Chp 12

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Hours flew by and my body become numb to the pain. I had various cuts amongst my arms, legs and face and a stab or two in my thigh and stomach, I couldn't be sure. I was dizzy with exhaustion before someone finally got the monster away, saying something about another boy.
With his last move the man I used to trust pulled out a syringe and inserted it into my neck, the liquid inside of it practically freezing my blood as it raced through my veins.

I hissed and felt Mocha slip even further away, dangerously far. He yanked it out and stomped out of the cell, the man shooting me a look I couldn't recognize as he followed Drake -the boss dude- out.
I tried not to cry out as Atlas nudged my arm with his nose, and let out a soft breath.
"Please don't. I-" i sucked in a sharp breath as I tried adjusting myself before giving up and settling against the wall.
"I'll be ok."
Atlas whimpered softly and laid down, accepting my wishes. I sighed softly and shut my eyes, begging for darkness to consume me.
Luck was on my side, I soon fell into a black oblivion where my pain slowly dropped away.

*Orion's POV*

I was panicking. The hours flew by and two days have passed since we found out Peyton was missing without a trace. Honestly, Aries was no better. He was almost never at the house when we planned our next move.
Oreo always tagged along with me, doing his best to track her scent that seemed to be everywhere but always leading to a dead end.

I sighed heavily and stroked Oreo's back while Angel crossed crossed off a few of the places on the map we'd been using to track where we've been.
"We have to find her." I mumbled, a tear sliding down my face despite my numerous attempts to blink them away.
"And we will, there's a lot of woods we haven't covered so it's no surprise we haven't even found a clue." Angel reassured softly, studying the map on her table.
I just nodded, not sure what else to say, and decided to try and take a nap before we had to head out again. I laid down on the floor beside Oreo and fell into dreams of finding Peyton.


Six days have passed, quickly turning a few hours into over a week of searching and we have nothing to show for it. Nothing has really changed for us, except that we're getting less and less sleep every night as our worries expand.
I sighed heavily and leaned against a tree, my legs shaking with exhaustion as I struggled to keep myself upright when an achingly familiar scent reached my nose.

My heart thudded in my chest as I forced my way in the direction the scent seemed to be coming from, Oreo happily trotting ahead as he seemed to catch her sent as well.
I tripped clumsily over a root and practically ate dirt, the scent attacking my nose as it seemed to be right in front of me.
I frowned and reached under the exposed trunk of the tree to my left and pulled out a box with holes in it, like one you'd put a hamster in when you buy it from the pet store.

I pulled it out, my frown slipping into a scowl before I rushed back to Angel's house, not wanting to open it without Aries. I burst through the door, Oreo barking, and looked through the room, sighing in relief as I noticed Aries begrudgingly sitting on the couch.
"I have a lead." I huffed, holding up the box as evidence.
Aries was in front of me and snatching the box from my hands within seconds, quickly ripping the lid off and staring at its contents.

"What is it...?" I asked softly, moving closer and peering inside. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes landed on the photo of Peyton practically dead against a disgusting mold covered wall, bloodied and bruised, her wrists behind her back and chained to the wall in what looked like bronze chains. She had a black eye that was mostly shut and with the other eye she was glaring murderously at whoever was taking the picture, Atlas lying on the ground beside her with little to no blood spots on his fur.

I growled lowly as my eyes fell on the other item in the box, a vial full of Peyton's blood, about a liter or so, which was the cause of her scent.
Aries snarled and turned his gaze to me, his eyes a hateful dark purple with streaks of violet, causing me to shiver in fear involuntarily.

And I thought he was scary before....

"Let's go." He growled out, shoving past me and storming out of the house, presumably to follow my scent back to where I found the box.
I followed promptly, my strides long to keep up as Aries plowed through foliage.

Hang tight Peyton, we're coming.

*Peyton's POV*

I woke foggily and despite sleeping for who knows how long thanks to the Nightshade I was still groggy, barely keeping my eyes open. I sighed heavily, quickly regretting my decision as a sharp pain sliced through my ribs.
I studied my appearance, taking note of my broken arm, a few cracked or even broken ribs, a few more stab wounds, a large cut over my stomach -which was still bleeding but my shirt hid it well- and the bruises have multiplied over the last few days. I tried not to move much as I glanced at Atlas, who was sitting beside me with a few cuts and a bloody nose.

"You alright?" I asked softly, shifting slightly.
He looked at me and nodded, anger flashing in his eyes.
"I'm sure my brother will find us soon. Just hang tight." I winced and let out a slow breath.
Moments later the man who's been getting us 'ready' for Drake made his way into our cell, a smirk on his face.
"I hope y'all are ready for todays-" before he could finish someone came up behind him and bashed him over the head.

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