28: Goodbye's and Hello's

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I knocked gently on the door to Lenny's room. She's been with us for nearly two weeks now. Everything was going well and she was adjusting better than I expected.

I watched as the door cracked open, "I'll be out in a few minutes." Her small voice echoed from the room. "We're going to be late for your therapy Len." I reminded her before walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed a water from in the fridge before turning around and facing Buck who was sitting at the counter on his laptop. "Find anything yet babe?" I asked. We started looking for houses that would better suit our changing family. Unfortunately it was very hard. "No and it's irritating me so do you mind if I come with you guys?" He said as he shut his laptop.

"I'm ready." Len called out as she came out of her room. "Yes and alright let's go." I said grabbing the keys to Buck's jeep. "Hey why my car and not yours?" He complained.

"We don't have time for this let's go." I said going out to the jeep.


We pulled up to the physical therapist office. Buck got out and helped Lenny out of the car. "I don't like therapy." Lenny whined. "I know, but it will help you get stronger" I told her as we walked in.

"Can I have the client's name?" The woman at the front desk said. "Lenny Smith, here for physical therapy with Dr.Adam." I replied. She nodded and typed into her computer.

"Room 3, it's only 30 minutes today." She told us. I nodded and headed off to the room. "Good morning Alissa and Lenny." Dr.Adam said not realizing Buck came with us. "Oh Buck, hi." He nodded towards Buck.

"Well you guys know the drill, I'll be back with her here in a little while. Ready to get even stronger?" He told us and asked Lenny. Lenny let out a sigh, "I guess." She whined and they left the room.

I looked over at Buck who seemed tense. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, curious of his weird demeanor. "He likes you. Your doctor that you work under likes you." He said sitting down. I laughed. "He's engaged. To Ry." I told Buck, sitting in the chair next to him.

He laughed at his stupidity and looked at me. "I'm sorry." He said. I nodded. My phone started ringing, I slid it out of my back pocket and read the name. "It's our adoption agent." I told Buck and answered the phone.


I talked on the phone for about 15 minutes before turning back to Buck. "Um bad news." I said. His eyes immediately changed and he looked upset. "Her grandparents?" He asked. I nodded in response. "When?" "Today, after we leave here."

Soon enough Lenny was returned to us by Dr.Adam and we got into the car.

"So Lenny, your grandparents are here in California." Buck started. "And they're taking me home?" She finished what he began to say. "Yes, I'm sorry. We really tried." He said to her. "It's okay, I knew it was temporary." She said.


We arrived at the park, where Lenny's grandparents were meeting us. I got out of the jeep and took a deep breath.

I held Lenny's hand as we walked into the park. "Oh my pretty baby!" An older woman called out, quickly making her way to the three of us. "Grandma!" Lenny said smiling.

"Thank you guys so much. Oh! I'm Grace, that's my husband Lennard." She said pointing out the man sitting at a bench. "You're welcome. I'm Alissa and this is Evan, my boyfriend." I said extending my arm to shake the woman's hand.

She gladly accepted and we shook hands. "We live in Georgia and got the news about our son only a couple of days ago." She said as she embraced Lenny into a tight hug. "No need to explain anything Grace. Lenny is a wonderful little girl. We had a great time caring for her." I told her.

"Lenny said goodbye to Alissa and Evan." Her grandmother instructed her. Both Buck and I had teary eyes. "Bye sweet girl." Buck kneeled down pulling her into a hug. Lenny burst into tears. I joined their hug, both now in tears. "We will see you again okay?" I assured her.

Soon, Grace would interrupt letting us know they had a flight to catch.


"I forgot my keys." I said as I walked up to the door of our apartment. "Lucky I'm here then." Buck said as he unlocked the door.

I walked in and immediately went up to bed. Saying goodbye to Lenny was hard, but nothing I couldn't deal with. This baby inside me...she was making life difficult.

"Sick again?" Buck said as he appeared on the top stair. "So nauseous." I said laying back on the bed. Unfortunately, laying back only made me feel worse. I watched as Buck laid on the bed next to me and looked straight at my stomach.

"Hey little one...you gotta stop making mommy sick okay?" He said resting a hand on my bump. Buck would always talk to our baby girl. It was so sweet, it nearly makes me cry all the time.

"Can we talk about baby names?" He asked laying next to me properly. "Sure, let's hear what you got." I said, genuinely interested in what he wants to name our child.

"So I was thinking maybe Evangelina?" He said with a grin creeping onto his face. "Buck, we are not naming our first baby together Evangelina." I laughed. He laughed too.

"I like Evie though." I said, knowing it was important to my boyfriend for his first to be named after him. "That's a good one." He smiled. That's when I knew we would name her Evie. "Didn't you want to name her after your brother?" Buck asked.

"Yes, but we don't have to. I think naming her after you is so special." I smiled at him. "Let's give her 2 first names then?" He compromised, knowing I really wanted her to be named after my brother.

"Evie-Andrea?" I smiled even bigger. "Evie-Andrea Buckley?" Buck questioned her last name. "Definitely Buckley." I said.

"Hello Evie-Andrea Buckley." Buck said laying a hand on my small bump. I smiled, Buck was really excited to meet our baby. "Did you feel that?" I asked him after I felt a small kick. He smiled big and nodded.

(A/N) I feel like I'm moving things a long quickly and I'm sorry if I am. I have so many ideas, but a lot of them can't make one chapter so I'm trying here 😫

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