Chp 43

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(Their outfits and Peyton's car ^^^^ I forgot to put them in in the last chapter lol)

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(Their outfits and Peyton's car ^^^^ I forgot to put them in in the last chapter lol)

We pulled in and the moment I stepped out of the car a vaguely familiar scent hit me and I growled.
"Peyton? What's wrong?" Orion called from the other side of the car, Kaiden in his arms.
"Who's here with Aries?"
"Not sure. She comes by every once in a while but it's always when I'm leaving. She looks kind of like the temporary headmistress we had during that one winter break when you ran away." I frowned and made my way inside where Aries was calmly talking to the woman whose striking blue eyes haunted my dreams since the day we met.

The two of them turned to us as we walked in and Mrs. Haven's eyes immediately landed on Kaiden, a smile growing on her face.
"You certainly have matured quite a bit Toni." She pointed out, her eyes studying my attire.
"I like to think so," I glanced at Aries confusedly.
"But, who are you?" She shot a disapproving look at Aries before standing and striding closer, taking my hands in hers.
"I am Carla Marie Pierce. I am your mother."

My body tensed and froze up, Mocha faded like the early morning light when the sun comes up and I stared blankly at the woman who's accusation sucked all the air out of the room.
"It's true Peyton. I would know, I grew up with her for a portion of my life." Aries added in quietly, watching us. Orion knew we wanted to be alone so he took Kaiden upstairs despite the little boys protests and the woman -my mother- glanced at them momentarily as they made their way up.

"Why now...?" I whispered, immediately scolding myself for sounding so weak. I'm a lieutenant for Pete's sake.
"Well, we would've met four years ago if you hadn't run off." She rolled her eyes but the smile on her face told me how excited she was to finally be meeting me.
"Why does everyone keep being it up? I learned my lesson." I huffed childishly.
"Why don't we sit and talk? There's clearly a lot we need to catch up on."

So we sat and we talked. For hours. She told me what she'd been doing my entire life, why she really left and how excited she was to be a grandmother. Surprisingly I wasn't angry that she left. If she hadn't I wouldn't have met Aries, Aries wouldn't have forced me to go to school where I met my best friend and my mate and I wouldn't have the most adorable little boy in the world.

Oh my gosh! I forgot about Olive!
I was waiting for you to realize that
Shut up Mocha. You're no help

"I'm sorry, I gotta go. I have a friend I have to save." I interrupted, giving her a small smile.
"What do you mean?"
"My friend got caught by some sanctuary people so now I gotta bust her out." I replied, pulling out my phone and texting Sage.

Come to Aries' house right away. It's about your mate.

What happened?

No time for chit chat. Get your tail over here.


"I can watch Kaiden for you." Mom offered quietly, probably worried about my reply.
"That would be great. I'm not sure how long we'll be out for. Um, bedtime at eight, he'll tell you what he likes to eat and what he doesn't it's really simple honestly."
"I did have a child before y'know." She laughed softly and gave me a hug.
"Sorry, I've never left him anywhere but a daycare and even then that was after a while of getting to know the workers."

"I understand Toni. I'll go keep him company while you get this sorted."
She nodded and made her way upstairs just as the doorbell rang.

I'm growing soft Mocha!
What do you mean?
I can't believe I trusted her to watch my little boy so quickly!
She's your mother nimrod
I don't care! It's totally unlike me
Well don't take it back otherwise you're going to have to find another babysitter tonight

I huffed in annoyance at my dragon and yanked open the door, glaring sharply at my best friends mate. Well, I was glaring. Until I noticed the little boy in his arms. He had a mix of white hair with black tips and as he looked at me shyly I noticed he had Olives blue eyes.
"What the- what happened while I was gone!?" I snapped, causing the little boy to bury his face in Sage's neck.
"Quiet down Peyton. A lot happened. You were gone for four years." Sage hissed, rubbing his back.

"This is Oliver. Olive's choice, not mine. Obviously. She said she's always liked it." He shrugged lightly. I smiled and nodded.
"How old is he?"
"Just turned four."
"Kaiden's nearing four and a half."
I blinked for a moment.

"Olive didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"I have a son. He's upstairs."
"Yeah, no. Olive didn't say anything about it. Speaking of Olive though, have you seen her? She hasn't come home since she left yesterday." Sage walked in when I gestured for him to enter and we made our way to the living room where Orion was already waiting.

"Oli, why don't you go play upstairs? There's a friend up there." Sage asked his son, who nodded eagerly. Sage set him down and the little boy rushed up the stairs, my sons excited voice quickly following.
"Olive and her family kinda sorta got caught by some sanctuary people so we're planning on busting her out tonight. You in?"
"Of course I'm in, she's my mate. What's the plan?"

"We're going to go in -preferably in a dark clothes so we can blend in- before closing and then hide out until the owner leaves. Which is around nine ish if the time Olive called me last night is anything to go by. Once the owner leaves you and I will go in to get the door open while Orion keeps a look out in wolf form. If anyone comes one, it'll be less suspicious for a wild wolf to be found in the sanctuary and two he can howl if someone gets to close and hopefully divert their attention. Am I missing anything?" I took a deep breath after I explained my well thought out last minute idea.

"Get away car?" Sage inquired.
"The grey van." I replied swiftly.
"Get away driver?" Orion added.
"You." Sage and I replied simultaneously before exploding with laughter.
"Ha ha very funny guys. Let's go." Orion grumbled, grabbing the vans keys and heading outside.
"Aren't you forgetting anything Orion?" I called, heading towards the door.
"No?" He answered, though it was more of a question.
"I said dark clothes. And later tonight, near closing."
His cheeks reddened slightly in embarrassment before he nodded and went upstairs to change.

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