"There you are, Kaiden's been asking for you." She informed me, handing me the paper to sign him out.
"I got caught up, thanks for watching him a bit longer."  I wrote my signature on the paper and Kara called for Kaiden.
"Mommy!" He cried, throwing himself into my arms.

"Hi baby, did you have fun today?" I asked my little boy, who had a giant grin on his face.
"Yeah! We colored and had snacks and I made a new friend!" He pointed to the little girl in Kara's arms.
"That's awesome buddy."
"Aries, who are they?" Kara asked, frowning softly as she studied Elijah and his friend.

"Well, this is a... family friend, Elijah and his friend...." I trailed off since I didn't know the girls name and shrugged.
"Jessica." She muttered, offering Kara her hand.
"We should go, I've got got to get this guy to bed. Thanks again Kara."
I picked up my son and we exited the daycare, me leading the way to our apartment.

"Mommy?" Kaiden whispered loudly.
"Yes Kai?"
"Who are they?"
"Right, Kaiden this is Eli and Jessica. Remember I told you about the little boy we were looking for?"
"That's Eli."

"Peyton?" Elijah tapped my shoulder, confusion flooding his gaze. I hummed softly in response, opening my apartment door.
"Where's uncle? Why are you here with a child but uncle isn't?"
"It's a very long story, let me put Kaiden in bed."
He nodded softly and I brought Kaiden upstairs, got him ready for bed and tucked him in, leaving the room after kissing his forehead.

*Orion's POV*

I stared at the phone that was giving us Peyton's supposed location, leading us to a decent sized apartment building.
"This is it." I muttered, my heart racing as I imagined seeing my mate again after four years.
"Let's get her." Aries smiled for the first time in a while and we made our way in, me quickly catching the mouth watering scent of my mate.

I led the way and knocked on the door she seemed to have gone through and waited, listening through the door.
"I didn't think they'd be here so quick, one second." I heard Peyton muttered, before her footsteps began getting louder. She opened the door and there she stood, her long black hair pulled back into a messy pony tail, her eyes sparkling with contained excitement as she studied me.

"Orion." She breathed, a smile forming on her lips. Without a second I pulled her to me and let out a pathetic whimper, burying my nose in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered, rubbing my back.
"I've missed you so much..." I mumbled into her hair, my emotions overwhelming.
"I missed you too, but there's a lot to talk about. He's in the living room."

I pulled away, my eyebrows scrunching together before Peyton dragged both Aries and i into the living room where Elijah sat talking to a girl on the sofa.
"I just found Elijah, I was going to arrange a flight for the three of us but clearly it'll have to be for six of us." She chuckled softly.
"This is Jessica, a friend of Elijah's."

"Wait six?" I asked, confused.
"Me, you, Aries, Elijah, Jessica. That's five."
"Wait, he doesn't know?" Elijah inquired, his eyes widening.
"I left before I found out, so no, he doesn't know." Peyton replied calmly, sitting on the arm of a chair.
"What don't I know Peyton?" I questioned impatiently, not liking the way Peyton shot Elijah a look.

All heads turned to a little boy with fluffy black hair and golden eyes that were filled with curiosity.
"Baby, I thought I put you to bed." Peyton sighed as she made her way over and picked the little boy up. He had to be at least four years old, but my brain wasn't computing.

Did she cheat on us?
She would never! Even if she did, she wouldn't have a child with anyone, she's too cautious for that

"Mommy?" The boy questioned softly, resting his head on Peyton's shoulder.
"Yes Kai?"
"Who's that?" He pointed directly at me and Aries before snuggling into my mate.
"Kaiden, remember this morning? When you asked about your daddy?" He hummed in response.
"This is your daddy, and your uncle Aries."

My sons head snapped up, eyes wide.
"Yeah." Peyton walked over and offered me the little boy, giving me a nervous smile.
"You were pregnant?" I asked, taking him gently.
"Why didn't you tell me? I missed out on so much...."
"I'm really sorry Orion... I didn't mean to keep it from you, but I didn't want you to insist I go home before I found Elijah and I know it's no excuse but I-"

"What's his name?"
"Kaiden Reese Cain."
"You gave him my last name?"
"Of course you idiot, he's your son." She rolled her eyes with a smile before finally giving her brother the hug I know he's been desperate to have.
"Daddy!" Kaiden yelled excitedly, wrapping his arms around my neck.
"Will you stay and make mommy happy?" He asked, his voice muffled.
"I'll try buddy." I replied, a grin on my face.

"Kaiden, it's time for bed you little rascal." Peyton ordered, holding her hands out for Kaiden to go to.
"Can I stay for a little longer mommy? Pleaseeeeeeee?" Maiden begged, pouting and using puppy dog eyes. Peyton sighed heavily and kissed his forehead.
"Fine, only a little bit longer."
He grinned and buried his face back into my shirt while the rest of us talked about the plan.

"He grinned and buried his face back into my shirt while the rest of us talked about the plan

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The best picture I could find for Kaiden :p ^^^^

Supernatural Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें