3: Lovers

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**Slight Spicy Warning**

Eddie and I made things official after 3 weeks of running around with no label. Buck didn't take the news well. He's been such a dick to me and Eddie, making unnecessary comments towards us, giving us nasty looks, honestly the list goes on and on.

It pisses me off. Eddie and I are just minding our own business being happy together and Buck wants to ruin that for zero reason.

Back to me and Eddie though, he met Brielle, I was hesitant at first bringing a new boyfriend around her, but he just proved that it was going to be okay to do that. She wasn't his biggest fan at first, but now she loves him, like a lot. Of course Eddie will never take the place of her father, but it's good to know that they do get along and that she doesn't hate his guts.


I woke up and noticed Eddie wasn't in the spot he was when I fell asleep, which was right beside me. Confused and feeling super tired, I stumbled out of bed and out to the kitchen where I saw him making breakfast with Christopher and Brie at his side.

I watched the three of them for a few seconds, smiling to myself thinking about how I could really get used to this. "Are you just gonna stare or are you going to join us?" Eddie said noticing my habit. I walked over to them seeing the pancakes he was making "Lis!" Christopher squealed giving me a hug. "Good morning bud and morning princess" I smiled, Brie smiling at the nickname I've always called her.

I wrapped my arms around Eddie's waist "morning lover" he said with a raspy voice. It made me melt. Everything about him is just so attractive for no reason at all.

He finished cooking breakfast and set plates out for everyone. I sat next to him at the table. I'm clingy, I'll admit that much. I always want to be on his arm, near his body, I just always want him. Eddie was my safe.

"We gotta get these kids with Carla or we're gonna be late" I reminded him. "Yes I know babe don't worry"


Eddie and I walked into the station hand in hand, we were late, like 30 minutes late.
"You guys need to watch the time closer, you're sitting out the next two calls" Bobby said as he seen us walk in.

"Was the sex that good you had to be late" Hen laughed. "No sex this morning we had the kids" I said, Eddie squeezing my hand right after, he didn't like when I made remarks about our sex life.

He was a closed person when it came to that, he didn't want anyone to know if we'd had sex. It's funny though because he leaves plenty of hickeys on my neck for everyone to see. He's reserved yet possessive, but I wasn't complaining.

Right as I was about to say good morning to Buck, the bell sounded. I walked to the stairs watching everyone else go to this call besides me and my lover.


Two calls turned into four, Cap benched us for the day. As another bell sounded, I continued organizing a supply closet.

I felt arms wrap around my waist, knowing it was just Eddie I continued my current task. "Love I want a kiss" he whispered against my neck as he kissed it.

"Babe we're at work" I replied putting another box on the shelf "so what nobody's here" he turned me to face him.

In this moment I lost any care I previously had, and almost as if he read my mind, he smashed his lips against mine. We were hungry for each other.

Eddie moved pushing me against the door, quickly removing both of our shirts. "We shouldn't do this not here" I breathed out, trying to hold back moans as he kissed down my body.

Right when things were about to progress someone tried opening the locked door "shit Edmundo see why I said no" I whispered, scrambling to put my clothes back on.

"Alissa I know you're in there" I heard Buck's voice. What could the kid possibly want? To bother me some more about my relationship? To try and convince me that he was better than Eddie?

"What Buck? I'm almost finished" I said watching Eddie scramble to put his clothes on. Looking very disheveled I opened the door revealing a very jealous looking Buck.

"Alissa I need you to be honest with me. I need to know if you love him. I need to know if I need to move on. Please Alissa just tell me" he said with a shaky voice. I shook my head "Buck  you need to stop is what you need. I am with Eddie, we are together. We are so happy"

"Buck you know how hard it was for me after Shannon. Alissa makes me happy. She fills the void I thought could never be filled after Shannon died" I watched Eddie tear up at the thought of his late wife.

That's one thing people didn't understand. I know Eddie had more healing to do, but I agreed with him that if he opened his heart to me I would gratefully open mine to him. And that is exactly what happened.

"I know Eddie I know, but I just nevermind actually" Buck walked away

"He's in love with you" Eddie looked at me seriously "but are you in love with me because I am in love with you Lis" his eyes got teary again

"Yes Edmundo I am in love with you. You have to trust that okay?" I grabbed his hand looking into his eyes. He nodded.


Later in the day I got a text from Buck.

Bestie Buck

Alissa I need an answer.

Buck I don't know what to tell you. Right now Eddie is my life. I do love him.

Why him? Why wouldn't you give me a chance? I broke things off with Taylor for you Alissa.

I didn't ask for that. And I don't know why it's him, but it is. Eddie makes me happy, he loves my daughter and he loves me.

No Alissa. You knew what we had was real.

Buckley it was one drunken kiss. Get over it. There was nothing real about it. We had nothing.

I slammed my phone down on the kitchen table. It's too late for this shit. Buck and I had went to a bar the day he broke up with Taylor. We drank a lot, we were definitely drunk. We kissed, it had zero strings attached it meant nothing.

"Lover what are you doing up it's 2 in the morning" Eddie said with that raspy voice that I love. "Buck is going on again" I shrugged. I didn't care what Buck had to say. I just cared about Eddie and how he felt.

Walking over to me he picked up my phone. I saw him type in Buck's number. After a few rings he answered.

"Hello?" "Buckley why are you going on at 2 in the fucking morning" I noticed Eddie's hand go into a fist

"I just needed to know" "no Buck you don't get to know it's not your business. Alissa is my girlfriend got it?" I grabbed his hand feeling him relax

"Leave her alone or I'll have your throat Buckley" Eddie spat into my phone hanging up and slamming it on the table

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now