33: Welcome Back

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"Are you nervous to be back?" Buck asked as we pulled up to the station. "No. Besides I can only assist on medical calls and be on desk duty for the next 4 months." I told him getting out of the jeep.

I turned around and looked at the fire station. It felt great to be back. It felt surreal. As much as I loved the hospital and being a nurse, this was my true dream.

Buck grabbed my hand and practically dragged me inside. "Welcome back!!!" everyone cheered as I walked into the station. "And congratulations on your baby girl!" Hen smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"You guys really didn't have to do all this." I said looking at the cake they had set up amongst other snacks. "You know we did Lis." Eddie laughed slightly. "Well thank you. I appreciate it." I said before disappearing into the locker room.

As I was getting changed I heard the door open behind me. "Overwhelming huh?" Buck asked. "No, I'm okay. I'm just in a little pain." I said as I finished buttoning my top. "Why?" He questioned. "My hips hurt." I said turning around to leave the room. "Maybe you should stay on desk today." Buck suggested wrapping his arms around me.

"No conoodling at work!" Hen lectured us as she walked in. "I was just leaving." I smiled at Buck before walking out. I went upstairs and sat on the couch next to Eddie.

"You okay?" He asked noticing my discomfort. "I'm fine! I'm just pregnant! I wish everyone would stop asking if I'm okay." I snapped, not meaning to be hostile, but mood swings. "I'm sorry." I said, I stood up and turned to the side to show off my bump. "She's huge, I'm tiny. I have pain in my hips and like everywhere." I started to explain.

"Alissa, it's okay. I get it, it was the same when Shannon was pregnant with Christopher." Eddie reassured me. I sat back down and nodded. "It's just been difficult." I admitted.

Being only 5 feet tall and naturally small, but having a 6'2 fiancé...it makes pregnancy harder. Evie was a bigger baby, my ob warned that I could have lots of pain as my pregnancy progressed. I honestly never thought it would be like this.

It's taking a toll on me, I can barely do anything without pain. It made me feel horribly mentally and it was hard to talk to Buck about.

"I'm always here if you need me Lis. I've always been here." Eddie said before the bell rang. I got up and went down to the ambulance. I watched as Hen got into the passenger seat and Chimney into the back. I shrugged and hopped into the driver's seat and began to drive to the call.

"Saved by the bell." I laughed. "Eddie hasn't shut up about you Lissa. He's like a teenager with a crush." Hen laughed.

We arrived to the scene where a mother found her son drowning in their pool. The three of us hopped out and went into the backyard. Immediately we noticed the mother performing cpr on her son. The kid seemed to be around 5 or 6 years old.

"Alright ma'am, I'm going to take over." Chimney said moving into the woman's place. "I don't know how this happened! The gate was closed!" The woman cried trying to get back to her son.

I gently pulled her away, "I'm Alissa and my team is working on your son alright? We got him." I reassured her, trying to get her to calm down. "It's also not your fault. At that age kids learn how to unlock fancy locks." I told her. It was obvious that this was her first child.

"Alissa, we need your hands!" Hen called out. "Stay right here okay? I will be right back." I said before jogging over to Hen and Chim. "What do we have?" I asked. "I can't get him back." Chimney said.

I kneeled down to the boy and turned him onto his side. Right as I turned him over, water came up his airway and out of his mouth. We watched as his eyes fluttered open. I smiled and stood up. "Get him loaded up and let's be out." I said walking back to the ambulance.

"How was it?!" Buck smiled as he helped me out of my spot in the ambulance. "It felt good to be back, but also I'm too pregnant for this." I laughed walking alongside of my fiancé. "You guys make me want to vomit." Eddie said looking down on us from the balcony.

"Don't be jealous you don't have a fiancée to work with." Buck laughed as we walked up the stairs. I sat at the table, thinking about my first call back to the job.

It felt really great to be back in the field. I missed it. I missed the rush felt after saving someone's life. Being a firefighter has always been the one constant in my life that made me happy. Being back at the 118, saving lives, and getting to do that alongside the love of my life. This is what I've always wanted.

"Alissa!" Hen snapped me out of my thoughts. "What's up?" I asked, seeing her and Chim sitting in front of me. "Are you sure you're good to be out there? I noticed you seemed a little stiff when walking." Hen asked, looking at me with interest.

"I'm great actually. My hips are a little sore, but I'm good." I smiled. "Baby Buckley takes after her father." Chimney laughed, getting up and patting Buck on his shoulder. "Alrighty, Lis and I will see you guys next shift." Buck said standing up.

"Where ya off to?" Hen questioned, curious as to why we were leaving early. "Doctors appointment, we get to see Evie today." Buck smiled big, helping me stand up. "Bring us pictures! I'm dying to see my niece!" Hen said to us.

"And here she is." The ultrasound tech said, turning the screen towards me and Buck. "The doctor will be in soon, everything is looking great!" She smiled before exiting.

"I can't believe that's our daughter." Buck said in awe of the baby growing inside of me. "Crazy right? I can't wait to meet her." I smiled, squeezing Buck's hand a little.

"I love our little family."

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now