Chp 13

273 8 4

I blinked at a little boy -maybe eight-years old?- who looked a lot like me, beat up, bruised and tired. He limped over after snatching the keys and quickly set me free, allowing me to stand shakily and take a closer look at my raw, bloody wrists.
He unlocked the collar from Atlas' neck with some difficulty, allowing him to shift back and study the boy who just saved us.

"Really? This is our rescue team?" Atlas chuckled, poking the boy's shoulder. He winced and stepped away.
"Shut up Atlas, he just saved your pelt. Try and be grateful for once." I growled, making my way slowly to the doorway.
"Let's get out of here before he wakes up."
"C'mon Aries, you can't expect me to respect this kid." Atlas said, trotting to catch up, despite me only being a few steps ahead as I waited for the boy.

"Actually, I do Atlas. C'mon kid, let's get out of here." I smiled softly at him, taking his hand gently, and led the way outside into the woods surrounding the old warehouse we've been stuck in for who knows how long. I took a slow deep breath, ignoring the sharp pain from my ribs and allowed my features to relax, finally free.

Almost home....

We walked for a while until the building was out of sight before Atlas stopped and grabbed my arm, stopping me as well.
"Aries, listen..." he took a slow breath and I frowned, sensing bad news.
"I'm not your soulmate, never was. I was trying to fake it, but it's not worth it, I didn't sign up to get kidnapped."

My heart stopped, my stomach dropped and I swallowed back my tears, refusing to cry in front of him. I just stared at him, dumbfounded, until he gave me a small smile.
"Thanks for understanding."
And then he was gone.
I felt like my world was crashing down, Mocha -who was extremely weak- let out a pitiful cry and drifted further to deal with the pain of all the lies that have been hidden for months.

My heart shattered and my breath caught in my throat as I tried to keep the tears at bay, before a voice broke the silence.
"I should get going." I glanced at Elijah -the little boy- a little ways away, his face scrunched up slightly with a frown.
"Will you be ok? Someone's coming to help you right now."
I nodded slowly, numbly, before sitting on a boulder and staring off into space.

I barely registered the sound of barking and footsteps, one set going away and three or four coming closer. A few moments later I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I looked up to see the worried -but relieved- face of my brother. It took about two seconds for me to crack, I began sobbing into his shirt, bunching up the fabric in my hands as I cried through the pain; the pain of my arm, my ribs, my body entirely, and my heart.
I cried until I felt too embarrassed to continue and tried to stop, angry barking bringing me back to earth as Orion and Oreo came over with Elijah being dragged through the dirt.

Orion barked something softly, glancing at me, and Aries growled lowly, the vibrations of it resonating into my own body.
"I honestly don't care. If he hurt my sister, kill him."
My tired brain struggled to catch onto the meaning of his words but when I did, I sniffled and shook my head lightly.
"No!" There was a moment of silence.
"Don't hurt him, h-he helped us. He helped us get out."

At that Orion dropped him roughly and came over to me, ears back, and placed his nose in my lap. I pet him for a second before he shifted back and gave me a gentle hug while Aries gave Elijah a look.
Orion helped me up and let me lean on him as we made our way back to what I assumed was Angels house while Aries walked beside Elijah.

After about five minutes of walking Elijah's limp had gotten worse and he looked ready to pass out. Aries sighed softly and crouched in front of Elijah.
"Climb on." He instructed, his voice rough. I watched quietly as Elijah hesitated before climbing on and wrapping his arms around my brothers neck.
"Get some rest, it'll probably be a while before we get there." Elijah nodded softly and rested his cheek against Aries' back, quickly falling asleep.

Aries is gonna be a great dad one day....

I smiled softly and allowed Orion to continue leading me back, ready to collapse from exhaustion. I'll be home soon, that's the only thought that has kept me motivated these past few days. And now, it's finally true.


We arrived at Angels house about twenty or so minutes later and Orion immediately made me plop down on the couch as he went with Angel to get medical supplies.
Aries sat Elijah beside me and sat in a recliner, his eyes never moving from the sleeping boy on the couch.
Orion came back and tended to Elijah first, since he wasn't as beat up as I was, and ended up giving him a minor sedative so he could set the ankle and wrap it up.

I didn't mind, it gave me time to think. I still couldn't get over the fact that my boyfriend -ex boyfriend- lied to me, tried taking from me what was meant for my soulmate, who I wasn't sure if ever wanted to meet now.
I flinched slightly as Orion began working on me and rubbed my probably red, puffy eyes before Angel came over and gave me a side hug.

"Everything ok?" She asked softly, to which I shook my head. Nothing was ok.
".... Atlas told me it was all a lie... that he'd been using me." I scoffed, my hand forming a fist as I got angrier.
"He said it wasn't worth it, he didn't sign up to get kidnapped."
She frowned and gave my shoulder a light squeeze.
"I'm sorry."

".... After pouring my heart and soul into that boy, he turned around and threw it all back in my face.... Only a man could do that huh?"
She hesitated.
"Not all men are like that, you'll see. Like your brother, Aries is amazing, he'd never hurt me like that." I looked at her bitterly, a sourness I couldn't explain burning through me.
"That's what I thought."
She was quiet, contemplating, before shrugging lightly.
"You'll see."

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