35: Evie Buckley

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"Can I go up and see Evie?" I asked Ty. It's been one day since I had Evie and since I had her early, she has to stay in the nicu for a day or two. "Yes, but you need to take it easy." He told me before leaving the room.

"How are you feeling?" Buck asked, sitting next to me on the bed. "Exhausted, hungry and uncomfortable." I said laying my head on his shoulder. Buck kissed my head, leaving a small smile on my face. "Let's go visit Evie then get you some food." Buck said getting up, then helping me up.

We started on our way to the nicu, Buck holding my hand. "I can't wait until she gets to come home." I spoke as we walked down the hallway. "Me either." Buck said right as we arrived at the nicu.

My heart raced, seeing all the different babies. It sucked having to put on gowns and gloves to see our own daughter. I knew it was necessary, but I still hated it. "The Buckley's!" The nurse smiled. "We're here to see Evie." I smiled lightly.

The nurse handed us our PPE, we eagerly put it on and walked over to our girl. "Hi baby. Come to daddy." Buck smiled, picking her up. "So great news, she is graduating from the nicu! She'll need one more night of observation, but she'll be in your room." The pediatrician said smiling.

I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders as the doctor spoke. This birth was much different from when I had Brielle. Probably the difference in my age, but definitely with the fact that Brielle was born at 41 weeks and Evie at 36. I was just glad Evie was healthy enough to not be in the nicu.

"That is amazing. Thank you so much." I said, not taking my eyes off of the baby in front of me. Her eyes were bright blue, just like Buck's, and she had a head full of light brown hair, that glistened red in the light. She was perfect. Everything about her was perfect, her tiny little feet, her little nose, just everything.

"Tell mommy to get out of her head." Buck let out a soft laugh, gaining my attention. "She's just so perfect Evan." I spoke, gently pulling her into my arms. I kissed her head, watching as she looked around the room. "You're a curious little one huh?" I said softly, her small hand wrapping around my thumb.

We stood there for what felt like hours, in reality it had been about 20 minutes. My legs started to ache, my body telling me that I needed to sit down. I gently laid her back in the clear bassinet before looking over at Buck. "Ready?" He asked, looking concerned. I nodded, knowing that Evie was being brought right to my room.

As soon as my body hit the hospital bed, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to crying and Buck trying to give Evie a bottle. "Bring her here." I mumbled, sitting up slowly. Buck looked over before laying her in my arms. "I just changed her diaper, but she won't take the bottle." He said. I nodded, offering the small baby the bottle. Buck and I watched as she happily took the bottle.

"That is not fair." Buck said, letting out a chuckle. "You were stressing, they feel that too." I told him. I felt Buck staring at me. "If you would've told me 2 years ago that I'd be sitting here, I'd laugh at you." He said before a small knock on the door.

"Hey, mom and dad." Hen smiled, Chim, Maddie, and Bobby trailing behind her. "We wanted to come see our new recruit." Chimney said, being the first one to walk up to us. I smiled, taking in the scene around me. Not one person was left without a smile on their face. "She's super strong, perfect for our team." I laughed, playing into Chimney's joke.

"She weighs a whopping 5 pounds and 5 ounces, and is the most beautiful girl ever." Buck said, his eyes lighting up as I leaned her against my shoulder to burp her. "Oh my god! My baby brother has a baby!" Maddie squealed, engulfing Buck in a tight hug. Embarrassment crept over his face, his cheeks turning red as he hugged his sister back.

"She's so precious!" Maddie said, pulling away from the hug. Her eyes were teary, as if she were about to start sobbing at any moment. "Maddie, don't cry!" Evan let out, embarrassed by her actions. I let out a small giggle at Buck's ever-growing embarrassment. "I'm sorry!" She laughed.

"I couldn't be happier for the both of you." Bobby said, looking at us as if we were his own children. "She's beautiful." He smiled, looking even more like a proud father. "Thank you Cap. I'm glad you're here." Buck spoke, his eyes not daring to leave our little girl.

"Let me in! Auntie Hen wants some baby time too." Hen said pushing Chimney slightly out of the way. "Oh my, look at her! She looks just like- Buck?" She said, a laugh immediately following. "It threw me off too. They are twins." I smiled, Buck rubbing my shoulder lightly.

"Buckaroo 2.0, that'll make 3, no 4 Buckley's regularly in the station. Except I don't mind the little one, or the Maddie one." Chimney said, his humor making everyone smile a little bit bigger.

Seeing how much everyone loved Evie warmed my heart. Just a short 2 years ago, I would have never believed that I could have so much love surrounding me. Having all of our friends around, showing their support for Buck and I, and sharing their love for our babygirl felt so unreal.

Thinking about how I'm here, a newborn in my arms and my fiancé sitting next to me made my stomach flutter. I always dreamed of having this, someone who loved me unconditionally and kids with that person. Evan and Evie were my dream.

Evie-Andrea Buckley is our dream come true.

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