15: Positive

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It's been a couple weeks since everything happened with me and Eddie and with Buck. My weird stomach bug has yet to go away, instead it's gotten even worse.

On the bright side of things, my shoulder has been healing very well. I should be allowed back to work here in a couple more weeks and I cannot wait.


"Okay so Brie landed and her dad is with her" Buck said walking up to our room. Brielle was moving in with her dad. It made me upset to see my daughter pack up to move across the country, but she made that decision on her own.

I stood up, feeling nauseous from the smell of Buck's coffee. "Really?" He said as I ran down the stairs to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and threw up and he held my hair back. "Sorry" I laughed as I stood up and brushed my teeth.

"Babe I think you're pregnant" I giggled at his remark. "Nope definitely not" I left the bathroom. Buck followed "Ali seriously when was your last period?" I cringed at his new nickname for me.

"First off it was like a month ago, but need I remind you I was shot like a month ago and second stop calling me Ali that's your ex-girlfriend's name."

"Just take a testtt" Buck begged. "Fine let's go get one then" I finally gave in. Buck had been begging me for the past week to take a pregnancy test because he's got himself convinced that I'm pregnant.

Buck practically ran out of the apartment and to his grey jeep. I followed behind and got in the car. "I seriously don't know why you are so dead set on me being pregnant." I said watching Buck's stupid, yet cute, grin. "I had a dream that you were and then with your symptoms. Alissa my love those are the classic pregnancy symptoms."


No less than an hour later and we were back at home. "Go take itttt" Buck whined as I sat on the couch holding a bag of pregnancy tests. "I will in a minute Buck you practically drug me in here I'm tired."

"I'm anxious" he whined some more. I got up and went towards the bathroom, he followed behind quickly. "I'm nervous Buck." I opened the door to the bathroom. "Why?" "Because we are not ready for a baby. I mean we really aren't and I want to go back to work already and if I'm pregnant I won't be able to." Buck instantly wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. Our heads rested against each other's. "It will all be okay Lis." I nodded and went into the bathroom.

I meant it. We aren't ready. I'm not ready. I don't want a baby right now. Like not at all. I opened the box taking a deep breath. The last time I did this I was 13 years old. I pushed away my thoughts and peed on the stick, setting it on the counter.

I opened the door and looked at Buck. He was excited about possibly becoming a father. I knew he wanted this, I just wasn't so sure that I did. "How long is it gonna take?" He asked looking at the turned over test. "5 minutes" I replied quietly.

Again, Buck wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest. "It's all going to be okay baby" he rubbed my back in small circles. I just stood there, in the arms of my boyfriend, waiting to see if I was pregnant with our baby. Soon enough the timer on my phone went off.

"You look first." I told him. He let go of me and grabbed one of the tests. I studied his face as he looked at it. I watched as the color drained from his face and his hands started to shake slightly as he picked up the second test. I knew what this meant.

"Positive" is all that came out of his mouth. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. He turned the tests around so I could see them. They were both in fact positive. Tears began to run down my face as I started to sob. I shook my head. "No I can't be pregnant not now" I cried.

Buck pulled me into his arms and held me tightly as I cried into his chest. "I'm so scared Buck." I sobbed. I knew there was a high chance I would lose this baby. Being pregnant at 13/14 years old messed up my body and my ability to carry a baby in adulthood. Buck didn't know this though.

"Me too baby, but we will get through this together." He rubbed my back gently. He continued to whisper encouraging words into my ear as he held me. I looked up at him, "I love you Alissa" "I love you too Evan."


A few hours had passed. I was starting to feel a little better. Letting the idea of a new baby cheer me up a little, even if it was scary.

"What do you think our little baby is?" Buck questioned as he laid a hand on my stomach. We were laying in bed now. "I'm not sure." I shrugged. That's when the scariest thought crossed my mind.

What if this baby is Eddie's?


(A/N) this is the shortest part so far and I'm sorry, but the next part is going to have a ton of drama
Also 2 updates in one day yeaaahhhh

I was having so major writers block until today for some reason, but I think I'm back in the groove

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now