32: Great Things ?

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1 month later

"Lis your phone is blowing up. Wake up." Buck said tapping on me gently. "Huh? What time is it?" I asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes gently. I grabbed my phone, my mother was calling me nonstop. "Take this and throw it out the window." I handed my phone to Buck, only halfway joking.

"We're not supposed to forgive them right?" Buck asked in relation to our parents who hid our siblings from us. "That's up to you honestly. I won't forgive my mother, she never had my forgiveness for how she treated me." I said.

"We're having a baby, I don't know how to be a father and I wish, god Alissa, I wish I had an example." Buck said shaking his head and getting out of bed. "Come back, come talk to me." I leaned against the headboard, sitting up without support has become a struggle. Being 22 weeks pregnant with a smaller frame was draining. Buck sat next to me placing his hand on my stomach.

"I'm afraid to have this baby. I'm afraid that I won't be a good dad to her. We don't know what we're doing Lis." He said. "Evan are you serious?" I asked, honestly offended by his words. "What?"

"I know how to raise a baby, we do know what we're doing. This is not my first baby." I said. It pained me that he seemingly forgot about Brielle. "No I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." He said grabbing my hand.

"I'm just a little panicked that's all." He told me as my phone rang, Buck picked it up and looked at it. "Um it's Bobby." He handed it to me.

"Hello?" I said into my phone. "Good morning Brixton. The chief requested to see you in an hour." Bobby said through the phone, slight excitement cracking through. "For what?" I asked, hoping he would just tell me. "You'll have to tell me after you meet him. Now get going and don't be late Brixton." He said before hanging up.

"What was that?" Buck asked as I stood up. "The uh fire chief wants to see me." I told him, slipping out of one of Buck's t-shirts. "That's great? I think?" He laughed softly. I attempted to button up my top to my uniform. "Yeah I don't know. What I do know is that I need you to come button this shirt for me though." I said, struggling to button the uniform I hadn't worn in over 6 months.

Buck got up and walked over to me, buttoning my top for me. "Let's hope so. I miss having my girlfriend at work with me." He smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Yup. I'll fill you in when I get home." I said hugging him.


"Firefighter Brixton." The chief nodded at me as I walked into his office. "Sir, it's good to see you." I said as I shook his hand and sat in a chair in front of his desk.

"So I've seen you've been in therapy the last few months. How've you been?" He asked sitting back in his chair. "I'm really good." I smiled. "Congratulations on the baby by the way." He said gesturing towards my bump. "Thank you chief."

"I would like to welcome you back to the Los Angeles Fire Department. You are able to be back at the 118. Light duty of course." He said closing the folder on his desk. "I'm allowed back?" I asked. "Yes. Welcome back Firefighter Brixton." He said handing me a new uniform, one that will actually fit. "You know I'm marrying Evan Buckley right? I'm having his baby." I said, being that was the issue that got me here in the first place.

"I make the calls here Brixton. Go home now. We'll see you in action soon." He said pointing to the door.


I unlocked the door to the apartment and walked in to see Buck, Eddie and Christopher watching a movie in the living room. I set my purse on the table and started to go up to the bedroom.

"Lis! You're home!" I heard Christopher say excitedly. As much as I wanted to lay down, I turned around and went back downstairs. "Hey Chris." I smiled walking up to him. He reached out and gave me a hug. "What brings you guys over here?" I asked. "Chris wanted to say hi to the baby, I should've called first." Eddie said. I shook my head, "Eddie, it's perfectly okay. You're welcome whenever." I told him, pacing a little.

Buck noticed my pacing and waved me over. I went over to him and he pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. "How is everything with the baby?" Eddie asked, trying to break the awkward silence. "Really good. It's a girl, we're naming her Evie." I smiled gently, feeling small kicks. "Here Chris, you can feel her kick." I said grabbing his hand and placing it on my bump. His face lit up as he felt the gentle kicks.

"I'm really happy for you guys. You both deserve this so much." Eddie smiled. "Thank you Eddie." Buck said. "We'll get out your hair now, we have a couple errands to run. Come on Chris." Eddie said standing up. "Thanks for coming over and checking on us." I said to him as he and Christopher left.

I leaned back against Buck and let out a sigh. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My hips hurt." I told him. That wasn't a lie, but I was conflicted about the meeting I had with the chief. I was happy working at the hospital, I finally let go of being a firefighter and now I could have it back.

"What else?" Buck gently wrapped his arms around me. "The chief gave my job back." I said flatly. "That's great babe!" Buck said smiling. I moved off of his lap to sit next to him. "Or not?"

"No it's not great because the only reason I was let go was because we were going through a rough patch. I got fired because you were my boyfriend. Now I'm allowed back even though I'm marrying you and I'm pregnant with your baby. Makes zero fucking sense." I let out, tearing up slightly.

"I'm finally in a comfortable place in my life. I love working at the hospital, I love our relationship and the fact that we're having a baby together." I said looking at him. "Evan I don't know what to do."

"Well Alissa, I can see how happy you are at the hospital, but it doesn't even come close to how you light up at the station. When I see you for that small moment after dropping off a patient, you seem content." Buck said turning towards me fully. "But?" I asked, knowing there was something else he wanted to say. "But when I see you after you saved someone in the field or run out of a fire, you are happy. So happy your eyes light up." He said looking into my eyes.

"Take the job Alissa. I want to see that happiness back in your eyes." He told me, grabbing my hands. "Do this for you. For your happiness."

I thought for a second. Buck was right. I was content at the hospital, but being a firefighter is my dream. Being a firefighter made me genuinely happy. He was right, I need to go back.

"I start back next shift." I smiled.

(A/N) Hey guys! I hope you liked this part. Alissa's back at the 118 finally and while I can confidently tell you that she will stay this time....I can't promise everything else will be easy ;)

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat