Chp 25

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A/N firstly, I want to apologize for not updating in over a week. I've been really distracted. I appreciate y'all sticking with me and being so patient with me, you're the best. Secondly, I blame it entirely on Ryan24603
who is just very distracting. He doesn't have much of a profile lol but it's still all because of him. Love you guys! Enjoy this chapter!


"Just do it already!" I demanded, shoving him towards my dormitory's door.
"No." He whined like a child, trying to fight back.
"Sage Prescott Caspian-"
"How do you know my full name?"
"Aries is protective." I shrugged and shoved him.
"Make me you big baby." I huffed, opening the door and calling for Aries.

"Look away!" Sage cried pathetically, flopping to the floor.
"You are pathetic." I muttered, turning to my best friend.
"He has something to say to you."
"Alright, I'm waiting." Peyton droned, putting her hands on her hips. Sage got onto his knees in his sheep costume and scowled at me.
"I'm sorry." He muttered to Peyton.
"Hm, I couldn't hear you. What was that?"
"I'm sorry."
"One more time."
"I'm. Sorry." He gritted out angrily, glaring sharply at her.

"Perfect. Now where's my food Oli?" Peyton inquired cheerfully, a grin plastered on her face.
"Here." I replied, holding up a Subway bag and a Walmart bag. Oreo barked excitedly at the smell and sight of the food.
"What's that other bag for?"
"I had Sage buy toys and cake for you and Oreo." I passed her the sandwiches and placed the cake on the counter.
"Thanks Kitty, you're the best."

"Kitty?" Sage questioned, standing and pulling his hood down.
"My nickname for her." Peyton replied halfheartedly as she took a bite of her sandwich.
I shrugged in response to his question and gave Oreo some pets while Sage stared at me.


*Four days later*
Two days before the ball

I sat on the couch on mine and Peyton's room with my feet on Sage's lap while Peyton was on her bed reading her book and I was scrolling through my photos.
"I had a crazy idea." Sage began, looking at me.
"Your entire existence is a crazy idea." Peyton murmured, a smirk on her face as she flipped the page.
"Can I not have five minutes alone with my mate?"

"Just continue Sage." I ordered, turning my phone off.
"Since we're mates, do you wanna go to the Mítico ball with me?" He asked softly.
"I don't approve Oli, we should go together. Just you and me." Peyton butted in, setting her book down. I rolled my eyes at her but smiled brightly at Sage.
"I'd love to go to the ball with you! I already have my dresses picked out so you can just match with that."
"Good luck shopping with this one." Peyton muttered, patting Sage on the head before walking out, probably to go see Orion, while I rolled my eyes and continued talking to Safe about the ball.

*Orion's POV*

I paced around my room for a good hour, the carpet becoming worn as my mind wandered from topic to topic. Peyton and I were going out tonight and everything had to be perfect, I couldn't risk her saying no. My heart would shatter.
I ran my hands through my hair again and checked myself in the mirror my current roommate purchased.

Dumb jocks although I can't complain, I need to make sure everything's perfect

I sighed heavily and patted down my shirt and jumped as a light knock sounded against the doors old wood. I hurried over and pulled the door open, giving Peyton the biggest nervous smile I could muster.
"You ok there?" She inquired, studying my appearance from my disheveled hair to my nicest pair of jeans.
"Yeah- I'm fine. Um, you look great." I stumbled over my words as I stared at her. She wore a black top tucked into white jean shorts that went abut mid thigh with a red plaid flannel around her waist. She didn't have any makeup on that I could tell but she did wear a black choker and her necklace with the 'P'.

"Thanks. So, where are we going?"
"It's a surprise Peyton."
"I know, but I figured you'd tell me 'cause I'm so amazing." I chuckled and shook my head lightly.
"Yes, you are. But, I'm still not telling you." She huffed and followed me as I grabbed her hand and led her down the hallway.
"You're so mean to me." She muttered.
"Hey, if I were really mean I would be taking you back to your dorm room to change." I growled possessively, pulling her towards the main entrance.

"I can wear what I want, when I want." She challenged grumpily.
"Alright, you win. There's no way you couldn't."
"I know."
I gently tugged her towards and through the woods until we finally arrived at the area I'd picked. It was a small clearing with a hill blocking the wind on one side and a perfect view of the sunset on the other. A blanket sat on the ground, two picnic baskets and a drink cooler sitting atop it.

I glanced at Peyton as we walked closer, studying her small smile and the little sparkle of happiness in her eyes.
"You like it?" I questioned anxiously.
"Of course I do. It's perfect." She murmured, releasing my hand to check the view.
"It's better during the sunset."
"I don't doubt that."
"Come sit, let's eat."
She trotted over and sat beside me as I began pulling some of the foods out.

She glanced through the options before she began munching on the grapes.
"If I'm being honest, I didn't expect food. I had Olive get me some dinner earlier."
"Nah, it's ok. I haven't eaten so I'll probably end up eating most of it." We laughed and talked for a while, eating the food and watching as the sun sunk deeper into the sky.


"So how'd you find this place?" Peyton asked, breaking the silence as she stared at the stars above. I inhaled deeply and sighed, fiddling with my fingers.
"It was after your birthday party. I was so upset about you and Atlas I came out here and stayed for hours, mostly because I got lost." She chuckled.
"Haha yes it's so funny. Anyway. I found a trail and thought it led to the school. The sun was going to rise soon and I knew I had to get back. I followed the trail and found this place. At that point the sun had begun rising and the view was just... perfect. I got lost into it which sounds really cheesy for a guy to say but I'm being serious. I'd only seen one thing so beautiful before it."

I looked at her and smiled sheepishly.
"You're really corny." She mumbled, staring at me.
"Only for you."
She rolled her eyes.
"Well, I stayed until well after the sun was up, thinking about everything, before -probably around lunch- I finally went back to the school. It was so hard, seeing you and Atlas together, I made my way back up here every night, until you got taken. I was always either out looking for you or planning where to look for you."

I hadn't noticed I was beginning to cry until Peyton wiped my cheeks and took my hand.
"And thanks to you I'm here now, alive and well. Safe. I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon." She promised, rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand.
"Yeah. Now that your back I want to make sure i try everything I can, while I can."
She quirked an eyebrow questioningly.
"Will you go to the ball with me?"

"Meaning?""Will you go to the ball with me?"

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(^Peytons outfit^)

(^picnic setting^)

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(^picnic setting^)

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