Chp 30

137 6 0

*Peytons POV*

I sighed heavily and rubbed my forehead as I stared at my idiot mate who scarfed down his breakfast and proceeded to glance at me with a weird look in his eyes. We'd all finished off breakfast fairly quickly and decided to just chill and watch the television in the living room.
"By the way guys, if y'all have...... Peyton and Orion jr's y'all better move into another house. I don't need to wake up at the break of dawn listening to crying." Atlas informed us, breaking the silence and causing my face to turn a light shade of pink.

"I don't think there will be kids for a while Aries. Sure I'm in my mid twenties, but I doubt I'm ready for a baby." I scoffed, fiddling with the cup of tea I'd gotten.
Orions head shot up and he stared at me, his gaze piercing.
"Do you want to have kids?" He asked seriously.
"No, no. I was just thinking about Elijah. I miss him. I've been thinking about trying to track him down again." I replied with a firm shake of my head, studying the boys' reactions.
"Peyton.... you drove yourself crazy last time......."
"You don't have to remind me Orion, I remember just fine. But....... he's been missing for like two and a half years, he's probably eleven ish now if he's still alive......" I sighed heavily and he rubbed my back lightly.
"How about we talk more about this later hm? Maybe we can come up with a plan for all of us to find him."
I nodded and we left it at that for now, moving on to the topic of our newly decided wedding.

We talked for about an hour or two before Aries decided to leave, giving us time to discuss everything in private.
"- you're not even listening to me are you Peyton?" Orion sighed with a small sigh.
"Hm what? Yes I'm listening." I lied smoothly, trying to look interested.
"Sure. What was I talking about?"
"Something about the wedding." I grinned cheekily.
"C'mon Peyton. At least help me decide part of the guest list."
"Aries, Angel, her roommate, Olive and I guess Sage and then your family and family friends. I don't have anyone else."

He frowned softly.
"Is this about Elijah?"
"I would like to find him and have him there before we get married, but no. I don't really see the point in planning everything...."
"Memories Peyton." He grinned and pulled me up, wrapping his arms around me before he started rocking back and forth.
"Imagine it," he began softly, kissing the top of my head.
"You in a beautiful white gown with a slight train, your hair up in a bun with two strands sticking down to frame your face. Me in an amazing tuxedo watching you with tears in my eyes as you walk down the flowery path, towards an altar with a white archway behind me. Everything you could ever want in a wedding."

"See, you have everything planned out. why do you need me?" I laughed softly.
"Haha. Very funny. Why don't you ask Olive to help pick out a dress or something?"
"Really? Olive? If I ask her I'll be at the bridal store from opening until closing."
"Fair enough I guess. I just want you to be excited."
"And I am, I promise. I've just never thought about a wedding before."
"Well, now you can."

He pulled away and kissed my cheek.
"I love you..."
"I love you too weirdo." I mumbled with a huff before we went back to planning.


Three days later I sat in my room looking through a couple magazines when Orion came in with a small box labeled with my name.
"This just got dropped off for you. The dude gave me some weird vibes so I decided to not open it." He explained, setting it down in front of me and watching curiously.
"I'm guessing by that look on your face it means you want to see what's inside." I teased, sliding a fingernail across the tape.
"Of course, I want to make sure it's not going to hurt you."

I rolled my eyes and opened it up before pulling out a piece of paper with a note on it, a painfully familiar scent permeating the air.
'Don't bother coming for him'
I frowned softly and pulled out a fairly large, bloody piece of cloth drenched in Elijah's scent, just how I remember it.
A dark growl left my lips and Orion came closer, frowning at the note.
"I told you we should go look for him." I hissed, clenching the cloth in my fist as I stormed out of my bedroom.
I pulled out my phone and texted Olive.

Meet at Angels place. STAT. Emergency.

🐱🐈 Kitty 🐈‍⬛🐱:
Is everything ok????

Just get there.

"Lets go." I demanded, rushing out the door and heading to Angels house.
"Babe, maybe stop for a second. We need to think about this, it's clearly a threat and someone's close enough to get the cloth." Orion reasoned, running after me.
"All the more reason to trace it." I growled, continuing to speed walk to Angels house.

After the quick speed walk over we met Olive and Sage at Angels and walked in without knocking, the smell of Elijah's blood driving Mocha insane.
"We have a problem." I snarled, holding up the bloodied fabric.
Aries' nose scrunched slightly.
"What's that supposed to be?" He asked with a roll of his eyes.
"I got this and a note in a box this morning. It said 'don't bother coming for him'. It's Elijah's. I would recognize his scent anywhere." I growled out, staring at the fabric.

"Why would someone want to keep us away from him?" Kitty asked with a frown, Sage tucking her closer protectively.
"Because either they're doing something to him or they have plans for him and don't want us in their way."
"Probably a mix of both." Aries pointed out.
"Not helping brother. Can we please plan something? I'm going to go insane sitting around a pretending like this didn't happen."

Orion frowned and began massaging my shoulders.
"It'll be ok."
"No! You can't dismiss me like that."
"I'm not dismissing you Peyton-"
"If you guys won't help I'll go look for him myself." I huffed, getting up and storming out of the house, making another silent vow.

I don't care how long it takes, where it takes me or if I'm completely alone. I'm finding Elijah and I'm not coming back until I do.

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