12: What?

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Eddie sat on the bed, thankfully he was a comfortable distance from me. "So Alissa we have a problem" he started. I looked at him. "And what would that problem be Eddie?" I questioned.

How could we possibly already have a problem? I haven't seen him in days. We've been broken up. There should be absolutely no problems. At all.

"Brielle called me dad" he said boldly. "What?!" I replied back quickly. Now this...this is a problem. "I picked her up from school and she told her friends that I'm her dad." I was beyond confused. "And what did you say Eddie?" I said getting defensive.

I didn't like Brielle's father, but he was good to her. He was her father. Not Eddie.

"I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say!" He raised his voice. "Edmundo do not get loud with me and I told you not to let this happen" I snapped at him.

"You are not her father. You will never take that place in her life Eddie. I swear you never will. Now please leave." I said. I wasn't supposed to get worked up, but here I was. My ex-boyfriend sitting on the bed I share with my current boyfriend, me getting worked up over my daughter calling my ex her dad.

Eddie got up and went downstairs. I heard Buck tell him to leave Brielle here. Buck came upstairs. "I'll call Hen to get her" I nodded. There was no way I was letting her spend another ounce of time with Eddie.


Once Hen picked up Brie and Buck got her all situated he came back upstairs. "Do you need anything love?" He asked as he sat next to me. I shook my head and looked into his eyes, "I want to cuddle with you" I said.

He laid next to me, wrapping his arms around my body. "I would've never thought you would be the one to make our relationship official" Buck claimed as he kissed my forehead gently. "I'm full of surprises aren't I?" I laughed slightly.

We just laid there. Him holding me. I laid my head against his chest. His arms felt safe. Buck was my safe. The whole time I thought it was Eddie, but boy was I wrong.

Listening to my boyfriend's heartbeat was so calming. I loved the occasional kiss he would leave on my head or cheek. The whole scene just made everything so relaxing. My new home, my new boyfriend...I couldn't ask for anything more.

"We should tell Brie" Buck said looking down at me. I knew he meant telling her about our relationship. I wasn't ready though. "Evan I don't think that can happen right now. And honestly I really want to tell her, but I know she won't handle it well and I'm afraid her relationship with you will get bad."

"I understand, but don't you think she'll realize? I mean it's not like you're sleeping in a different room or anything. I don't want to be invasive or anything Alissa, but I think hiding it from her won't do her any good." Buck sat up and look at me.

"No. I'm not telling her and thats final. She already considers Eddie her dad and I can't let it happen again." I said feeling majorly frustrated. "Alissa" "Evan stop" I got up. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, but I ignored it.

I went downstairs and sat on the couch. Surprisingly, Buck let me be. I started to think about the way I treated Eddie. It was wrong. I shouldn't have gone off on him about Brielle. I shouldn't have shut him out all this time. We were supposed to be a team no matter what.

I picked up my phone and went to messages. I scrolled, looking at Eddie and I's old messages. I'm not sure what went through my head but I found myself typing out a message to him and sending it. Then somehow I wound up calling him.

"Hello?" Eddie said, his voice raspy. I knew I'd woken him up. "Eddie um hi? I'm not really sure why I called you." "Well Alissa, obviously there was a reason so just spill it"

"I fucked up Edmundo. I really did and I'm so sorry. I've treated you like shit because I've had all my focus on Buck when it should've been on you." I explained, my voice and hands started to shake as I spoke to the man I loved.

"Lis it's okay" he let out a sigh. "I knew you would come around one day, I just didn't realize it would be today." I set my phone down and put it on speaker. "I didn't either, but I did and I know the damage is already done, but I still wanted to say that I'm sorry." I somehow managed to say as tears formed in my eyes.

"Can we talk about this in person tomorrow? I can come over?" He asked. "Yes I think that would be best" "I have to get some sleep Lis, but I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" I sighed. It felt comfortable for the first time in awhile.

"Okay Eddie. Goodnight." And with that, I hung up. I immediately felt regret for the phone call. Buck is my boyfriend. I really like him and I don't want to mess things up this early.

But Eddie. He was my boyfriend first. I love him and I really messed things up. Edmundo was the boyfriend I have always dreamed of having. Our relationship worked so so well. I miss it. I miss him. I miss the little family we were with our kids. I crave that. I need that.

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now