31: Family is Heartbreaking

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"Just a few more months to go." Buck said rubbing my back as I was leaned over the toilet. I groaned, sitting against the floor. "It's supposed to have gone away by now." I complained, being 17 weeks pregnant and still suffering from morning sickness.

"We've gotta check out so I'll get everything ready, just be prepared to leave in the next 10 minutes." Buck stood up leaving the bathroom. 5 minutes later I emerged from the bathroom.

"Ready?" Buck asked. I nodded picking up my bag and following him out to the jeep. He opened the passenger side door for me, I got in and tossed my bag in the back and we were off.

"Evan?" I looked over at him. "Yes my love?" He glanced over at me before looking back at the road. "Thank you for sticking by my side, I'm so lucky to have you." I said smiling slightly. He grabbed my hand, "I know things started rocky, but Lis, you're my forever." He looked over at me for a moment before paying attention to driving.

1 week later

I walked into the hospital and to the nurses station. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Dr.Adams said as he looked through files. "Well ya know, life happens." I let out as I clocked in. "18 weeks now? What else is up?" Rylee chimed in.

"18 weeks, we named her Evie. Oh and we're getting married." I tried to let the last part out casually, but my excitement peeped through. "Engaged?! Al I'm so happy for you!" Rylee pulled me into a hug. "Congrats kid." Dr.Adams said to me. "Thank you guys, really." I smiled.

I went to sit at the desk right when Dr.Adams pager went off. "Who wants to come help me in the ER? Actually not a question let's roll." Rylee and I got up and followed him.

"30 year old male, shortness of breath, but completely stable." Buck said wheeling the patient in. Then I saw my mother rushing in, her eyes widened as she saw me. "Um- my son. Is he okay?" Her voice stuttered. "Yes ma'am he should be just fine." I said staring blankly at her.

I watched as Rylee whispered something to Buck and he walked over to me. "Come on." He grabbed my hand and walked outside. I took a deep breath.

A few minutes later the man came to and was stable enough to be transported. As Eddie and I loaded him up into the ambulance he looked at me. "Alissa? It's Gio I'm your brother" he said. My jaw dropped, then I laughed. "I'm sorry sir but you have the wrong Alissa. My only brother passed"

The day I got shot played through my head. "It's him Evan. He wasn't lying." I let out. "Oh my god." I said as I started to pace. "Talk to me baby." He said watching me walk back and forth.

"He's 30. My brother would be 30. They're twins, Andrea has a twin brother and we never knew." I said walking over to Buck. "Fraternal clearly because he doesn't look like Andrea." I leaned against him. He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry." "Yeah me too." I pulled away from his embrace and walked to the waiting room.

"Oh Aisling, I'm so so-." My mother began to talk. "No, you're listening to me. Got it?" I said. She nodded.

"When Andrea died, I had nobody left. He was and still is my entire world. The last few years have been hell without him. Yet the entire time, for my entire life, he has had a twin brother? I have another brother and I never knew it?" I said firmly.

"Aisling, it's more complicated than that. I didn't know I was having twins, I couldn't handle two babies." She said, her eyes glistening with tears. "He died. He will never get to know about his brother." I said, feeling more angry then ever before.

"Andrea fucking died! He's gone and you kept it from him for what? To wait for the right moment? Well now you can go cry at his grave about the living twin he has while he is buried 6 feet under the ground because he is fucking dead!" I raised my voice slightly

"Aisling! I am your mother, you will not speak to me this way!" She started to come closer to me. "I don't care. You are so careless. Goodbye." I said and walked away.


I walked into my apartment after my shift, immediately noticing Buck's parents and Buck with puffy eyes. I set my bag on the counter and made my way over to him, taking a seat next to him.

"Evan! I am still grieving! I had every right not to tell you." His mother sobbed out. "I have had a brother and you never told me." Buck rolled his eyes at her. "Daniel died! He died!" She continued to cry.

Buck stood up. "YOU NEVER LOVED ME BECAUSE I COULDN'T SAVE HIM!" He yelled at his mother. "But guess what, I save people now. I save people every single day!" He marched upstairs to our room. I waited a few seconds until I spoke up.

"With all due respect, I think you just need to tell Evan that you love him. That you're proud of him and that he matters." I looked at her. "You don't know any of what's going on!" She said feeling offended by my comment.

"I do though, I just found out I have another older brother. My only brother I knew died a few years ago, so finding out was a shock." I said to defend myself. "Dear, our son had cancer. Daniel was dying and we needed a match. The transplant failed and so he died." She said gripping her husbands hand tightly.

"So what? Evan still exists, he's still here and needed to be loved. He never had you guys. I mean, Philip you were so absent he didn't know how to tie his own tie. I taught him." I said looking at the couple.

"We are about to become parents in just a few months and he has no real example of what a parent should be. Our daughter won't have loving grandparents because they hate her father." I continued. "Now please, do me a favor. Leave our home, leave my fiancé alone and don't come back."


"If I wasn't pregnant, I would be drinking this day away." I sat next to him. "How are we both finding out about secret siblings?" He sighed, rubbing his hand across his forehead. "Our families are just fucked up." He continued. "But our family, me and you and Evie, we won't be like them." He looked at me, "I'm right, right?" He asked.

"Yes. So right." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. "I want Evie to grow up with us being the best parents to her Lis." He said looking down at my small bump. "I know, I do too and we will Evan. We are not our parents." I tried to reassure him, but his pre-parental panic had already set it.

Then I felt the little flutter in my stomach. I felt Evie move for the first time. "Oh." I smiled, making Buck look at me. "What?" He questioned. "She's moving around, it's the first time I've felt it." I told him, grabbing his hand and placing it on my bump. "It's really light, but you'll feel it." I said, waiting for our unborn daughter to move again. Then it happened and Buck's face lit up.

He was so excited to be able to feel Evie moving. This whole pregnancy was beyond exciting for both of us, but especially Buck. I have no doubt that he'll be the absolute best dad to her.

Even though family is heartbreaking, our little family that we've created will be the best.

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now