Chp 16

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Silence filled the room until Olive began jumping up and down a basically shouting 'I figured it out'. I covered her mouth, my eyes probably glowing an angry amber.
"One soul cat shifter, tell one soul and you may never speak again." Mocha threatened, her overprotectiveness for me speaking volumes.
Kitty nodded tentatively and plopped on my bed as I released her.

"Can I know the real reason to don't tell anyone?" She asked softly, studying me. I sighed heavily and sat beside her.
"When I was a kid -before I met my brother- I was too trusting. Any time i met another supernatural I would tell them what I was and then they'd freak out, become terrified and run away. I didn't want to risk that here since I'm stuck here for however long."
"Well, I'm not going anywhere." I looked at her questioningly.
"You're my friend Aries. Always will be."

"Good to know, let's get ready for breakfast 'cause I can't handle any more mushy talks alright?" I suggested, grabbing some clothes from my dresser. Kitty laughed but agreed and got her own things ready for class.
I shoved my history book into my bag along with the rest of my books and left with Olive, who constantly asked if She could see me shift someday soon.

I didn't bother replying as Orion joined us and began asking questions. Olive was smart enough to remember Mocha's threat and simply shrugged, ending the conversation there while Orion brought up a new topic; a lead on Drake.

"Did he leave a note? A clue? Anything?" The hatred I had for that man burned through my veins as Orion blinked awkwardly and struggled to find his words.
"He left a note, saying we should give up and hand you over. He as an army ready supposedly." He gulped as my expression darkened and I snarled.
"I'm going to end that idiots useless life,"
"Aries, we'll think of something to get him back for what he's done."
"You don't understand ok?! It wasn't just a year ago that he ruined my life alright, my brother is my brother because of what he's done!"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Orion questioned softly, causing me to huff irritatedly.
"Yes it is, but the only reason he's my brother is because my own father decided I wasn't good enough for his stupid little plan!"
Uncomfortable silence fell between our group before I huffed and stormed off, ignoring the looks from almost everyone around us as I left.


I tossed my clothes around the room haphazardly as I tried to decide on an outfit. I planned on staying out tonight, maybe spend the night at Angels place, but had no idea what to say to her when I got there. I was stalling.

Oh dang.... the great Peyton is stalling a conversation with her brothers soulmate
Shut up Mocha, I'd rather get out of here before kitty and Orion get here
Too late!

I sighed heavily as Olive and Orion came in, their eyes immediately falling on me.
"Can we talk?" Olive asked quietly, plopping down on her bed.
"There's really nothing to talk about," I shrugged.
"We all know that's a lie. Are you sure it was your dad?"
"Of course I'm sure! I'd know his stupid face anywhere."

Orion rubbing Oreo behind the ear before giving me an encouraging smile.
"Peyton-" he began, only to be cut off by kitty.
"It's her real name."
I sighed heavily as kitty rounded on me, giving me her hardest glare yet.

"Aries isn't your real name?!"
"Nope! It's my brothers."
"No wonder you never call him by his name."
I nodded softly and turned back to Orion.
"What we're you gonna say before you were so rudely interrupted?"
"I was going to ask if you knew what his plan was? You mentioned it before you left."
I thought back to the very first memory I tried to bury and frowned.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room at five years old, my adorable younger self watching Wonder Pets on the TV while my dad discussed business plans with a buddy of his when he came down.
"Peyton! Come over here." He demanded, gesturing to the living room. I hopped off the couch and ran over eagerly, wanting to please him.
"Yeah daddy?" I questioned, a toothy grin lighting up my face.
"Remember that thing I wanted you to practice?"
"I want you to show my friends ok?"

I nodded eagerly and stared right into one of the mens eyes, cold, angry brown orbs that made my tiny body shudder. We sat like that for a few minutes before the man broke eye contact and glared sharply at my father.
"This has been a complete waste of time Drake, we cannot fund your cause. Good day." The men left without another word and my father rounded on me with the angriest expression I'd ever seen.
"Useless! All that time, planning and experimenting and you failed!" He bellowed angrily, he shoved me backwards, causing my head to smack into the table before I fell to the floor. Tears began streaming down my cheeks as I looked at my father, confused and hurt.
"I-I'm sorry daddy! I'll do better I promise!"
He shook his head and my head whipped to the side with a sudden force, that I quickly began to realize was his hand.

My cheek stung from the slap but I found the strength the pull myself up and fight back, well get away. I cried out as his nails dug into the flesh of my leg and I fell to the floor, the wood leaving bruises on my face and arms.
"You're a mistake! Gosh, I never should've agreed to having you."
I bit back a sob as I kicked at his face and managed to get free, my bones aching.
I ran for the door and made it out without him stopping me, but fell to the ground as I heard a loud bang and felt an excruciating pain in my shoulder.

I let out a yelp as I crashed to the ground before scrambling up and sprinting into the woods, pushing my aching body further away from my home, my family.
I ran until I couldn't anymore and fell down beside a tree, sobs racking my body as I silently hoped the tree would eat me whole.
I sniffled quietly and hugged my legs to my chest, ignoring the piercing pain the bullet caused by nicking my shoulder.
"Hey, you ok?"
I flinched and looked up at a boy, a few years older than myself with black hair, my eyes wide in surprise.
"... mm fine." I murdered quietly, my tiny heart racing with fear.
I hugged my legs a little tighter, trying to hide the cuts on my arms and legs a little better.

"Brave people are cool, but lying to yourself doesn't help anything." The boy offered me a small smile as he came closer, pulling a pack of bandaids from his bag.
"Can I see your arm?" I studied him critically for a few seconds, before reluctantly nodding and showing him the scratches.
He took it carefully and began cleaning me up, a concentrated look on his face.
"My names Aries, what's yours?" He asked softly, studying my tear-stained face.


Tadaaaaaa! I'm guessing no one saw that lil sneak peek coming lol. We got a small glimpse into her past, what do y'all think?

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