Chp 24

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She slammed our dorm door behind us and then brought us over to the couch where her tough facade cracked and she pulled me in for a hug. I frowned softly and stroked her hair with one hand while hugging her back with the other one.

"Why would you do that?" I questioned softly.
"I can't let him think he can bully my best friend and still be my mate..." she mumbled into my shoulder.
"Oli, I don't care. I can deal with him. You've wanted to find your mate since I met you. I just want you to be happy." I assured her gently.
"No buts Olive. Now, I want you to pull yourself up, wipe off that smudged make-up and show your mate who makes the rules around here ok?"
She nodded softly and pulled away to wipe her eyes with a small smile.
"You're the best Peyton."
"I know. Now shoo!" I wiped fake tears from my eyes.
"My little girl's all grown up."

She smacked my arm playfully with a glare before trotting into the bathroom to fix her make-up. I chuckled and changed into sweats and a tank top before plopping down in the couch, too lazy to leave again.
"Aren't you coming with me?" Kitty asked as she exited the bathroom.
"Eh, I'm gonna chill in here. Watch another Harry Potter. Text me if you need me. Oh! And bring me back some food." I waved her off and turned the TV on.
"Alright fine. I'll be back in a little while."
"Yeah yeah. Good luck!"
She took a deep breath before leaving the room, hopefully going to show that Sage dude who's in charge.

*Olives POV*

I smoothed down my hair nervously as I made my way back to the cafeteria, stomach in knots. I couldn't explain what got me so anxious to any of the onlookers, they wouldn't understand. Yes, Peyton was a bit cold at first, but I consider her my sister, and for my mate to try and hurt her... I huffed and frowned as I pushed the door to the cafeteria open.

What if he doesn't want to be my mate now? Will I care? Should I care? This wasn't a good idea... I'll just grab Peyton's food and-

I yelped in surprise as a hand grabbed my wrist, halting my thoughts and my legs. I looked at the boy from earlier -Sage, my mate- and gulped.
"Listen, I'm sorry." He muttered, barely audible.
"I'm sorry?" I questioned, mostly because I wanted to hear him say it again.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to attack your friend, but if we're being honest she started it. I was just minding my own business when she threw me to the floor."

I raised an unamused eyebrow.
"That's because she knew you weren't good enough." I moved towards the line for food, not missing the flash of panic in his eyes.
"I'll make it up to you. And her her. I swear. I'll stop being such a jerk. All I've wanted was to meet my mate, I'll do anything." He promised, following me.
"Anything?" A mischievous smile tugged at my lips.
"Alright. Give me a second." I pulled out my phone to text Peyton.

Hey Peyton, change of plans. I'll get you something from Subway.

How come? Are you ditching the plan cuz ur scared?

No! You'll see when i get back

I huffed and shook my head before pulling Sage out towards my car. Followed with an amused expression and simply got in without a fight.
"So where are we going chica?" He asked as I buckled my seatbelt and started the engine.
"Shopping." Was my short reply as I began driving down the road.
"By the way, my name is Olive. Not chica." Sage simply shrugged and watched out the window as we drove towards Walmart.

We stepped out of the car and walked inside together.
"So what are we getting?" Sage questioned, his eyes wondering towards the TV's placed on the shelves near the door.
"Your punishment." I pulled him over towards the mens section while he stared at me curiously.
"You really care for her that much? I wasn't really being serious about the 'anything' part."
"Yes Sage. She's my best friend, and despite seeming like a jerk at first she's really cool and she's been through a lot in the past year."

"Like what?"
"Not my place to say. Maybe one day she'll tell you."
He huffed softly as i tugged him over to the pajamas and grabbed a sheep onesie. I smirked.
"No." He immediately denied, shaking his head profusely.
"You said anything. If you want to be with me you have to do what I say."
"... Fine."

I grinned and carried the onesie with me as I pulled him towards the bakery section.
"If you wanna get on her good side you have to spoil her and her dog. Which means cake for her and maybe a couple of toys for Oreo." I muttered, my eyes searching the cakes.
"Wait, she named her dog Oreo?" Sage inquired, barely biting back a laugh.
"Actually his name is Oreo McFlurry. Oreo is a nickname. He was a birthday gift for her last year. Speaking of which her birthday is coming up soon." I sighed softly as I though about what I should get her.

"Alright. What's her favorite cake flavor?"
"Red velvet."
We searched for a few minutes before finding the last red velvet cake on the shelves -ridiculous!- and we made our way to the pets stuff.
"What type of dog is Oreo?" Sage wondered quietly, grabbing a small rope.
"Husky. He's just over a year old." I responded, grabbing a few squeaky toys.

Peyton's gonna love me

I laughed quietly and held onto the items while Sage picked out some treats and a large rope.
"Alright, I think this is good. I'll let you take it all to the register while I use the restroom." I shoved the items in his unsuspecting arms.
"What? You expect me to pay for this?"
"Of course, it's your fault we're here in the first place. But if it makes you feel better I'll pay for dinner." He shook his head and huffed in annoyance as he made his way towards the registers.

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