Bonus chp 14.1

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I laughed and shook my head as everyone got out of the car, following slowly.  Aries, Angel, Olive, and myself decided to get out of the house so we went to the mall and left Orion with Elijah at the house since they'd decided to just chill.
I followed my brother as he lead us inside and straight to the food, knowing I'd be hungry. I mean he can't blame me, he dragged me out of bed early and said we were leaving.

I ran over and got a couple pretzels with cheese, a soda and a cookie for myself, my stomach satisfied as I took a bite.
"Alright, where to?" I questioned them, my eyes roaming around slowly.
"Leather shop?" Aries suggested, pointing to one of the shops.
"Oh yeah!" I grinned and somehow managed to hold onto all my stuff and drag kitty into the store.

"If I didn't already have my amazing leather jacket I'd be drooling." I smirked, wiping a piece of salt from my jacket.
"You need help." Kitty laughed, glancing at some of the leather chaps.
"Good thing I have you then huh?"
"I ain't no therapist!"
"Are now."

She huffed and shot me a playful glare before moving on to a different section.
I stayed and admired the other leather jackets before deciding to head to a different shop, probably something for pets if I can find it. Oreo needed toys and Ive been so busy with Elijah I never had the chance.
I sent Aries a quick text and made my way around the mall, curiously checking everything out as I passed.


A few hours later I'd gotten toys for Oreo, a new pair of AirPods since mine went mysteriously missing and a little dragon stuffy for Elijah. I was making my way back towards the food court when my phone pinged, annoyingly alerting me to a text.

♈️😈 Aries😈♈️:
Heading out to the car. Meet us there or walk back.

I'm offended.

I huffed and glanced one last time at the food court before making my way back out to the car.
I put my stuff in the trunk before hopping in and turning 'I Wish u Knew' all the way up as soon as my phone was hooked up.

"Seriously?" Kitty asked, trying to turn it down.
"Yes!" I stuck my tongue out and smacked her hand away from the dial, causing her to huff irritatedly. Angel and I laughed and sung along as Aries drove back to house.

We arrived a few short minutes later and piled out of the car, everyone grabbing their bags and whatnot before going inside.
I paused as I entered the living room and smiled softly. There, lying on the couch together, was Orion and Elijah, leaning on eachother under a blanket. The TV was playing softly in the background while Elijah was snuggled up against Orion.

"I'm not even upset that they're wasting my electricity." Angel whispered, smiling at them and bringing her stuff into the kitchen.
"I'll pay you back." I promised, getting a quick picture of the two adorable beans.

Wait.... Orions not adorable, Elijah is the bean.

I shook my head and took the little dragon stuffy out, placing it on Elijah's lap for him to snuggle with until he wakes up.
I helped Angel make some snacks to hold us over until dinner and then we all gathered around the couch and watched as the boys began to stir, obviously waking up.

Elijah opened his eyes first, he didn't even bother glancing at us and just tried to shove himself in between Orion and the couch, causing Orion to wake up faster and try to hide under the blanket. I laughed softly as Elijah sneezed and nearly fell off the couch, only to be saved by Orions legs.

"Stop being creepy." Orion mumbled, keeping his face hidden.
"Nah, there's no fun in that." I insisted, pulling it down and giving him a grin.
"Laugh it up. I'll get you back."
"Sure." I pat him on the head lightly and grabbed the stuffy from the floor.

"You're so mean."
"Only to you."
His cheeks flushed lightly and he hid under the blanket again, earning laughs from the others.
I shook my head and pulled the blanket away from them.
"Rise and shine guys c'mon, I didn't raise lazy butts."
"You didn't raise us at all...."
"Exactly my point. Up!"
Orion huffed and got up and I plopped down beside Elijah.

"I got this for you." I muttered with a smile, offering him the little brown dragon.
He stared at it for a second quietly before mumbling that he'd name it after me and giving it a hug.
I felt like crying, but obviously I felt too embarrassed and settled for giving him a hug.
"I love you Elijah."

This was needed UwU they needed a time to chill lol

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