38: The Truck

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"Alissa. Wake up." Buck shook me gently. My eyes fluttered opened, immediately being met with the blue eyes I fell in love with.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, rubbing my tired eyes before sitting up. I noticed that it was still dark outside by the lack of natural light in the room. "Nothing. It's just that I um—I've never been good with talking about my feelings." He said.

"You can tell me anything Evan. I mean anything."

"I know we're engaged and have been for awhile now. I just love you so much Alissa. In fact, I love you too much." He spoke, his eyes finding mine. "I can't live without you. I swear Alissa, I can't." He continued.

"I love you too. So much, but where is this coming from?" I asked, his sudden urgency making me feel slightly anxious.

"I was just thinking about Eddie and Shannon and Chris. It made me realize how much I love you. You can't ever die on me Alissa. I mean it." Buck's hands grabbed mine, giving them a small squeeze.

"I love you too much." He repeated, pressing his lips against mine softly.


"I hate this world." I sighed, hopping out of the truck after returning from a call involving a possible bomb at a school. "It's horrible." Hen added as we walked upstairs.

Currently there was a serial bomber going around LA leaving packages at doorsteps. So far there had been 2 victims, and I was praying for no more. The whole situation made my hands shake, this was the part of being a first responder that I hated the most.

I sat at the couch and pulled out my phone, dialing Brielle's number and pressing FaceTime. In a time like this, I just needed to talk to my daughter and make sure she was doing okay.

"Hi mom!" I heard as Brie's face entered the screen. "Hi baby! How are you?" I smiled. "I'm good, I miss you." She said, taking the phone from her father.

"Babe do you thi—oh hey Brie!" Buck said as he took a seat next to me. "Hey Buck!" She smiled, her pink braces showing on the screen. "We miss you over here! And little Evie can't wait to meet you." Buck told her, watching as she started to get distracted by the tv in front of her.

"Well I just wanted to check on you babygirl. I love you so so much." I said, hoping to get her attention. "I love you too mom! Bye Buck!" She said before quickly hanging up.

I let out a huge sigh. I felt a little less anxious after seeing that Brie was okay. "Everything okay?" Buck's voice caught my attention.

"I just can't seem to shake the feeling that something is wrong, but I think I'm just extra anxious today." I shook my head.


"Evie finally slept through the night last night. It was heavenly." I laughed, the team and I were currently on the way to a call, though I missed what it was about. "That's always the best part of newborns."

"118, 118. This is dispatch, we got Bobby Nash on the line. He says it's Important." A dispatcher said through our radio. Everyone looked around at each other. "Wait, what?" Chimney said from the captains seat.

My chest immediately tightened, the feeling that something was not right ached through my entire body. Buck placed a hand on my thigh, noticing my leg bouncing rapidly. My gut was screaming at me to get out of this fire truck, but with us actively moving, there was nothing I could do.

"Dispatch. Dispatch, please repeat." I heard Chimney say before I felt a rumble. My heart began to race as I felt the truck fly into the air before landing. I held my breath as my body slammed into the roof of the fire truck. I closed my eyes tightly as I heard glass break all around me.

"Alissa, are you hurt?" I heard Chimney call out. "No, I can feel my legs and wiggle my toes. I'm okay." I said, realizing I was now on the street. I carefully stood up, looking around me. "Come here!" Eddie whisper-yelled, pulling me behind another truck.

"Give me the Captain! I want the Captain! Where's the Captain?!" I heard a guy scream. I looked around me again, realizing Evan wasn't with the rest of us. "No. No. Where is Buck?" I asked, my eyes swelling up with tears and my hands beginning to tremble.

"Listen to us very carefully Alissa. Now is not the time to play superhero. We got him. He will be okay." Hen said, holding my shoulders so I couldn't turn to face where the truck had landed. Meanwhile some exchange, that I didn't pay any attention to was happening between the guy and Bobby.

I shook my head and turned around. My eyes immediately spotting Buck, his leg caught beneath the truck. "EVAN!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. I ran over, Hen, Chimney and Eddie following behind me. I kneeled down, his head was bloody, and his face scratched up.

"Buck how we feeling?" Hen asked, kneeling next to me. "Kind of numb." He responded, his head resting against the pavement. "Skin is cold and pale!" Eddie called out. I sobbed as I watched him get more and more tired.

"You can't do this to me Evan. You can't die on me. I love you too much." I cried harder, resting my hand on his cheek. "We have to get this off of him! Everyone come lift." Chimney said. I stayed in my place on the ground, gently rubbing his cheek. "It's gonna be okay." I said before they all started lifting.

Buck let out a blood-curdling scream as the truck lifted off of him. I bit down on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying even harder as he screamed louder. Despite all of the team lifting, the truck was too heavy.

Chimney went to radio for more help when people started running towards the fire truck that was holding my fiancé hostage. I saw Buck look up with slight confusion. "They're here to help you baby. Just hang on a little while longer." I tried to reassure him.

Once again, everyone lifted. Buck's screams again surrounded me as the pressure lifted off of his leg. Eddie and Hen pulled him out. "We got you Buckaroo." Chimney said as he helped them.

"We got him Alissa." Eddie whispered, helping me to my feet. I tried to take a deep breath, but I only cried harder as I watched them begin to load my fiancé up into the ambulance.

"Come on kid." Eddie said ushering me into the back of the ambulance.

"Stay with us Buck. Alissa's right here. We're 4 minutes out." Hen said as the ambulance took off.

"I'm here baby. You're okay." I said, placing my hand on his.


(A/N): guys. this damn book!! 2 more chapters until the second book gets released.

The official title of the second book is...
F*ck Love

I've been on a killer writing-spree the last few days, so definitely expect the new book to drop within the next 2 weeks

It'll drop with 3 chapters published, so get ready

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now