Chp 27

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We walked side by side through the room Peyton helped decorate. The theme was obvious the moment we walked in, the vines hanging from the ceiling and walls giving off a woodsy vibe and filling the room with the smell of tree sap.
Sage, Oli and I all gaped in awe -along with many others in the room- while the decorating committee raced over to Peyton with huge grins on their faces, obviously proud of what they've accomplished.

"Everyone's in love Aries! This was only possible because of you, you should totally help with every dance." One of the girls rushed out excitedly, her eyes lit up as she looked around the room.
"Hey, I didn't do this myself Alright? This was all of us, sure I had the idea but I wouldn't have been able to make it happen. Thank you all for helping." Peyton noted, a smile on her face as she pulled the group into a hug.

She's come a long way since she got here....
I couldn't be more proud of her
Me either

They parted ways after a few more minutes and we sat at our table, watching as people danced and mingled around the room, some embracing new found mates and some eagerly searching the crowd.
Sage took Olive away to dance while Peyton and I stood by the food, occasionally singing along to a song we know.
I couldn't be happier with how everything played out. My gorgeous mate beside me, looking like a kid on Christmas. I knew she secretly enjoyed just standing with me, despite everyone dancing around us.

We were there talking and singing for a few hours before the headmaster made his way onto the stage to make his speech and crown the cutest mates. Everyone cheered and shouted as he walked toward the microphone, envelope in hand.
"Hello everyone, how's the dance so far?" He asked, earning shouts and hollers from the crowd.
"Alright, before we begin let's give a hand to the decorating committee and their leader, Aries."

I noticed Peyton's cheeks turn a light shade of pink at the attention as everyone clapped.
"Now, onto the reason everyone's glaring at me," he chuckled softly and opened the envelope, the room becoming eerily quiet due to suspense. He pulled the paper out and read it, a smile flitting across his face as he registered the words.
"This years cutest mates are-"

A loud crash cut him off, the doors banging open catching the attention of everyone in the room. I heard Peyton growl beside me and before I could figure out what was happening she took off at a sprint towards the strange man.
"Not so fast." The man laughed, pointing a large gun-like weapon at her, causing her to freeze where she was.
"What do you want Drake!?" She screamed, her muscles tense.
"Is that any way to speak to your father?"
"You've never been my father and you never will!"

I snarled in realization, this was the man who kidnapped her the previous year. When I get my hands on him I'll-
Another crash cut off my rampaging thoughts and in came the real Aries, Peyton's brother. He glared sharply at Drake, his eyes a deadly purple color.
"You don't scare me son, especially not with your mothers ugly eyes." The man huffed, keeping his weapon trained on Peyton as about a dozen other people rushed in and pointed their weapons at either Aries or Peyton.

Peyton flinches slightly at the mans words, and it took me a few extra moments to realize Drake called Aries his son.
"Yes. Peyton, this is your big brother, the child your mother wanted instead of you."
"Shut up!" She hissed, putting her hands to her head.
"Don't speak to me like that Peyton. There's nothing you can do that I can't. You are nothing but a foolish child."

A snarl escaped my mouth as I charged through the crowd of bodies, eager to get to the man who dared to insult my mate.
"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you werewolf. One wrong move and I will kill her." Drake calls to me, causing me to freeze and look towards Peyton, who was scowling at her father with deep hatred.
"What do you want Drake!?"
"I noticed my dear daughter finally figured out her powers. Sadly though, we all know she won't help me now, now that she's got her brothers ideas in her head. So realistically," he paused but I didn't need to hear the rest. Whether we moved or not he was going to shoot Peyton. I growled and began running towards her, every fiber of my being warning me of the danger Drake poses as he properly aimed the weapon and shot.

My heart dropped into my stomach as I watched three bronze bullet ls zip through the air and imbed themselves into my mates chest, knocking her back a few steps from impact. My ears rung as a pain ripped through me, it felt like my insides were boiling, but at the same time my heart was drowning. I couldn't hear anything except the pained scream that tore from my mates throat while chaos ensued in the real world. Everyone was panicking, except Aries who was trying to go at Drake as he made his elaborate escape.

"Peyton! Peyton, can you hear me?" I mumbled as I kneeled beside her, blood was already oozing from the wounds and I could feel her trying to take a deep breath to sooth the burning. Bronze was essentially the dragon version of silver, which meant the likelihood of her surviving is very slim.
She coughed and blood spurted from the wound, causing her to tense up in pain.
"Peyton please I know it hurts but stay with me, it'll be ok I promise." she shook her head lightly and gripped my tux jacket, her grip weak.

"K...... kill him......" she whispered, tears filling her eyes as her fists slowly released their hold on my jacket.
"No Peyton. You're going to kill him alright? You're gonna be fine. Gosh Dangit you're going to be fine!" I wanted to scream, my heart was crying and my lungs were drowning in its tears as Peyton's head went limp in my arms, the spark I loved so much flickering like a flame that was threatening to burn out before her eyelids shut.

"Peyton!" Someone shouted from the crowd of onlookers, I wanted to tear them apart, Peyton's dying and no one thinks to get the nurse. They all just stand idly by as my entire reason for living is being ripped away from me. I pushed back the tears the wanted to fall and shifted, Zayvian keeping everyone away from her body as I retreated in my mind.

First pic is what I mean by 'vines' and the second is the size and rest of the set up of the ballroom
Don't hurt me pls Peyton's death isn't so bad

First pic is what I mean by 'vines' and the second is the size and rest of the set up of the ballroomDon't hurt me pls Peyton's death isn't so bad

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I'm so funnyyyyyy ha ha ha ha

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I'm so funnyyyyyy ha ha ha ha........ you're welcome.

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