9: A "Normal" Call

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It's been a few days since Eddie and I's awkward exchange. Right now I hated myself more than ever. My heart and mind wouldn't agree on a person. My heart says Buck, my mind says Eddie.

I hated that Eddie and I kissed. I hated that I didn't just go home with Buck like I originally planned on doing. Eddie isn't good for me, not anymore, but my head doesn't want to believe that.


I walked into the station to start my shift. I felt like I got hit by a train. I haven't slept in probably 24 hours. And now I'm working a 24.

"Alissa everything okay?" Hen asked, she was like a mom to me. I nodded and yawned "Brielle went to her dad's and I was up all night tracking her flight and waiting for her to call me"

Usually, Brie's dad would drive to pick her up, but unfortunately he was now in Florida so I had to send her on a flight to him. It was a long flight, but I didn't care, I wanted to make sure my little girl was okay.

"Aw man I didn't know she was leaving who's gonna bring me cookies now" Chimney chimed in. Brie loved Chim and always brought him cookies when she would come visit the station.

Hen and I both laughed at Chimney's whining. "Where's Buck?" Hen asked. "Yeah where is he? It's his turn for hose maintenance" I laughed at them.

In all honesty, I had no clue where he was. I wasn't with him last night because of Brie. "I'm not sure" I shrugged. "Isn't he your new boyfriend? Don't you keep tabs on him like you did me?" Eddie snapped at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "No Eddie he is not my boyfriend so I don't keep tabs on him because last time I checked you're still my boyfriend somehow" I laughed. It drove him crazy when I mocked him.

"Well guess what I'm not anymore so now he can be your boyfriend. I mean you guys have sex like y'all are together anyways" he said getting angry at the thought of Buck and I being a couple.

And somehow Eddie timed it perfectly because Buck walked in just as Eddie said that. I knew Buck's reaction was going to be petty, but I didn't know what it was going to be.

Buck exchanged good morning's with everyone before looking at me. He came over and wrapped his strong arms around me. "Good morning baby" he whispered in my ear, making my stomach flutter. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red.

"Eddie morning. I see you're still upset that I can make your ex-girl feel things you couldn't make her feel" he nodded. "You know, since we started our little relationship she hasn't faked it once. I heard that isn't quite true for you though" Buck smiled.

I quickly hit his arm. Embarrassed of Buck's comment about me in bed. It was true, but definitely didn't need to be said in front of the entire firehouse.


A little into the most awkward shift ever, the bell rang. It was a call for a car accident, it was said there was many involved and many injured.

The ride in the truck to the scene was a scene in itself. Eddie constantly shooting me daggers and rolling his eyes whenever Buck spoke.

Arriving on the scene was terrible. I got out grabbed my gear and waited for Cap to give us instructions.

"Brixton Hen and Eddie I want you guys working on the pedestrians that were hit. Brixton I might take you so be advised. Buckley and probie, get the saw and jaws. Let's go" Bobby ordered.

I went over to a young man that was laying in the street. "My name is Alissa can you hear me?" I asked as I got out my stethoscope. He didn't speak, but he groaned. "Sir can you tell me your name?" I asked as I listened to his lungs. His breathing was slow. I felt for a pulse. It was weak.

"Eddie or Hen can one of you come help me? Pulse is weak and he's crashing" Eddie ran over to us. "Run a line wide open Alissa" I did exactly that. "I have no pulse" Eddie said as he ran back to get his med kit. "Starting compressions Diaz" I said as I started cpr.

A few minutes later the man came to and was stable enough to be transported. As Eddie and I loaded him up into the ambulance he looked at me. "Alissa? It's Gio I'm your brother" he said. My jaw dropped, then I laughed. "I'm sorry sir but you have the wrong Alissa. My only brother passed"

With that, Eddie loaded him and he was off. I took a step back to take a breath. Sometimes things feel so heavy. I watched the ambulance drive off.

That is when I felt it. A hot pressure. Then everything went black....

You Changed Me | Evan Buckley (9-1-1) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now