16: Surprise?

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It's been 2 weeks since I found out I'm pregnant. It's been hell. I throw up all the time. Buck has been so helpful though, and so patient with me.

I haven't told anyone else about my pregnancy. I don't want anyone to know until I am in the clear and there chance of losing the baby is a lot lower.


"Alright baby, I got you some chicken noodle soup without the chicken so I guess just noodle soup" Buck laughed as he walked into our shared apartment. "You're the best" I smiled as he set the container on the coffee table.

"So when can we tell people? I'm itching to tell Maddie." He trailed off going into the kitchen. "About that." I started. "I need to address something with you." I continued. Buck looked at me. "What's that?" He asked.

"There is a possibility this is Eddie's baby." I said bluntly. "I know" He walked over setting a glass of water next to my soup and sitting next to me. "I'm going to tell Eddie but I need you here with me while I do." He nodded and rested a hand on my stomach.

"I really want this baby to be mine Alissa" I sighed. "I know Evan" I grabbed my phone. "I'm gonna ask Eddie to come over so please be calm"

I went to Eddie's contact and pressed the call button. The phone rung twice before he picked up. "Hey Alissa what's up?" He questioned. "Hey Eddie are you free right now?" I asked him as Buck leaned over to hear Eddie's voice.

"Yeah I am why?" "Can you come over? It's really important." I said into the phone as I watched Buck mock Eddie. I slapped his head lightly. "I can. I'll be there in 15." We exchanged goodbyes and he hung up.

"You are so annoying." I scoffed at Buck's childish antics. "No I'm not, I just don't like that he got the chance to have sex with you and possibly get you pregnant." He shrugged, my eyes rolling at his dumb sentence.


About 20 minutes later Eddie knocked at the door. I got up from my spot and opened it. "Come in." Is all I could get out as the smell of the coffee in his hand hit my nostril.

I ran into the bathroom, Buck following behind me. This was almost routine at this point. Me rushing into the bathroom, vomiting in the toilet, Buck holding my hair back while I did so.

I walked back out. "Sorry about that Eddie." Buck said sitting on the couch next to Eddie, meaning I had no spot. I sat on Buck's lap. "So what's important?" Eddie asked as he rolled his eyes at me sitting on Buck.

"I'm pregnant Eddie." I said flatly. His face lit up, "Congratulations guys, I'm so happy for you both." Eddie smiled towards Buck and I. "That's the thing Eddie, it could be yours? We need a paternity test."

"What?" His face went blank. "Surprise?" I replied. "Wouldn't we be able to tell who the dad is from how far along you are?" Buck asked, I shrugged. I slept with them both within the same timeline it would be very hard to determine from that.

I wanted this baby to be Evans. The last thing I wanted or needed was to be pregnant with Eddie's baby. "I'm not sure, maybe. Hopefully." Eddie stood up. "Can I go now?"

"No Eddie we need to discuss this?" I got annoyed with his childish behavior. "If it's mine pretend it isn't and raise it with Buck. I don't want another kid, especially not if you're the mother." His words pierced my heart.


I shifted uncomfortably in the stiff-backed chair all doctors offices were equipped with.

Especially not if you're the mother. Eddie's words replayed in my head as I waited in the front room of my obgyn.

"Alissa?" A nurse called out from the hallway snapping me out of my thoughts. Buck and I stood up following her into a room. "Your husband?" She asked as she typed into a computer. "Maybe one day, he's the father." I smiled at the thought of Buck and I getting married.

"Right so you're here to get a confirmation test? Followed by an ultrasound?" I nodded. "That's right." I sat onto the patients chair.

"Your doctor will be in soon." The nurse said as she finished taking my blood. She left the room once she gathered all her equipment.

Buck grabbed my hand. "It will be okay Lis." He said comfortingly. My hands trembled, I was terrified. I wasn't ready for another kid. Not with Buck. Not with Eddie. Not with anyone.

I felt bad for feeling this way. Buck is an amazing boyfriend, I see a future with him, but this is a newer relationship. I've only known Buck for 6-ish months. I couldn't raise a child with him. And Eddie? He's an amazing father to Christopher, he was amazing with my daughter, but we aren't any good for each other and raising a kid with him would be so bad for the baby.

I was in my head for 10 minutes when there was a light knock on the door. "Good afternoon Alissa, it's good to see you again." My doctor walked in and shook my hand. "And good afternoon to you as well sir." He shook Buck's hand. After a few seconds of him typing on his computer he spoke, "Alrighty Alissa, it looks like we have a negative pregnancy test." My eyes shot up at him.

"Negative?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Yes negative. You are not pregnant. It must've been a false positive on the at home test."

A wave a relief went through my body. I wasn't pregnant.

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