Chp 33

102 4 0

*Peytons POV*

I crouched low on the roof and watched the fat man I as strolled down the sidewalk, not a care in the world. A low growl left me as I watched him pickpocket a mother struggling with a child, yet I did nothing. I couldn't afford to lose this lead.
I jumped to the next roof and ran across it, following the dirt bags moves he made his way through town, hopefully leading me to another lead, or better yet, Elijah.

I followed him around until finally he began looking over his shoulder suspiciously, making sure no one was following him as he entered an ally. I -of course- followed him from the roof, keeping my eyes locked on him while I moved to make sure I didn't miss a thing.
He knocked on a door, stepped back and started doing some hand movements. I watched closely, imprinting it into my brain so I could use it to get in after him. I quickly shot Taytum the address before dropping my phone on the roof and stomping on it until it was just a bunch of crushed metal pieces.

I slid down a fire escape with some difficulty and made my way to the door, copying each move to the best of my ability. I was a bit choppy, but at least it made it seem a little more believable that I didn't know what to expect here.
Two big, burly men with long, braided white beards glares at me as the door opened -both of them reminding me of Dumbledore, only scarier- before stepping aside simultaneously and letting me in.

I took a shaky breath and stepped in, the rotten smell of vampires and witches permeating the air and making me gag.

I should've known that basket case was a vampire...
Yes. Yes you should've. You've only been following him for two weeks straight.

I rolled my eyes at Mocha and ignored her anxiety while I searched discreetly for the man I'd followed, trying to act as if I fit in. If I'm being honest, this place unnerved me. There were vampires and witches sitting at the bar a drinking, some were in a ring like one at a boxing match and facing off, some were dancing, mingling together as if they were one.
My eyes fell on the heavyset man in a corner, standing beside a tall, cloaked figure. Both of them were staring at me.

A nervous shudder rolled down my spine and I wrapped my arms around my stomach to seem small, well, that and to calm the nausea threatening to bring forth the bile. I almost smiled at my own thoughts as I made my way to the jukebox that was playing classical music from the 1700's and changed it to something a little less dramatic.
I got weird looks from what I could only guess to be the regulars as Experience by Ludovico Einaudi played loudly throughout the building. See the jukebox in here was enchanted, since most music the vampires and witches like are like REALLYYYYYYY old. So, supernatural jukeboxes can play any song from any time period, as long as it's past or present anyway.

I made my way to the bar and ordered an apple cider, hoping to distract myself from the gazes stabbing me in the back. As soon as my drink was in front of my I sniffed it before taking a sip, nearly choking on it as the man appeared beside me.
"You shouldn't be here." He hissed, his eyes flashing a dangerous blood red.
"This is the famous supernatural bar yes?" I inquired, pretending to be confused.
"Yes. But, your... condition... and the fact that you are no supernatural. You smell of one, but you're not."
A growl escaped my lips and I grabbed his shirt collar.
"Wanna say that again weasel? 'Cause I'll gladly show you how 'not supernatural' I am."

I was almost positive my eyes were glowing as well, the heat of my anger rolling off of me in powerful waves that made the man back down.
"Why don't we go somewhere more private hm?" I dragged him into a room off to the side where the music was barely heard and shoved him against the wall, my knife taking its place against his throat.
"Tell me all you know about a little boy, probably eleven by now." I pulled out the printed copy of the photo of Orion and Elijah, making sure it was folded to only show Elijah.
"Ah, him. You won't get anything from me, pathetic shifter." He chuckled with a light shake of his head, as if I'd told him a joke.

No shifting!
I'm not! I just need to scare him

A very dark growl left my throat, my claws extending against his shoulder.
"I suggest you start talking, before I turn you into a blood kabob."
He hissed, showing his sharp canines, before glancing towards the door, a smirk sliding onto his face.
"I think you'll be the one talking." The snarl on my lips faded at his words, a scent I could barely smell reaching my nose. With a frown of confusion I began turning around, only to get stabbed in the shoulder with a needle.

I yelped and lashed out, swiping at the vampire and my unknown assailant as my vision began to get blurry. I growled and swiped with my claws, stumbling as I fought to stay awake, to no avail. Within seconds I thudded to the floor as darkness consumed me.

Not again...

A/N I did it!!! Two updates on one day UwU I love it so muchhhhhh and bonus points cuz I don't think I spoiled my plan. Btw tho, this chapter is slightly shorter -roughly 70 words- than the rest, but I gave y'all 200+ words extra in the last chapter so it should be fine.
Please let me know what y'all think about the characters/plot/story in general or even if y'all have some suggestions! I'm totally open to it. I'm hoping to have the story wrapped up in roughly 10 chapters but I mean, who knows? I have a lot planned for Peyton and Orion between now and then.


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