21: Dosed

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I walked into the firehouse, seeing my whole team on the second floor. Hen and Buck were playing video games, Bobby's head stuck in his book, and Chimney awaiting my arrival.

"You're finally here Brixton." Chim called out as he walked down the stairs. "I am here." I walked over to meet him at the back of the truck. "How did it go?" I shook my head at his question and he understood to not ask anything further.

"What did I miss?" I walked up the stairs to see everyone else. "Nothing much, we got some brownies, but of course everyone ate them already." Chimney laughed. I turned around to see where Eddie was when a redhead caught my attention. She was getting flirty with Buck.

"That's the famous Taylor Kelly. And Chim, they saved one for me so ha" Eddie said from behind me while eating a brownie. Not realizing he had made it upstairs. I nodded, feeling slight jealousy towards the girl. "Buck clearly has a type." I tried to let out a laugh.

I studied as Buck seemed so interested into what the girl was saying, the way his cheeks got rosy, shifting uncomfortably in his seat as she brushed her hand against his chest playfully. And right as he looked up to meet my gaze I spun on my heels to face Eddie.

Eddie looked at me, he could feel the jealousy radiating from my body. I don't know if it was just that my emotions were running high from court or that I was just high, maybe a little of both truthfully.

"Alissa, I need you on your-" Bobby began to speak as I turned towards him. "Are you high right now?" He asked noticing my red eyes. "High off her ass, court didn't go how we expected so in turn she decided to smoke the pain away." Eddie answered for me.

This morning, I had court. Custody court. Damien, Brielle's father, reported me not having my own place at the moment. It lead to a whole custody battle. I lost most custody of her. I get to see her for 5 days every 3 months, but it's supervised than none other than her father.

Eddie took me to the courthouse to support me. When I found out that I will no longer have majority custody, I lost it. Nothing this painful had happened since my brother died. I used weed to cope with that, so naturally I turned to it here.

"I'm good Cap, no need to worry here I am completely coherent." I tried to convince him, knowing he was going to make me sit out today. "Lis-" Eddie tried to interrupt. "I am okay. I swear, I'm coming down from it anyways." I reassured him. "I believe you, but get something to help your eyes in case we have to go out on a call." I nodded.

"Let's go give you eye drops." Eddie grabbed my arm and led me down to the locker room. I sat on the bench. "I'm sorry Eddie." I spoke up. "It's alright, come on now you know the drill." He said grabbing eye drops from his locker.

It's been 2 weeks since Buck and I broke up. I started staying with Eddie after staying at Hen's for 3 days. I started smoking again to calm my mind, but obviously I couldn't show it on the job so Eddie made sure to get me eye drops so my eyes wouldn't be so red. It was basically a daily occurrence, me getting high, Eddie helping me cover it or helping me sober up.

I tilted my head back as he put the drops into my eyes. "Alright you're all set." Eddie spoke. "But Lis, I don't want to keep sneaking around." He mentioned our secret relationship we'd gotten ourselves into. "We can't be together and you know that." He said as he sat next to me.

"I know, I just need attentionnn." I dragged out the last word, scooting closer to the man I once loved. "I missed your attention love, there's nothing like it." I said quietly. Eddie placed a small kiss on my lips before getting up. "Come on before someone catches us." He said as he walked out of the locker room. I followed behind him.

"Firefighter Brixton, can I have a few words from you?" Taylor walked up to me. "I'm sorry, but no." I said. "Alissa, please tell us what inspired you to become a firefighter?" She continued to talk. "Listen Taylor, I said no so leave me alone." I took up and jogged back up the stairs.

Then the bell rang. Eddie, Buck, Hen, Chimney and I ran down to the trucks. Cap was staying back due to this just being a simple medical call.


On the way to the call, Hen, Buck and Eddie were experiencing some allergy-like symptoms. "Y'all's allergies are going crazy today huh?" I laughed at the three. "The index wasn't elevated this morning though." Eddie pointed out. "Think it's a new kind?" Buck asked. "New kind of what?" I asked him. "Pollen." He said flatly.

"You guys aren't feeling this?" Eddie asked me and Chim. We both shook our heads. "I can smell the pollen" I looked at Buck. "I can see the pollen." Eddie then spoke.


"Victims over here." Athena point Chimney and I in the direction of a woman with a high heel shoved through her cheek. "Please move coming through." I said wading through the crowd of people. We were at a hotel where a childrens beauty pageant was being held.

"Your adrenaline's spiked which is why you haven't passed out yet, so I'm gonna ask you to please sit down." Chimney said, "And maybe hang up the phone." I added. The woman took a seat and put her phone down.

"Diaz, Buckley, let's go." Chim called out to the two standing in the middle of several of the pageant contestants. "Did these beauty queens shrink or are we suddenly giants?" Buck asked.

"Can someone please bring the rest of our gear?" I asked.

"Uh I think he means you guys." Athena said to Buck and Eddie. "Hey Athena." Buck smiled. "They're like the tiniest ladies I've ever seen. Teeny tiny." Buck made a pinching motion with his hand. "Excuse me?" Athena was taken back by Buck's odd behavior. "So tiny." Eddie said.

"Alissa, need you over here." I heard Athena call out to me. I walked over to her, where she was standing with Eddie, Buck and Hen. "We got a problem girl, your guys be trippin." She said as I studied their behavior. "What? Guys look at me, do you know where you are?" I asked the 3.

"We're everywhere man." Eddie whispered, pulling a fake tree apart to reveal himself. "The brownies." I said out loud. "Brownies?" "They got a new batch today, Chim and I didn't eat any, they did. They've been dosed." Athena nodded, radioing for backup.

Soon Chimney finished up with the patient. Athena had gotten other officers to handcuff the 3 drugged firefighters. "What's going on? I don't like this." Eddie began to cry. "Alissa please." He cried even more. Buck laughed, "Ooo you made him cryy."

"You guys will be okay." I reassured them. "We don't want you to hurt yourself or anyone else." Athena said as she finished cuffing Buck. "Yeah I like that idea." Eddie sniffled.

"Lissa? Your head! It's beating like your heart." Hen said looking at me. "Yeah I'm sure it is."



I have so much planned, but don't worry, Alissa and Buck will make their comeback soon, i promise. Eddie and Alissa have stuff to work through tho....

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now