Chp 11

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(^basically Peyton and Atlas later in this chap^)

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(^basically Peyton and Atlas later in this chap^)

*unknowns POV*

I finally have her, I honestly wasn't sure I would be able to get her back after what happened when she was a baby. I watched through the camera as she stirred in her unconscious state and smirked, knowing she wouldn't escape me again.
One of my men opened the door and glanced at the screen in front of me.
"The boy is awake, what she we do with him?" He asked, eyes falling on the video recording of the little boy I'd caught a little too close for comfort.

"The usual idiot, just don't bother the wolf or the girl. I would like a few more moments of peace." I instructed, giving him a hard glare.
"Yes sir." He scurried out of the room and a few moments later appeared on the screen with the boy, who was curled up in the corner. My smirk grew at his terror before I decided to call it a night and headed to my room.
I had a big day tomorrow.

*Peyton's POV*

I took a deep breath and winced as my head pounded and my fingers twitched, trying to piece together what happened. Moments passed and I haven't gotten anywhere when I heard labored breathing beside me.
My eyes shot open and I tried to crawl over to Atlas, only to get pulled back by bronze chains, burning my wrists with the slightest touch and causing me to hiss in pain.
I shrunk back against the wall and let out a huff, the burn on my wrists dulling with less pressure.

That's gonna leave a mark.....

I frowned after a moment of silence.



Mocha!? Stupid Nightshade

I scowled and forced my eyes to stay open as I surveyed the area, my brain making quick work of the old walls and lightly rusted door. A plan began to form in my mind before another whimper broke me out of my thoughts.
I looked over at my mate who was in wolf form with a silver collar around his neck. My heart broke at the sight of him and I tried to nudge him with my foot.

"Atlas?" I asked softly, barely tapping his nose. He let out a sigh and shuffled so I couldn't reach him, not wanting to risk more burns.
"He'll be out for a bit longer." A voice said through the door, causing my gaze to shoot to him. I growled.
"I'm very surprised you woke up first, seeing as how Nightshade can easily kill you." He chuckled, as if the idea of me being dead would help him sleep at night.

It doesn't yet but as soon as I'm done with him it will!

"Y'know it's not safe to use one's entire vocabulary in a single sentence." I informed him calmly, a smirk sliding onto my face slowly as his face began turning red.
"Just you wait. Your fun begins as soon as the boss wakes up." He shot back, his threat clear, but useless.
This wouldn't be the first time I'd had to make it through a tough environment, I mean Aries found me after I'd escaped it.

I frowned as I thought of him. Did he realize I was gone? Who am I kidding, he's probably panicking as he tries to find me. I shook my head and bit my lip to bite back my laugh, knowing the guy was just outside.
I leaned my head back against the moldy wall and sighed, this was not going to be fun.

I sat there for what felt like hours but I couldn't be sure, there were no windows. Atlas woke up shortly after my conversation and to say he was confused and angry would be an understatement. I understood he was upset, I mean the people were after me and he just happened to be there, if the roles were reversed I'd be pissed too.
He was laying as close as he could to me and I had my hand on his muzzle, ignoring the burns, to comfort him.

I strained my ears to hear the conversation that started in the hall, wishing I still had Mocha to help. It sounded like two men were talking about me, something to do with the boss and then a door slammed open. I felt Atlas flinch beneath my fingers but I sat still as a rock, listening closely as someone -I'm assuming the boss- ordered both men to get to their posts before opening my door and giving me a grin.

My stomach dropped and I stared blankly at the man in the doorway, willing myself not to cry.
"Well hello again." He smirked, striding over calmly.
"Stay away from me!" I snarled, scooting back as far as I could.
"That's no way to talk to your superior Peytatochip."
Atlas growled but made no move against him, scooting back discreetly.

Why did I get a wimp for a mate?

"Don't call me that." I hissed, my mind flashing through my memories, trying to resurface what I'd desperately kept hidden.
"Did I hit a nerve? Good." He pulled out a bronze knife and put the tip to my skin, the smell of my burning flesh filtering through the air. I winced and snarled, my eyes beginning to water, but not at the pain.
"I don't understand..." I muttered after he pulled it away, my muscles tense.
"Trust me, you never understood a lot of things."

"Why do this Hm? What do you get out of it?"
"Something you can't provide."
"You were supposed to protect us......" I whispered, allowing a lone tear to slide down my cheek.
"Shut up." He ordered, making a swift cut from my eyebrow halfway to my ear. I winced and hissed at the pain, blood readily bubbling up and sliding down my face.
"Maybe this will teach you."
I braced myself as the reign of terror this man would bring on my body, glad that at least Mocha wouldn't have to feel it.

"I braced myself as the reign of terror this man would bring on my body, glad that at least Mocha wouldn't have to feel it

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(^another pic of my dog^)

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